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Jon Sivewright

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Woo-hoo, I've got company in here. :: waves to Coco :: How exciting.

I'm wondering how they repatch the relationship with HotDad and his kids. Maybe he does have a life threatening situation and they come to his bedside. I hope they don't keep the hate going for too long.

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Woo-hoo, I've got company in here. :: waves to Coco :: How exciting.

I'm wondering how they repatch the relationship with HotDad and his kids. Maybe he does have a life threatening situation and they come to his bedside. I hope they don't keep the hate going for too long.

Its great when our time zones cross!! Although I will have to go soon because its almost 2:30 in the morning here :rolleyes:, but it is a bank holiday :lol:.

You just made a very good point there (like you guys always do!) about the kids sorting things out with Tony. I am quite dissapointed that he is chucked out of the Hunter house and goes to Irenes . I have a feeling we won't get to see much of Tony while he is staying there because apart from Irene he is not going to have anyone to talk to....I can hardly see Tony talking to Belle about the Naomi situation :lol:. Going back to to the point, I really don't know how things are going to pan out with the relationship between Tony, Lucas and the girls plus Jack.

Hopefully the 'kids' will eventually understand that Tony didn't mean to hurt them and also that he didn't set out to be with Naomi, he just needed someone to comfort him and to talk too.

Maybe Irene offers him a place to stay or do you think Tony asks if he can stay?? It will be interesting to see which one of those two options happens :D.

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I don't want to see him end up with Irene though so I'm really hoping this isn't going to lead to that. I love Irene but don't like her as a match for Tony (unless it means getting a whole new brood of foster kids for him to parlay his HotDadness on).

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No I don't want him to get together with Irene and I don't think they will do that to be honest. I think there is potential for a really great friendship there. However, I worry we won't see much of him at Irene's house because, lets face it, when was the last time we saw the beach house at all?? It must have been before Christmas! Nevermind, there are always other locations for his scenes such as the gym, bar, diner and beach!! Surfing :wub: There is definately a Tony/Jack surfing scene coming up in a few weeks as I remember someone posting pictures of it being filmed.

I think the thing about Tony moving out will be very interesting. I feel that Jack will be the one to try and bring the family back together so I think there will be loads of scenes with those two. Also, I think the others (Kit and Mattie) will soften in time but it will be Lucas who it will all depend on. Maybe having HotDad go through a life threatening situation wil make Lucas realise he loves his old man. You don't think they will have him try and top himself do you???

As for the kissing thing, I agree that they don't usually show over 40's kissing much for some reason but when I think about it people like Beth/Rhys, Rhys/Shelley, Joel/Natalie, Joel/Judith had a lot more kissing scenes than the HotDad! There are probably more but I can't think of them right now!

I'm waiting with baited breath for a run down of Monday's episode!!!

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Well, here's the rundown. Lucas confronted Tony at the gym and Tony begged him not to say anything to the girls. There's a few other little HotDad tidbits thrown in (a discussion with skanky-ho, etc) but it all comes down to a final scene at the House of Holden. Mattie has contrived, er I mean, prepared a big meal to congratulate HotDad on owning the gym. Snot-faced Lucas comes in brooding with Ric hot on his heals. They all sit down for the meal, tensions rise, Mattie starts saying nice things about he of hotness and Lucas explodes, telling Mattie about Skanky-ho. Just when HotDad seems to have lost all resemblance of a spine because he's been pretty much sitting back and taking his son treating him like something he's scraped off his shoe, he yells a stern "shut-up" as Lucas starts to spill the beans. It doesn't work though, he keeps talking and Mattie is crushed. That was pretty much the end of it. Tomorrow's promo was all about Drew's party.

Good HotDad but I'm really over the moping. I want to see HotDad grow a set (or at least find the set he had because once upon a time he would never had let his kid speak to him like that, regardless of the circumstance).

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Thanks Bodwod! The episode is downloading at the moment but it will be a while unfortunately! I had a look at the sneak peek for tomorrow so I saw a little bit of the dinner scene.

I don't know how much longer the moping is gonna be around for but I think it will get worse when he is kicked out of the house. My concern is that when he goes to Irene's we won't see him much for a few weeks. It would be a shame for him to disappear into the background again. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it and concentrate on this week as I can't wait for Tues and Weds episodes. :)

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NEWSFLASH: I have finally located Jon in Little Fish! However the role is so small, he doesn't speak and he is so in the background that it is difficult to see it's him! I had to zoom the DVD in! I will post the clip if people want me to?

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I tell ya it took some concentration to find him! And he is wearing a cap to make things extra difficult! Uploading caps and a clip now.

This is really strange being able to talk to you in daylight hours!! Well, daylight here anyway!! Do you have msn Bodwod?

EDIT: There are some caps here and the video clip here :)

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With all this Little Fish talk I forgot to comment on today's episode!

More great stuff from HotDad today and I am feeling so sorry for him at the moment. :( Poor Tony. It's like his whole world is crashing down around him and it's just getting worse by the day. I loved his line 'I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with Beth" :( I know he is not blameless as he wasn't that drunk when he did 'the deed' with Naomi but I don't think he deserves what Lucas is dishing out. You are right Bodwod, HotDad needs to grab hold of the little so and so by the scruff of the neck and get him told!!!!

I can't wait for the fall out with Mattie (and hopefully Kit) tomorrow! He looked so devastated when she found out.

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