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Jon Sivewright

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Just something to ponder..... I have been thinking about

Drew's mother Jazz. Does anyone know if she is going to be a permanent character or just a guest. Because I was thinking, we know that something is gonna happen with her and HotDad but what is it gonna be? Will it be:

a) One date then they will realise they are not suited?

b) A brief fling, then she will leave town in a month or two?

c) She will stay in the bay and they will end up in a long term relationship and possibly move in together (Or even get married and have babies!)?

d) She will decide to leave town for some reason and he will go with her?

I really hope it ain't d!!! :D

P.S. Sorry for putting so much in spoiler tags!! I have lost track of what we can and can't talk about here now!

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I hope it isn't D too!! :o

It's probably not too long until she arrives so I would say C actually. It would be nice to see Tony settled done with someone again. If that does happen hopefully their relationship will be more 'interesting' than Beth and Tony's was!!


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^ Hopefully! :)

There was a good old dose of HotDad tonight, including a shirtless beach running scene! :wub: I loved him telling Colleen off but I felt sorry for him when Lucas and Mattie still wouldn't speak to him. :(

Well the

novel way of rebonding with Lucas

was a bit of a disappointment! A blinkin

wooden dinghy!

:D And there is mention of HotDad in the week 23 spoilers!

Tony's devil-may-care behaviour shocks Alf!

I wonder what that could mean!!!?? <_<

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I'm yet to see todays Aussie ep, looking foward to it though :D. But a wooden dinghy, Tony you could have thought of something a little better than that surely :lol:.

Jazz arrives in week 23!! I'm really looking foward to her arrival! I wonder what Tony does to shock Alf so much


That should hopefully be another week of good Tonyage!! :D

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I really hope it's not D too. Remember ages back there was a spoiler about Tony leaving the Bay. It turned out that it was from an unreliable source but all the other Tony spoilers have been true so it still gives me a bit of a bad feeling.

Great HotDad last night but again, I wish he'd stand up to Lucas a little more. They may be having troubles but Lucas is going off the rails his Dad needs to man up and step in. He is getting a few little bits n bobs in but always walks away which is a shame. I'm hoping the problems Ric and Mattie are going to be facing will give Mattie a chance to turn to Tony for support and forgive him (I know that's a long shot).

I did love him having a go at Colleen last night - more of that please!

I'm interested to see what he's going to do to upset Alf. That's a worry too because it sounds a little out of character for Tony. I've been happy that through this they've kept him true to character - I'd hate to think that's going to change.

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I have a feeling this devil-may-care thing will be a small blip in his character and won't be part of a major change. I am very intrigued by it though! I am thinking drinking is obvious so it won't be that. Maybe not caring about the gym and leaving it to it's own devices? Or jumping off cliff's possibly?? I haven't got a clue. I wouldn't have thought for one minute the other thing was a dinghy so I am not very good at predicting!! :lol:

Very disappointing to see only one scene of HotDad tonight and we didn't even get to hear his lovely voice either. I wanted to see a lovely HotDad/Son reunion scene but I guess we may have to wait a while for that judging by the spoilers. :(

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