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Jon Sivewright

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I just checked out the Five website and in the latest feature page its got pictures of Lucas and Belle etc..Tony is in three of them!! There's a caption for one of the Lucas pics and it says ' This is Home and Away like, so obviously his dads a bit of alright an all' :lol:. It just made me laugh!

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Personally, I don't care what his story is as long as it involves more beach scenes, of a shirtless Tony.

And so say all of us!!! :P

Thanks for pointing us is the direction of the picture on the five website Coco :D It is very true indeed!

There is a mention of some friction between Tony and Lucas on this page on the official site. It does contain spoilers so be warned. I don't quite get how the situation with Lucas and Tony is related to

the new characters Annie and Geoff

but I guess that will become clear at some point!

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It does contain spoilers so be warned. I don't quite get how the situation with Lucas and Tony is related to

the new characters Annie and Geoff

but I guess that will become clear at some point!

I was also wondering about this too. It would be soooo sweet if he fostered them

:wub: , especially Annie as she strikes me as being a little bit like Matilda. I'm really looking foward to seeing the new characters. I really don't like the sound of Jazz though <_<

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Oh. My. God!! :o

HotDad Spoiler from TV Week

Thursday June 28 - His relationship with son Lucas has hit rock bottom, he's mourning the tragic loss of Beth, and now Tony is having one night stands with women he meets in bars. When Martha tells Jack about his dad's latest exploits, he's shocked. Will he be able to help Tony get back on track before he does something he'll really regret?

I'm not happy at all with this development! :angry: I could handle the Naomi incident as it was a huge mistake but to do it again is very out of character, especially after what it did to his relationship with Lucas, Mattie and Kit. This must be the devil-may-care thing where he shocks Alf. I am assuming he gets drunk after some kind of argument with Lucas. I wonder which woman he picks up - I wonder if it's Jazz?.. or some horrible... eeeewww :ph34r: .... no I can't even think about it.... I just don't like the thought of it one little bit.

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What an earth is going on HotDad!!!! :o

I can't believe he would do something like that AGAIN! I wonder if its Jazz?? I hope not, I just watched todays Aussie ep and I don't like her already, thats not a good sign. I know his still mourning Beth but...i'm speechless!! Someone needs to have a long chat to the HotDad so he can sort himself out! It will hopefully give us plenty of HotDad scenes though!!


Like you said Karena, Naomi was a bit different. HotDad knew that it was a huge mistake, but to go out and do the same thing again with someone else :rolleyes:...dear oh dear, HotDad's in a bit of strife isn't he?!

I've just seen the latest spoilers and Naomi is coming back!!!! :o

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Not only do I not like where all this is heading but it's sounding more and more like that spoiler you posted several months ago, Karena. Remember the one about Tony going off the rails and then leaving, making way for another family to come to the Bay. It turned out that the spoiler was from an unreliable source but things are starting to point in that direction.

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I see what you're saying but I think that particular spoiler was posted by an imposter. Also there is the thing Jamey-Maria posted about

Tony and Jazz (although given her current form I'm not happy about that either!)

. Due to my calculations that should happen in August so that makes me think that the spoiler about

him leaving

was a foiler as it was made back in March (ish) I think and I don't think anyone would know stuff that far in advance. I know i'm probably not making any sense! :D

Oh and I've just thought of something else, in an interview Jon did for the official site about Beth's death and the effect on Tony, he said that he stopped going to the gym to make him feel 'down' and has only just started going again to coincide with the turnaround of the character. :)

I have put my own mind at rest but I don't know about anyone else! :P

As far as the other stuff is concerned

about him sleeping with another woman next week

I have thought about it and I'm still unhappy about it. I think he learned from the last time and wouldn't do it again - remember what he said '....this isn't me, I'm not like this' or something like that. Something major must happen for him to go down that path and I may eat my words when we see it next week. It will be interesting anyway.

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I'm not particulary looking foward to the upcoming storyline that much either :rolleyes:.

On to todays Aussie episode though :P...nice amount of HotDad. Lucas had another go at him though, while he was helping him fix the boat. I found this line quite cute :wub:...'I was dissapointed not angry', it was the way he said it, you can just tell that he is a caring dad :D...HOT dad :P.

I am sure his hair has had a little trim too...take a look at these pics for example...

Last week:



This week:


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Good HotDad today. Quality over quantity. Saw a glimpse of that spine again. I noticed the trim too. Much improved.

BTW: Still haven't been able to view AngryHotDad :(. I tried downloading those Codecs you suggested Karena but it didn't solve my problem. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I've been a bit MIA lately, I'm buying and selling houses at the moment - it's all consuming.

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