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Jon Sivewright

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Yay. Finally a bit of fight back in Tony. At least in the beginning of the episode he managed to remember that he was the Dad. I liked him standing up to Mattie and saying no matter what he did he wasn't going to accept that behaviour from Lucas or anyone else. It's a pity he backed down at the end and moved out. Great HotDad tonight. Bravo, HotDad, Bravo!

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I liked that he finally got a backbone as well.I know what he did was bad but a little understanding from Kit at least would be nice,she's no angel herself.

When he left i almost thought Lucas was going to tell him not to go but by the time he got there it was to late.

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I know what he did was bad but a little understanding from Kit at least would be nice,she's no angel herself.

Absolutely. I usually like Kit but she's being incredibly self-righteous here. Mattie's a kid and she's hurt so I can understand her and Lucas is a moody, self-focussed little brat. He always has been. And Tony? Well, he's just hot!

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What can I say, more lovely HotDad today :) I actually don't mind mopey but it was good to see him stand up for himself. I was nearly crying (I'm a big sook I know!) when Tony drove away from the house. :( TV Soap lied to us though, they said that they would kick him out when they didn't even mention that, he decided to go himself!

Mattie was a bit harsh though he wasn't exactly 'sleeping around', it was a one off that was a huge mistake. And it was a bit cruel to say that Beth would hate him. I thought Kit was beginning to soften near the end and even Lucas looked quite upset that his Dad was leaving. I hope that means his self imposed exile won't last long and he will be back with the the family soon.

Also, I loved how Irene was there to support Tony today as no one else seems to like him at the moment. :( I do HotDad, you can come and live with me anytime!! :D:P

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Also, I loved how Irene was there to support Tony today as no one else seems to like him at the moment.

I liked her line about "Beth would kill me if I didn't take care of you" as a counter to all the crap the others had been saying.

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Also, I loved how Irene was there to support Tony today as no one else seems to like him at the moment.

I liked her line about "Beth would kill me if I didn't take care of you" as a counter to all the crap the others had been saying.

Yeah, I did too. I thought that Tony may have followed it by saying someting like 'She wouldn't care, she would hate me for what i've done". But he didn't, he probably just thought it!

So the question is, when will we see HotDad again? As he has been is quite a few episodes lately I have a feeling next week will be light on HotDad moments. :(

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Hmmm, they're dealing with Naomi tonight but I fear that will be without the HD presance. Not sure when he'll pop up next. I can't remember the spoilers for next week. I think they were pretty light on. I'd say the beach house will give them an excuse to hide him for a while. Still, we haven't seen Jack in all of this - you'd think there'd have to be a scene between he and HotDad in there somewhere.

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Still, we haven't seen Jack in all of this - you'd think there'd have to be a scene between he and HotDad in there somewhere.

Great minds indeed! :D I just posted something about the lack of Jack in the Aus Discussion thread!

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