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Jon Sivewright

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I was just about to come and say exactly the same thing! There has been definate trimming going on as it's less 'birds nest' like!! :D A step in the right direction until it has a proper cut... I can't wait for that day!!!

Todays episode was good, some nice HotDad moments, although I thought he overdid it with the nagging and didn't help the situation with Lucas by going on about sanding so much. However, it was good to see him stand up for himself and get Lucas told. To me he was more or less saying.. 'I'm still hurting over Beth and you don't care'. I also felt sorry for him when he found out Lucas didn't really want to get involved in the boat 'project', he look so hurt... Poor HotDad... :( Taking into consideration his attitude towards Lucas and the reaching for a beer as soon as he walked through the door thing, this looks to me like the beginning of the HotDad meltdown, which will really take off next week! :wink:

Do you think he might has some sort of breakdown or do you think it won't get that far? <_<

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To me he was more or less saying.. 'I'm still hurting over Beth and you don't care'.

Do you think he might has some sort of breakdown or do you think it won't get that far? <_<

:( In regards to the first part of your post I have quoted Karena, I think your right. He is still hurting over Beth and Lucas doesn't seem to have thought about that very much. The only time he has mentioned her, was when he had just got back from writers camp. Agreed, a couple of times he has asked HotDad how he is feeling but overall he has been pretty selfish recently. It would have been interesting too see if Lucas had felt differently towards Beth, if the Naomi thing hadn't happened. At the moment Lucas seems very wrapped up in her still and he doesn't seem to be making much of an effort in terms of understanding how other people feel. I was quite suprised when Ric was talking to him about Tony going over to where the service was held, and Lucas kind of said 'and', as if he didn't really care. I'm sure Lucas must be upset, but at the moment his not showing it. On the other hand I can understand why he is being like that. He is also dealing with a loss. Naomi had obviously become very special to Lucas,

and now that she is no longer in his life

he feels empty. Tony did do the wrong thing by Lucas, but Tony has accepted that but Lucas doen't seem to understand that.

In regards t the second part of your post Karena, I really really hope he doesn't. He has been through enough heartache and trauma without losing it completely!! If Lucas carries on the way he has been recently, perhaps he does something that drives Tony over the edge but maybe he comes to his senses before he gets to that stage. Although with the spoilers going around it sounds like he still won't be his normal self even in the next week or so :(.

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I read that too! Then I watched today's episode and things got a whole lot worse!! The way he ran off with that woman from the bar actually disturbed me slightly! It was the looks they were giving other that did it. I will not resort to calling the woman but a 4 letter word beginning with 's' springs to mind! It was very 'cheap' that he didn't actually speak to her and just ran off after her and left poor Alf with his Cognac!

Anyway, something which disturbed me also was the attitude of Lucas and Mattie towards HotDad. If you ask me it was absolutely disgusting!!! :angry: That poor man is falling apart and they are treating him like something they stepped in! Absolutely shocking!

On a positive note... I loved his chat with Irene. Fantastic scene where he finally told someone how he feels and it was obvious he isn't doing well. I also loved the scene with Brad when Tony said that he should go home and "....hug Sal and don't let her go til she knows everything's alright" :wub:

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The way he ran off with that woman from the bar actually disturbed me slightly!

:o ^. Todays Aussie ep sounds very 'interesting' :P...I can't wait to see it!! Poot HotDad his in a rought state at the moment and Mattie and Luc aren't helping that get any better :(.

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I've just watched the episode in question and these are my thoughts...

I can see why you found HotDad running after that woman a bit disturbing, I did too!! His chat to Irene was lovely, its great to see those two having a chat about things. Irenes line to HotDad about him being a boofy (have I spelt that right :unsure:) bloke was funny!! :lol:

This storyline is going to be another one which is going to be interesting to see evolve. Its just a huge shame that it has ruined the HotDad and Luc's father-son relationship :(.

I must mention...HotDad's blue shirt with jeans combo :wub:. Loved it!!!

These lines were soooo sad :(...

Tony: Life is just so empty Irene.

Alf to Tony in Noah's bar -

Alf: Shouldn't you be going home?

Tony: To what?

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On a positive note... I loved his chat with Irene. Fantastic scene where he finally told someone how he feels and it was obvious he isn't doing well.

I loved that scene. I wish Mattie and Lucas could have been a fly on the wall and perhaps gain some insight into what he's going through.

I've got heaps to say. My head's been in packing boxes and house contracts for so long I feel like I've fallen really behind on the important things in life - HOTDAD!!

Here's some random thoughts on the last few episodes:

- Did anyone notice that the recap on last night's episode showed a bit that wasn't in the actual episode. In the recap HotDad said something along the lines of "you don't give a damn about our relationship so I don't give a damn either". That was a lot harsher than what ended up in the actual episode.

- I thought Mattie was beginning to defrost a little bit on Wednesday's ep. When she was talking to Lucuas and saying that she couldn't believe Tony would just disown them like that - then she corrected herself to say disown Lucas like that. It was like, yes, she wanted to punish Tony but she still wanted him to be her Dad. Maybe I was reading too much into it.

- This one night stand thing doens't gell. The first time he was drunk and upset. It's a total personality transplant having him skip happily after that skanky chick without having spoken a single word to her. When did HotDad become such a tart?

- Where's Jack in all of this. He should be banging some sense into his bratty little brother's head.

- I'm loving Ric. Hopefully he'll be able to talk some sense into the other two.

- In the spoilers for Week 25 it says that Lucas

puts on his football boots again. I wonder if HotDad will be coaching the team again. There is some kind of connection between HotDad and these two new kids and he did coach when he first moved to town....

I think that'll probably do me for now. I told you I'd had a few random thoughts......

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I've got heaps to say. My head's been in packing boxes and house contracts for so long I feel like I've fallen really behind on the important things in life - HOTDAD!!

Did anyone notice that the recap on last night's episode showed a bit that wasn't in the actual episode. In the recap HotDad said something along the lines of "you don't give a damn about our relationship so I don't give a damn either". That was a lot harsher than what ended up in the actual episode.

When did HotDad become such a tart?

- Where's Jack in all of this. He should be banging some sense into his bratty little brother's head.

- In the spoilers for Week 25 it says that Lucas

puts on his football boots again. I wonder if HotDad will be coaching the team again. There is some kind of connection between HotDad and these two new kids and he did coach when he first moved to town....

I'm presuming that your moving house then bodwod?? I hope the move goes okay and isn't toooooo stressful :D.

The episode I downloaded didn't have the recap so i didn't see the bit you are talking about unfortuantely.

Jack hasn't really been a part of the Hunter/Holden fall out which is a huge shame as it would have been good to see Jack having a go at his dad for a change, and vice-versa :P.

HotDad and footy :wub:. It's working for me thats for sure!! Hopefully HotDad wil be coaching Luc.

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