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Jon Sivewright

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HAIRCUT!! HAIRCUT!!! HAIRCUT!!!! Had to happen really, he would have been tripping over it soon. I'me a very happy girl right now.

Thanks so much for the spoilers and for the piccy, Jamey-Maria. Much appreciated.

Oh, and did I mention..... HAIRCUT!!!!!

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Why couldn't he have got his hair cut for the Logies?! He looked hot as it was but just think how much hotter he would have looked in his black ensemble with a haircut! My oh my!! :wub: I am thinking that the haircut might have had to tie in with a storyline, maybe part of the 'turning around' of the character after Beth's death?

Not sure if I'm happy about what that spoiler says to be honest.... :(

In what way? Tony getting together with someone a few months after Beth? or something else?

To be honest with the year and a half of virtually no Tony storylines I am just happy to see him doing something/anything at the moment. I think I would be able to be more objective about it when I actually see it. I think a lot depends on what happens between now and then because the Tony in that spoiler is a long way from the Tony we are seeing on screen at the moment. I am so looking forward to the next few months as I think we will see a lot of HotDad character development and it is about time too! :D

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I am so looking forward to the next few months as I think we will see a lot of HotDad character development and it is about time too! :D

Bring it on!! :lol:

Those spoilers that Jamey-Maria posted before are fantastic!! Its great too know that Jon/Tony hasn't been overshadowed (we hope :unsure:) after this storyline.

The wharf scene sounds very cute!!


One thing though....Drew's mums name is Christie so how come she is called Jazz??


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I think everyone was saying she was called Christy but I have a vague recollection of someone saying that Kate Ritchie said she was called Jazz on her radio show. Don't quote me on it as it is a very vague recollection! :D I can't wait to see the

picnic scene

too! :wub:

Today's episode just wasn't the same without the HotDad! Hope he makes an appearance on Friday. It looks like Lucas finds out about Tony and Naomi then when he reads a letter that was in Naomi's caravan. The question is who is the writer of the letter - Tony or Naomi???

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I just had a thought if her name is Jazz then

Tony & Jazz = Taz!!


Mmmm I had forgotten about the letter :rolleyes:, I reckon it will be from Tony (well I hope so anyway!). He must be in Fridays episode surely, SuperDad isn't mentioned in the spoilers but Lucas finding out about the situation obviously has to involve him somehow! :D

EDIT: Love your new avatar Karena!! :D The border looks great, as well as SuperDad of cause!! :wub:

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Please no!!... joining couples names together is one of my pet hates !! :) I can't be doing with all this Drelle, Bareen, Panda business. There are some amusing ones though I have to admit, and I have mentioned them in the SPAG thread before, such as Beth+Tony=Bony!, Mattie+Lucas=Mucas! and Rachel+Kim=Rim!, Anyway enough of that! :P

I have had a thought.... I don't think HotDad will be in Friday's episode as he is definately in Mon, Tues, Wed next week and I can't see him being in 4 episodes on the trot. I hope I am wrong though! If he isn't in Fridays then that probably means Naomi is writing the letter to Tony and Lucas finds it as she hasn't sent it yet???

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Please no!!... joining couples names together is one of my pet hates !! :)

Sorry about that, I couldn't resist! :wink:

You may be right about Tony not being in Fridays episode, its pretty unlikely that he would be in four episodes in a row, even if one of them was the week before. Anyway lets hope for the best! :lol::D

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