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^ I see what you mean. It does seem like he could be 'beggin' for a date but we don't really know the context of it so it could be quite lighthearted. I guess we will see in a few months!

I have just read this on a scan from TV soap:

Bad Dad - Tony's sordid behaviour has caused a rift in the family and Mattie, Lucas and Kit collectively decide to kick him out of the house! Dejected, Tony moves in with Irene and mourns the loss of his happy family.

Poor HotDad :( , although I had a feeling that this would happen and that's where he would go to. The question is how long will he be there for? And when will they forgive him?

EDIT: There is also a bit more about the Naomi situation here.

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Back again. I tell you, this working for a living thing really gets in the way of my quality forum time.

I'll try and catch up:

Tony/Jazz: As Karena said, it's a long way down the track so I'm not against him hooking up with someone new. I don't want to see him begging though. He's better than that.

Preview for tonight: Looks good.

Getting kicked out of home: Really not happy about that. I was nervous about this storyline when I first read about it but have been, so far, very happy with the way it's played out. The main thing for me is that they didn't turn Tony into someone he's not. He's mortified at the thought of hurting Lucas by what's happened and he hasn't betrayed Beth's memory since it was a one drunken night - no emotional involvement mistake kind of thing. I'm surprised at Kit for kicking him out. It's not like she's not in a position to understand what happened. Lucas is a bit of a hothead and Mattie's young and protective of her Mum so I buy that from them but I would have hoped Kit might be a voice of reason. A one night stand doesn't take away everything Tony's done for them and meant to them. I hope the disconnection from the family doesn't go on for too long.

Haircut: Yeah!!!!

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In the spoilers it only says that Lucas and Mattie make the decision but it says all of them in TV Soap. However, I still have hopes that Kit may not be involved as TV Soap have a habit of putting their own spin on things. It does sound like Jack won't desert his father though and will probably be the one to bring the family back together eventually.

Poor HotDad is going to be totally devastated by the whole thing :( I hope Irene helps him through it. I wonder if he will have some kind of breakdown? <_<

By the way since when has has the HotDad being into fishing?! :D

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Them doing that to him is so sad!!II have to say i think it's a slight exaggeration,he's grieving and he didn't know Lucas had been with her.

I love that they aren't ruining Tony with this,he didn't know she had been with Lucas and he felt guilty abot it afterward,thinking he'd betrayed Beth which i think a lot of people would at first.

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Yeah, considering what he has done, I think it's great how people are understanding of Tony's situation. I think this is because the writing of the character has been very good and Jon's acting has been outstanding. Today's episode was another cracker! The chat with Lucas was fantastic, he looked like he was about to burst into tears when Lucas was saying how strong he has been. I also loved the voice-over bit when Lucas was reading the letter.

I am so looking forward to next week! :D The sneak peek looks great - awww poor Tony's face when he realises Lucas knows :( . It is going to be heartbreaking when they kick him out of the house - I am so going to cry!! I am filling up just thinking about it!!

I was having a bit of an anorak moment earlier and I calculated how long it would be until we see the


scenes. The scenes that we saw last week and this week were filmed 11/12 weeks ago (early March) so I think it will be the first week or two in August that we will see

Tony and Jazz's picnic!

It seems like a long way away but the time will fly by! It doesn't seem like 2 minutes since Beth went OS but that was just over 16 weeks ago I think!

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Loads of disscussion to catch up on!

Where do I start :unsure:....poor Tony being kicked out of the house :(. Next week sounds pretty dramatic doesn't it with Drews birthday party and the stuff with Lucas :rolleyes:.

Only one pic on the 'This Week' page on the official site of the SuperDad but a couple of cute pics on the behind the scenes page!! :wub:

I'm going to watch todays episode in a few minutes...looking foward to it!

The UK episodes are brilliant at the moment, loads of Tony/Martha and Tony/Matilda stuff!

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It has been such a good HotDad week in Australia and the UK! This week has been his best so far in the UK and it has definately been his best ever in Australia!!! :D

I have to admit I was disappointed by the lack of HotDad pics from next week but the behind the scenes ones make up for it! And anyway at least we know he will feature heavily in 3 episodes!!!

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It has been such a good HotDad week in Australia and the UK! This week has been his best so far in the UK and it has definately been his best ever in Australia!!! :D

Its been awesome!! We had the gorgeous Tony/Mattie chat in tonights Five episode here in the UK :wub:.

Looking foward to next week now. And also Tony's reaction to Lucas finding out about him and Naomi :wink::D.

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Just seen todays Aussie ep...loved it!!

The scene where Tony is on the beach with Naomi and he is talking to her, the line about Lucas losing his stepmother was really sweet :wub: , considering her and Tony weren't actually married.

Tony at the caravan park and the scene with Alf that was actually quite funny!! :lol: His expressions made me laugh!

And last but certainly not least his chat with Lucas :wub:. How cute was it when Lucas asked Tony if he wanted to go surfing with him?! :D

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