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Jon Sivewright

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I think a HotDad/Sally hookup would be interesting but I think you are right Bodwod, there's not much chance. Actually you should check out a fic I was reading yesterday....its called 'One Mistake' by ilovekateritchie.... it's just in it's early stages but you may find 'interesting' :D

As for the Jazz thing... I don't like the woman either and I don't think she was at all genuine the other day when she was talking to Drew...

I just don't think HotDad is at all suited to her unless she has a personality transplant in the space of a few weeks! I wonder how long it will be before they actually meet.

One other thing... have you seen the video clip of Kochie(?) behind the scenes of Home and Away on HAAC? It is only a few seconds long but there is a little clip of HotDad in the scene with him. Well anyway my point is... he looks so lovely with his short hair! :wub: Gawd i've missed it!!!

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NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! :o From the new spoilers:

Tony makes a number of enemies and one of them takes revenge on him!

It also says that

Mattie comes back to the bay but moves out of home

I'm trotting off to bed now a seriously unhappy bunny at these developments. :angry: I have to say that I am detesting the

destruction of Tony and Mattie's relationship.


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As for the Jazz thing... I don't like the woman either and I don't think she was at all genuine the other day when she was talking to Drew...

I just don't think HotDad is at all suited to her unless she has a personality transplant in the space of a few weeks! I wonder how long it will be before they actually meet.

Mmm I thought she was good at the emotional scene though :P. Don't worry guys I am not turning into a Jazz fan!! But I got the shock of my life today when I saw Rachel Gordon is Neighbours (I knew she was in it I just didn't know if she was with anyone) and she was about to kiss Paul!! :o Thats off topic so I apoligize!

Back to the HotDad...

I can't believe someone is going to take revenge on him


Of all the storylines I thought he might be involved in something like that never really occured to me. I wonder if Aden is involved??

Even though HotDad and the word revenge do not belong in the same sentence it should be interesting to say the writers go with it. I am happy in one way that he has another storyline to be involved in but I didn't think it would have anything to do with someone getting revenge on him!!

I saw that Kochie clip too! It was funny how he was trying to ask everyone if they could get him some lines :lol:.

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Just watched mondays episode and was quite pleasantly surprised by an early week HotDad appearance! :) Loved how he stood up to old Brucey in the gym! If my memory serves me correctly he will be in tomorrows episode too...

confronting Bruce over threatening Lucas with his shotgun.. I wonder what his discovery at the farm is?

And about that other matter....

I hope no one messes up my HotDad's pretty face! I have a feeling they will do something to his car or break into the house or something like that. Or it might be something like telling the world about him and Naomi or something equally trivial.

All these spoiler tags are getting annoying aren't they?! :P

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All these spoiler tags are getting annoying aren't they?!

I just noticed how many there where on the page! :lol:

HotDads expression when Bruce left the gym was :wub: and funny too. I think Jon was trying hard not to laugh judging by his expression! I'm very intrigued as to what the

discovery at the farm is

. I haven't really got any ideas as to what it could be really...i'm looking foward to the episdoe now to find out what it is :D.

Oh I almost forget to mention yesterdays Five Life ep A.K.A tonights Five episode... :(. I didn't actually cry (I felt very sad) but I think I will tonight when HotDad starts crying :(. One good thing though after 6:30 tonight we don't have to use spoiler tags for discussing what went on in the arm episode!!!

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We have just seen the aftermath of Beth's crash in the UK :(. Jon was soooo amazing in both yesterdays and todays episodes. Its really interesting to see these episodes now and then know whats coming up and to see how his emotions have changed.

Now i'm going to discuss whats happening Aussie pace :P. Am I the only one who is really enjoying watching Geoff and HotDad's interaction?? I loved the scene from yesterdays episode when he said that he would even come out to the farm if he had too :wub:. That really does show Tony's caring attitude! I didn't think that he would have a storyline like this for quite a while, well not one that didn't involve either Jack or Lucas anyway. This is kind of like HotDad's own storyline...its great too see and is making me a very happy bunny indeed!!! :D

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HotDad was great in Wednesdays episode..... I loved him confronting Bruce at the farm! It was a scene most worthy of my AngryHotDad video!! I hate that Aden.. :angry: .. how dare he try and tell our Tone what to do.... hope he puts the nasty bully in his place! Although I have a feeling this story is going to continue for a week or two and will get worse for poor HotDad.

It's nice that he's looking after Geoff but I think Lucas still needs lots of his attention too. I'm glad those two are friends again though... hope the same happens with Mattie at some point.

And by the way...

When are Tony and Jazz gonna meet?!... I thought it might happen this week but judging by the spoilers it may not be for a while... the picnic scenes should air in about 4 weeks time I think.

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How brilliant was Jon Sivewright in his scenes when he realises it was Beth that was under the sheet!!! :(

Can't wait to see what else he has comming up!!!

There is lots of excellent stuff coming up for Tony, some of it very much out of character, but that won't be for a few weeks yet. :) And I agree, he was brilliant in the last 2 UK episodes! Todays episode was probably his second best episode ever but trust me, his best one will be in about a months time! :wink:

I'm taking about the shower scene episode incase anyone was wondering!

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It's nice that he's looking after Geoff but I think Lucas still needs lots of his attention too.

I think its a case of the HotDad trying to give Luc his attention but then him throwing it back in his face <_<. Although I am pleasantly suprised that they have started to communicate again I was beginning to think that would take a long while, so I just hope that Luc doesn't get even more jealous of HotDad coaching Geoffy!

Carmelle, i'm sure you won't be dissapointed by whats coming up for the HotDad...some exciting stuff is on the way! :D And you just cracked me up Karena, with your last comment :lol:.

I am very intrigued as to

how and when Tony and Jazz are going to meet. I hope its not something like: HotDad is walking near the wharf, he spots Jazz and then asks her out or whatever

<_<. A bit of a build-up would be nice!! :D


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