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Jon Sivewright

Guest Adia

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I loved his line 'I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with Beth" :(

I can't wait for the fall out with Mattie (and hopefully Kit) tomorrow! He looked so devastated when she found out.

Awww I know, that line was sooo sweet and very sad too :(. Another great episode today! Mattie orgainizing a family dinner was lovely :wub:....it was a shame that it got ruined by Lucas though! :rolleyes: Tomorrow should be great!!

I'm really glad you found Jon in 'Little Fish' Karena, the screencaps that you posted in the other thread are great, thank you!! :D

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^ I'm glad I found him too, it was beginning to do my head in! I just wish I hadn't bothered making a DVD for one teeny scene where you can't even see it's him! Nevermind eh! :rolleyes:

Just posted some caps from today here. This is my favourite pic! :wink::D


EDIT: I forgot to mention the other day that I made some more avatars and a tony/naomi banner click here

I also made a set of graphics recently for the 1on1 artwork comp which some people who visit here may be interested in! Avatar Banner Wallpaper

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Beautiful work, as always, Karena. You're very talented. You probably wont know who I'm talking about but Tony looks a bit like Rove McManus in the AV/banner pick. I've always seen similarities in the smile.

A good ep tonight. Lots of great Tony. Still need him to man up a bit but it was still great.

...and from the spoilers:

Tony utilises a novel way to re-bond with Lucas.

No 1) That's a long way down the track - that boy sure can hold a grudge and No 2) the mind boggles as to the novel re-bondage (hang on, that's not right....)

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See there's the thing. I don't think it was even all that stupid. He was drunk, desperately alone and the connection was purely physical. I don't think, under the circumstances, he in any way 'cheated' on Beth. If he'd fallen in love with the girl, I'd have a problem but not under these circumstances.

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I still think it was ‘off’ what he did. It is a betrayal – its still kinda just as bad as if Beth was still alive and he was feeling alone…etc and he slept with her due to it being ‘purely physical’.

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Wow, it was 12 pages I had to trawl through that time. Again I missed so much! :( But it was great reading I have to say. I must remember not to leave it so long. I desperately miss my broadband though, I can't wait till our cable is finally fixed! Then i won't have an issues viewing your beautiful graphics Karena!

I can't believe he finally got a haircut! I was getting used to the mop, but judging by the pic he is even hotter! I sort of thought he had a bit of a Rodger Corser thing going there... And all the scandal with Naomi! How come we never got scenes like that when he was with Beth!?!

We just had the episode where Tony saw Beth at the accident scene. Gosh it was sad. I'll have to wait till Sunday for the omnibus to catch up though as I have to work all this week, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

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Nice to see you again Adia, we have missed you around these parts:) Sounds like you are getting to the good stuff in NZ now! It's a shame it has took Beth to die for HotDad to get some great scenes. I don't think I would have wanted to see him and Beth getting 'hot and heavy' but somewhere slightly above 'tepid' would have been nice! :D

Beautiful work, as always, Karena. You're very talented. You probably wont know who I'm talking about but Tony looks a bit like Rove McManus in the AV/banner pick. I've always seen similarities in the smile.

A good ep tonight. Lots of great Tony. Still need him to man up a bit but it was still great.

...and from the spoilers:

Tony utilises a novel way to re-bond with Lucas.

No 1) That's a long way down the track - that boy sure can hold a grudge and No 2) the mind boggles as to the novel re-bondage (hang on, that's not right....)

:lol: That does bring 'interesting' images to mind! :lol: I wonder what the novel way is? I am intrigued now! As for the Rove thing, I know who he is (I actually think I watch more Aussie TV than UK TV! Strange but true!) and I can kinda see the smile thing although I have never noticed the similarities before. :)

I still think it was 'off' what he did. It is a betrayal – its still kinda just as bad as if Beth was still alive and he was feeling alone…etc and he slept with her due to it being 'purely physical'.

I see what you are saying but there is an additional factor here and that is grief. I can see that it's definately a betrayal and that was his initial thoughts before the 'Lucas factor' came into play. Today definately demonstrated that there are really no answers to the question of why he did it. Everyone was asking why? and how could he do this? and what would Beth think? That's why the storyline is so good. Tony is going through hell and he knows it shouldn't have happened and he knows he should have stopped it and but he doesn't know why he didn't and he doesn't have any answers for them.

I am not liking the fact that his fantastic relationship with the kids is disintegrating before his eyes but I can see why it has to for the storyline. I just hope and pray that bridges can be built and relationships can be repaired in the future.

I think Kit's leaving in a few weeks so I hope they make up before she does

. I am looking forward to tomorrow! Tony being rejected by his family is going to be heartbreaking. :( I guess Jack will find out about the goings on tomorrow. I hope so, it's time he had a word with his little bro.

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Mmmm I wonder what the novel way of re-bonding with Lucas is going to be?? :unsure:

Todays aussie ep was awesome !! I loved the scene were Tony was sitting outside the Hunter house on the steps, it was nice to see the outside of the house for a change!

I thought I was going to cry when Mattie said 'What about mum, I thought you loved her?? :( Then Kit started saying to Tony 'you've done enough' then Lucas said 'stop trying to make excuses dad!' Oh my word I could feel their family drifting apart before my eyes!! I agree with the point you made Karena, about how the family has to fall apart for the storyline, but its all happening to quickly!!! :( I want more cute Tony/Mattie and Tony/Kit chats :wub: ......I don't think we wil be seeing one of them for a while though. Apart from that......I'm loving how this storyline is develoiping and also how Tony's character is evolving :D.

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