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I know I didn't post here before (Yes, shame on me :P), but I think that it's time now for me to post here :)

Do you know what annoys me these days? The relationstip between Matilda and Tony. I know Matilda don't like Tony these days because off the Naomi thing. But they hardly say something to each other :o. Doesn't he have to be "the father"? Didn't he promised to Beth that he will look after Matilda? And doesn't Tony have to be angry because she comes home late and that on a school day! Do you remember the episode when Mattie and Ric get busted? I'm so sure that Tony says they can sleep together but not on a school night. And now Mattie is coming home so late these days. And he doesn't say a thing about it.

Correct, they say something to eachother! But it is these way: Tony says something Lucas and then Lucas says it to Matilda.

I used to love him as a father, but these days he isn't really a father anymore.

So, this is the way I think about it :)


I so wanna know about the Jazz and Tony picnic

:D Tell me all about it!

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Welcome to the wonderful world of HotDad Liska!! :D

You can read about the


in Jamey-Maria's post here :)

I am also disappointed at the demise of Tony and Mattie's relationship. They desperately need a heart to heart as I think they have more in common than they think. For example how they are dealing (or not) with Beth's death. Unfortunately they are not communicating at all anymore. Which is a bit disapppointing as, even though Mattie is not happy with Tony, I thought he might have tried harder to make things right between them.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of HotDad Liska!! :D

You can read about the


in Jamey-Maria's post here :)

I am also disappointed at the demise of Tony and Mattie's relationship. They desperately need a heart to heart as I think they have more in common than they think. For example how they are dealing (or not) with Beth's death. Unfortunately they are not communicating at all anymore. Which is a bit disapppointing as, even though Mattie is not happy with Tony, I thought he might have tried harder to make things right between them.

Jazz and Tony

:wub: I so didn't see that coming. But I think it's great for Tony to have a new love interest.

I'm proud to be a member of the wonderful world of HotDad!! :D

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Welcome Liska and X-Taylor-4-Curtis-X!! :D

I think I said something about Tony and Mattie's bond fizzling out before, but I will happily say it again. What I find a bit odd is that a while ago (even after the Naomi thing) they were getting on okay...ish but now they don't seem to be talking at all. I hope, like you do Karena, that they have a heart to heart soon <_<. At least that way they will both find out how the other one is feeling.

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Wow, new people. How exciting. Welcome guys.

I'm with you all on the demise of the Tony/Matilda relationship. They had such a lovely Father/Daughter thing going (as demonstrated in the sex talk episode). He's bound to have something to say about her running away but the fact that she

moves out of home when she comes back

doesn't auger well for a tender HotDad moment. I really, really hope we see the relationship mend. As Karena said, they are really the only ones feeling Beth's death to the same extent. They could get eachother through this.

I'm also really hoping that Geoff and Annie end up living with HotDad. His kids are all pretty much grown now and he needs someone to parent. They've already established a bond between Tony and Geoff. If Grandpa shuffles off this mortal coil, I can't picture them living anywhere else just yet. Really, HotDad needs a bigger home. How about the Caravan Park with Sally? :)

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I have just seen the latest TV Week scans and

HotDad gets brutally bashed


Either Bruce or Aden are responsible. Things aren't going too well for us HotDad fans are they...HotDad and Matties bond has gone and now he gets


Another thing that concerns me is where it says

will Tony recover from his injuries


He better otherwise I won't be a very happy thats for sure :P Who do you think will be responsible??...Bruce or Aden? I am undecided at the moment <_<.

From the look of the latest scans its possible that Mattie

will be moving into Sally's place, which means there is an even slimer chance of some nice HotDad/Mattie bonding moments...which is a bit dissapointing

I'm thinking that Jazz and HotDad will meet the week after next week, although I don't know if that would work out with the date that Krystal (Jamey-Maria) saw Jon and Rachel filming together.

But nevertheless the picnic scene (s) can't be too far away


Sorry about all the spoiler tags!!

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Well good news and bad in the TV Week.

I think it's got to be Aden who bashes him. HotDad's pretty fit and I would like to think he could win a fight with a 70 year old! Let's just hope there aren't any injuries to that beautiful face. BTW, how does someone bash him at home and no one see it? There's 27 people living in that house!!

On the good news front,

Grandpa's got a heart condition. Those kids will need someone to take care of them...


These spoiler tages are pretty annoying, it'd be good if we can get the title of the thread labelled with "contains spoilers". I think we talked about it before and agreed that one of the moderators have to do it. If I can find a Mod to make the request to is everyone happy for this to be a spoiler thread?

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Anyone remember the spoiler for a few weeks back that went something along the lines of: "Tony's devil-may-care behaviour shocks Alf"? Did this ever happen? I've just been an had a look and it was supposed to be the day before the ep where the kids sank Tony's boat. I might be going a little nutty but I don't remember it at all.

BTW, Karena, I love your current AV. Just beautiful!

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