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Please oh please, Jazz I hope you are not another Amanda!! She better not be, otherwise there will be trouble :P. I am very curious to see how they fall for each other....thats if they do. The picnic thing might have been a one off. I was really looking foward to watching that picnic scene Jamey-Maria described.....but now i'm not so enthusiastic after hearing a little bit about her. I just hope, she's not like Amanda and is a nice country kinda girl....a prefect match for HotDad :wub:.

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Just checked out the latest spoilers, two mentions of HotDad....not bad!! :P:D

Unfortunately I think you guys would agree that HotDad has kind of slipped back into the background again after his recent storyline(s). Hopefully the Tony and Lucas re-bonding stuff will bring in some quality HotDad airtime! Its dissapointing that this is happening though because i'm sure alot of people enjoyed seeing Jon perform as well as he did a while ago. All we can do now is hope that he will be appearing on our screens more than he has been recently. Guest cast get more screentime than HotDad is getting at the moment :rolleyes:.

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Yay! :D There will be a good old dose of HotDad tomorrow!! Can't wait for the re-bond(age)ing! :P Even though I know its an old wooden boat, but we'll gloss over that!

I am going to be very optimistic for a change and say that I don't think he is necessarily disappearing into the background again, it just seems like we are having a break from the storyline for a week or so. I think the Naomi storyline has taken over everyone's lives for the last few weeks and has impacted on quite a few characters so they are probably cooling it for a bit and letting other stuff have some airtime.

I thought the Lucas thing might have been sorted out this week but it seems like it continues for a few weeks yet. And it looks like it may get worse before it gets better! There is also the 'devil-may-care' thing next week to look forward to!

As for Jazz ,

the more I read about her the more I don't like the sound of her and I am worried for our poor vulnerable HotDad. If she uses him she will have me to answer to!!

:angry: I will come and hunt her down!! However, there is another way this could go - maybe HotDad melts the ice maiden's heart and she becomes a nice, caring person!

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Yeah looking foward to seeing the HotDad :wink:.

You made a very good point there Karena, about the Tony/Naomi stuff effecting quite a few people's lives. I hope you right in that he doesn't dissapear for good :( . I have a good feeling though :P .

Jazz...mmm, i'm not too keen on her at the moment, but then again she hasn't been onscreen yet!! I'll make my decision when she arrives in the Bay :D.

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Some nice but not spectacular HotDad moments today. It was nice to see him back home but the atmosphere is still a tad frosty. I liked him trying to bond with Lucas over the fixing up of the boat but they could have give him a 'meatier' boat!! Maybe with a motor or something!

I liked him going to play poker with the boys and he was more his usual self again, even though he is obviously still hurting over everything that has happened.

Looking forward to more HotDad moments tomorrow! :D

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I'm not liking all the tension between everyone and Tony at the moment. Especially Mattie, her and HotDad used to have some beautiful scenes :wub:. I'm going to stay positive though, they can't be against him foever, they will come around eventually.

The boat ....what can I say....AWFUL!!! It could have been more substansial than that :lol:. At least we got a Tony/Lucas scene out of it although not a very harmonious one :rolleyes:.

I had to laugh when I saw Tony playing poker with the other guys, that hat he was wearing, his hair was kinda flopping out over at the sides *falls of chair with laughter*. I hope Jon doesn't visit this thread, I don't think he would like me very much :lol:. I think you guys would agree HotDads hair is a talking point in this thread, and we talk about it beacue it is one of Jon's many wonderful features!! :D But I am sooo looking foward to seeing the episodes he is in when he has his hair short.

EDIT: I've just posted some HotDad screencaps from episodes 4432 and 4438 in the other thread.

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Finally, the end to the recent HotDad drought. That was 5 days - 6 if you don't count the 30 second mute scene from last week. Not acceptable H&A writers!!!

I haven't seen tonights yet because I'm away with work but last night's was enjoyable. I liked his little upside down hat in the poker scene. Very cute.

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Lovin todays episode!! Some great HotDad scenes. Lucas did go and help do up the boat!! :wub:

Ric said to Luc that Tony goes up to where

Beth's memorial was

and sometimes takes flowers and stays there for a while...that would make a good scene :wub::(.

A nice amount of Tonyness in yesterdays episode in the UK! Not so much in todays because it was Peter and Amanda's wedding but we still got to see some of the HotDad! :D

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Yes it was nice to see HotDad again today again after the seriously unfair drought that we have been subjected to! :P Some nice scenes and I am so pleased with Ric telling Lucas to pull his head in and understand what Tony is going through. Aww... poor HotDad going down to the beach everyday with flowers for Beth. :(

Now onto more frivolous matters - HotDad with the poker cap on backwards :lol: and doing manual labour in a white vest :wub:!!!

Bodwod - have you managed to watch AngryHotDad yet?

I haven't started working on the next video in the series yet as I have been busy so I am probably not gonna get that one done until next week now. But it will be worth the wait, trust me!! :D

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Aww... poor HotDad going down to the beach everyday with flowers for Beth. :(

That is so sad :(. Not long until we get to see the episodes in the UK really, in one way i'm looking foward to them the other, i'm not ....even if I have seen them before :P.

Looking foward to seeing your next HotDad video Karena, when you've got time to make it :D.

I agree, someone needed to say something to Lucas, otherwise he would have hated HotDad forever!! Then again the spoilers indicate that they may not be mates for very long unfortunately. I'm very intrigued to see what HotDad does that shocks Alf so much. It must be pretty bad :unsure:.

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