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Jon Sivewright

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I thought I would let you Tony fans know this spoiler:

A friend went to palm beach and saw a scene that shown:

Tony asking Jazz if she wanted to go out and she kept saying no but then they had this date thing set up like a picnic.

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Thanks Lilone :)

Is your friend Jamey-Maria by any chance? Because she posted the same thing about a month ago ( << click here >> ) along with a lovely photo of Jon with short hair - Yay! :D

Due to my calculations it should be about 5/6 week until we see the


scene. I am looking forward to it actually as I think it will be interesting. At the moment it is difficult to see

how Tony would be attracted to her seeing as she is being quite evil and up herself. Also, despite Tony's recent dalliances, I think it is possible still a little too soon after Beth for him.

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^ :D She probably meant she hadn't posted it in the spoiler section as she only mentioned it in here, where we were very grateful for the information! I think I mentioned it in the Jazz spoiler thread too and put a link to Jamey-Maria's post. :)

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HotDad action in the new spoilers!

Stuff to do with Geoff, Bruce and the footie team. Maybe he takes Geoff under his wing after all, which will no doubt make Lucas as jealous as hell!

There is other stuff too, which HotDad could be potentially involved in, regarding Matilda, Jack, Lucas and Naomi. Hell, why not have HotDad in every episode, lets gets that petition going again! :P:D

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Bring on the HotDad in every episode!! Interesting spoilers there. I'm very curious as to how the HotDad reacts when Naomi pops up again <_<. I like the sound of the footy team thing it could be an interesting 'storyline' (if it goes on for long enough that is :P) for both Luc and HotDad. I just hope that Lucas doesn't start resenting him again...they were finally getting back on track!! But we will have to wait and see :P.

I was thinking that Jon looks a bit like Dennis the menace (a cartoon character :P) in that red top...in that pic on the official site :lol:. By no means am I comparing the HotDad to Dennis the menace btw!!!!!

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From the spoilers:

Tuesday: Brad, Alf, Dan, Ric and Jack head off on the boat for a boys day out. But when a storm suddenly hits and there is no sign of there return the girls contact the police. PG

Wednesday: It's been a long, sleepless night and nerves are on edge as Leah, Sally and Martha face the morning. Who will make it home alive and who is missing at sea? PG

..... and who will slap on his

SES uniform and save them all?

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..... and who will slap on his

SES uniform and save them all?

Great thinking bodwod :P. Its about time we saw HotDad modeling the finest orange suit really isn't it?! The last time he wore it if my memory serves me correctly was when he was looking for the 'lost' in the bush. I was hoping when I read the first part of the spoilers that he would be on the boat but then I read the rest and was thankful that he won't be :lol:. HotDad to the rescue sounds good to me!!!! :D

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Excellent...I'm all for HotDad to the rescue!!! :D Bring it on!

However, I am not too sure he will be wearing the orange SES uniform for a sea rescue... Although as an alternative Speedos would work for me!! :lol:

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