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Jon Sivewright

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I finally got around to watching 'Little Fish' all the way through last night and I still didn't spot Jon in it anywhere! Has anyone else seen it, and if you have, can you point me in the direction of the scene he is in? I am gonna have another look tonight as knowing my luck I will have been distracted on his bit!!

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Jon played a footy fan didn't he?? :unsure: I've never seen it although I would love too!! I hope you find the scene he is in Karena! :D Have you got it on DVD??

P.S You guys might want to check out my new topic here! It's basically the game we did in this thread the Tony best moments thing but on a grander scale!! :lol: Come in and vote for Tony!! :wink::D

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I will check out your thread Coco :)

Jon played a footy fan didn't he?? :unsure: I've never seen it although I would love too!! I hope you find the scene he is in Karena! :D Have you got it on DVD??

I have but I downloaded it and made it myself but I wish I hadn't bothered now seeing as I can't find him! If I find him I will post the clip and some caps! I wouldn't bother getting the DVD if I were you as the film is not that great. It's OK but it's not one you would watch again and again.

I was looking at Jon's page in imdb.com earlier and I looked on the message board bit. Anyway there were some posts from someone who said she was his sister in law. There was some discussion about if she was lying or not but I am inclined to believe her as I don't know what she would gain from lying. I'll get to the point in a minute :P She was talking about his girlfriend, wife and kids and saying how he was getting divorced at the moment and how he is still good friends with his wife and she is happy that he is happy with his girlfriend. Finally here's my point..... She said that when his hair was long the Home and Away people wouldn't let him get it cut! So I am now publicly apologising to him for the stick I was giving him about the hair when he probably wanted to get rid of it too!! :D

EDIT: Just one other thing, seeing as it's a Bank Holiday here tomorrow I am not at work so I will be around straight after the Aus episode airs. I won't be able to see it but at least I will be able to discuss all matters HotDad with you Aussies (Thats mainly you Bodwod!:P) at a reasonable hour for a change!

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I was looking at Jon's page in imdb.com earlier and I looked on the message board bit. Anyway there were some posts from someone who said she was his sister in law. There was some discussion about if she was lying or not but I am inclined to believe her as I don't know what she would gain from lying. I'll get to the point in a minute. She was talking about his girlfriend, wife and kids and saying how he was getting divorced at the moment and how he is still good friends with his wife and she is happy that he is happy with his girlfriend. Finally here's my point..... She said that when his hair was long the Home and Away people wouldn't let him get it cut! So I am now publicly apologising to him for the stick I was giving him about the hair when he probably wanted to get rid of it too!!

EDIT: Just one other thing, seeing as it's a Bank Holiday here tomorrow I am not at work so I will be around straight after the Aus episode airs. I won't be able to see it but at least I will be able to discuss all matters HotDad with you Aussies (Thats mainly you Bodwod!:P) at a reasonable hour for a change!

Its a shame you can't seem to find Jon in 'Little Fish'....where has he got too!!

Anyway thats very interesting about the IMDB thing. Its very likely that it is his sister in law, like you said Karena what is the point of lying about something like that!

I am now also publicly apologizing to Jon for the greif/stick I have given him about his mullet hair!! :P.

Why would the crew A.K.A hair and make-up (the Home and Away people :wink::P), not allow him to get his hair cut :blink:. They obviously let him have it cut eventually because of that picture of Jon that Jamey-Maria posted.

I'll try and be online as much as I can too tomorrow. No H&A on Five for us UK fans tomorrow, but Five Life have seriously made up for that by putting on six weddings!!! And the early episodes will be on in the morning! I'm so excited, I can't wait!! :D

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I think the hair thing was probably to do with the storyline he was doing (Beth's death). The shaggy hair look kind of goes with what the Tony is going through. He will have got it cut to kind of signify the turnaround of the character and show him moving on. I don't really know though, i'm just guessing!! :P

Thanks for reminding me about the weddings episodes or I might have forgot! :o

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Hmmm although his hair was pretty out of control before that storyline!! :lol: At least we know he won't have a mullet when we get to see that picnic scene...that sounds really cute :wub:. Its just the type of thing you can imagine Tony setting up really. This is how I would like that part of the epsiode with the picnic scene(s), to turn out!

Okay so first of all

Tony asks this Jazz girl out for dinner. She says she is busy or something, and turns him down.

Then Tony gets an idea. If she can't go out for dinner with him then whats to say he can't bring the dinner to her!! So we see the SuperDad running around the supermarket looking for suitable 'picnic' food (Summer Bay must have one somewhere!! :lol:), if not the supermarket then the diner!! Tony then goes to Jazz's house and says he has a suprise for her but he can't tell her what it is! So Jazz says she is busy again, but Tony says that he spent ages getting the suprise ready for her and talks her into going! So Tony takes Jazz down to the dwarf and unviels the picnic! Her and Tony get chatting about things then......they kiss :wub:. THE END.

I'm pretty sure that it won't turn out exactly like my little story!! I can hardly see the SuperDad running around a supermarket like a headless chicken!!

Thanks for reminding me about the weddings episodes or I might have forgot!

I'm glad I reminded you! Five Life 3:30 PM :wink:.

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Hmmm although his hair was pretty out of control before that storyline!! :lol: At least we know he won't have a mullet when we get to see that picnic scene...that sounds really cute :wub: . Its just the type of thing you can imagine Tony setting up really. This is how I would like that part of the epsiode with the picnic scene(s), to turn out!

Okay so first of all

Tony asks this Jazz girl out for dinner. She says she is busy or something, and turns him down.

Then Tony gets an idea. If she can't go out for dinner with him then whats to say he can't bring the dinner to her!! So we see the SuperDad running around the supermarket looking for suitable 'picnic' food (Summer Bay must have one somewhere!! :lol: ), if not the supermarket then the diner!! Tony then goes to Jazz's house and says he has a suprise for her but he can't tell her what it is! So Jazz says she is busy again, but Tony says that he spent ages getting the suprise ready for her and talks her into going! So Tony takes Jazz down to the dwarf and unviels the picnic! Her and Tony get chatting about things then......they kiss :wub: . THE END.

I'm pretty sure that it won't turn out exactly like my little story!! I can hardly see the SuperDad running around a supermarket like a headless chicken!!

I am liking your idea but I was somewhat distracted by the 'dwarf'! I think you meant the wharf!!! :lol:

I think he will go to the diner and get Irene/Colleen/Leah to make a picnic. Isn't that what they always do in Summer Bay?!

As for the kissing part, I really hope that happens but for some bizarre and incomprehensible reason people seem to have an aversion to kissing the HotDad! I just don't know why - I'm sure he doesn't have bad breath and I'm definately sure he doesn't smell as people spend a lot of time hugging him! Bring those lips over here HotDad, I'll give them a workout!!

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I am liking your idea but I was somewhat distracted by the 'dwarf'! I think you meant the wharf!!!

:lol: I'm fairly sure SuperDad wouldn't be taking her to a dwarf!! Thank you very much for pointing that out Karena, I hadn't noticed before!! I would edit my original post but it sounds too funny!!!

I reckon the writers are the ones responsible for the 'kissing thing'. It may have been you who pointed it out Karena, but ageees ago someone said that you could count the number of kisses Tony and Beth had on one hand!! I have to agree with whoever said that because its true apart from their first kiss and their final kiss :(. That is one thing that dissapointed me about Tony and Beth as a couple is that I couldn't really tell that they were a true couple. I think the writers could have given them more (this is going to sound really odd :lol:).....loving lines. Tony and Beth only ever said I love you properly to each other in Episode 4341 which was when Tony 'proposed' and even that wasn't very romantic, if I recall Tony said 'Would you marry me?'......'Well what do ya reckon?'!!! :lol: That has to be one of the most unitensional funniest lines ever!!

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I think the lack of kissing is an age thing. You don't really see any of the over 40s get into it. Jeez, I'm glad I don't live in Summer Bay. I'd have 7 years left of a sex life and then it's over. Actually, considering hubby is 39 that would put me on an even shorter time period. Nah, I think I'll have to get HotDad to come and visit me here in Sydney.

The official site has a few pics in the 'behind the scenes' of Drew's 18th. There's one of he and Cassie together and another of he and Dan.

Very much looking forward to this week.

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Jeez, I'm glad I don't live in Summer Bay.

Yeah me too! If you live in Summer Bay your lucky if your life isn't hanging in the balance every week :rolleyes:.

You could be right about the age thing. It is a shame though, I don't think that the writers should shy away from portraying an older persons relationship. But anyhow the producers and writers will do what they want to do!!

Going back to not wanting to live in Summer Bay because your likely to be either attacked or be in a coma from one week to the next :rolleyes:, Tony has never really been in a life thretening situation. The only time that he has been, was at Jack and Marthas 'explosive' wedding! I'm glad he hasn't been in too many situatuons like that though, because there are way to many accidents in the bay as it is without SuperDad being involved :o.

Once again our time zones just crossed, yay!! :D

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