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Yes the spoilers are very interesting indeed <_<. I'm hoping that maybe

Annie is Tony's long last daughter


Pretty unlikely I know :lol:. I have noooo idea what the 'startling discovery' could be. What do you guys think?? :D

P.S Karena, you are one determined gal!! :P

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^ Too right I am! Unlike those quitters on Big Brother! (Sorry to go off topic but they have just quit the 'staying awake' task and have annoyed me :angry: )

Anyway, even though it would be good, I don't think what you suggested will be the startling discovery... unfortunately. I have no idea what it could be but I just hope

old Brucey doesn't start waving his shotgun in the direction of HotDad!


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I have no idea what it could be but I just hope

old Brucey doesn't start waving his shotgun in the direction of HotDad!


:o Karena, how could you even think such a dreadful thing?!! :P

No HotDad in todays Aussie ep but thank goodness for the episodes in the UK at the moment we are soooo close to the arm episode :(. No matter how many times I watch that episode I still feel sad :(. At least us UK people will get some quality HotDad screentime over the coming weeks...definately something to look foward too!!

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You are way too good to me, Karena. I'm going to give that a try when I get home from work.

I'm quite excited about the introduction of these two new kids. I'm hoping the startling discovery is a brain tumour or something ** I know, evil, but go with me here ** and that he leaves his grandkids to HotDad to raise.

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That's a good theory but I have a feeling they will end up with

Sally or Irene


However I have another theory to put to you that I think you may like!...

there are strong rumours that Sam and Rory will be back soon and I have seen some pictures somewhere that someone took of them filming and Jack and Rory (played by a different actor than before) were in suits on the wharf looking sad like they had just been to a funeral (possibly Sam's?). Now I'm thinking that if Rory is looking for a foster father, then I'm sure HotDad will be a much better option than Jack?!

What do you reckon?? :D (By the way I don't know if any of that is true i's just an idea from what I have seen)

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I'm a bit of a tart actually

Is that right?! :lol:

I would love him to get another kid to take under his wing but I would prefer him to get a younger child as there are way too many moody teenagers in that house at the moment!

By the way I am currently hosting the latest avatar contest (seeing as I won the last one :wink: ) and as we now have to pick from a list of topics you can guess what I picked... Tony Holden!! Seeing as the topic is something you know and love I am expecting entries from you two - bodwod and Coco!! So get creating!! :D

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I've sent my entry to you Karena :P.

However I have another theory to put to you that I think you may like!...

there are strong rumours that Sam and Rory will be back soon and I have seen some pictures somewhere that someone took of them filming and Jack and Rory (played by a different actor than before) were in suits on the wharf looking sad like they had just been to a funeral (possibly Sam's?). Now I'm thinking that if Rory is looking for a foster father, then I'm sure HotDad will be a much better option than Jack?!

What do you reckon?? :D (By the way I don't know if any of that is true i's just an idea from what I have seen)

There have been quite a few rumors going around about

Sam and Rory coming back. I was a bit dissapointed to hear he wouldn't be played by Ed though, he was soooo adorable


A young kid for HotDad to foster would be great but not a teen, they have caused HotDad way too much grief recently :P.

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I've never really been a fan of this section but I ventured in here the other day and saw a few threads of characters I like so I thought I'd pop in and comment. I always thought Tony was really hot and massively overused.

The recent stuff has been awesome, the man can really act! Why the hell has he not been given a storyline before now? :grr:

I hope now that they've finally unleashed his potential that he doesn't fade into the background again.

I think his involvement as a Dad is what has limited him up until now, the writers have thought, hmm Tony.. well Jack has a storyline coming up so Tony can be part of that, rather than writing something specifically for him. Thats why I'm hoping Tony doesn't take on another kid, I agree a young child is preferable to a teenager but still I'd rather see Tony have storylines in his own right.

I like his understanding with Ric and Irene and I think there is potential for great friendships there and also storylines with him rebuilding things with Matilda.

Yeah anyway.. rambling post but hot dad is.. well hot AND a good actor. How many characters have that? :P

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Welcome to the wonderful world of HotDad Kat! It's a good place to be! :D I don't tend to venture in the other appreciation threads as this one is the only one which interests me enough!

Why he hasn't been given something to do before now is the $64,000 question! Did they ever intend him to have a storyline? And if they did, why make him wait over 18 months? Surely when you take an actor on you have a plan for them! Also, if Clarissa hadn't left (and Beth died) what would they have done with him? It's actually a shame that she did leave as it would have been nice to have seen them given a great storyline together as they are both fantastic actors.

Nevermind I guess all of that is irrelevant now as I am loving what they are currently doing with him! He will inevitably drift into the background again to give other characters a chance but I am quite optimistic now that they will give him storylines in the future. :) I also love the friendship with Irene and I would like them to develop that some more, even though I don't want anything romantic to happen between them at all. I am very much looking forward to him rebuilding his relationship with both Lucas and Mattie as I miss his little fatherly moments with them.

I've often wondered why he didn't pursue an acting career earlier in his life seeing as he is so good at it. Although I'm sure being a firefighter for 12 years was a very rewarding job! :P (Sorry to mention that Bodwod, imagining him in his firemans uniform with probably give you a coronary if the SES uniform makes you go weak at the knees! :P:lol:)

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