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Jon Sivewright

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Oh dear I seem to have been neglecting this thread since the spoiler one was started! :D

Poor Tony, he looked so sad when Bruce took Geoff out of the team and school. :( But I loved the expression on HotDad's face today when old Bruce said "laa laa laa, you open your mouth and all I hear is noise!!" It was priceless!!



I have just thought of something... HotDad was in Thursday and Fridays episode and I think he is in Mondays and Tuesdays next week!! 4 days in a row.... surely not!! :P

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Where has everyone gone?... come back.......please....I don't wanna talk to myself like a sad billy-no-mates :P

Nice dose of HotDad today... until some brute attacked him of course! :( Awwww...poor HotDad. I loved him standing up to Bruce and the awful Aden, particularly the smirk he gave to Aden that was obviously a front seeing as he looked quite upset when he went.

It was nice to see how excited he was to have Mattie back and I was happy to see him have something that resembled a chat with her. Although I wanted him to sit her down and tell her how much he loves her and that he understands how much she misses Beth because he does too. Sadly that never happened.

I wonder who finds him in tomorrows episode... I hope it's Mattie so she can realise how much she cares about him.

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I'm here!! :P I haven't seen todays Aussie ep yet but its sounds good from the discussion thats been going on :D.

Friday's episode was funny! Bruce's line to HotDad that you quoted Karena, made me laugh so hard :lol:. I love the way he has sort of taken Geoffy under his wing, its great to see HotDad getting on with some of the younger folk - something that hasn't really been happening very much lately *cough* *Matilda* *cough*

Todays UK episode was Beth's memorial service :(. Tony's scene with Irene in the kitchen was lovely, both Jon and Lynne did really well.

Can I just say...I saw Jon's twin today!! I'm serious I saw this guy and he looked soooooo much like Jon I almost fainted!!!

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So Shane was the one responible for bashing HotDad! I thought he would be responsible somehow :P. I loved Tony and Rachel's chat in the hostpital...it was really nice to see them in a scene together and trying to comfort one another. Rachel was also speaking from exerienece too what with Kim leaving her so i'm glad it was her HotDad was being treated by and not Julie :P. The last few episodes have been great, apart from HotDad being bashed of corse! He will make a full recovery though i'm sure :D.

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Poor Tony :( Evil Shane :P

There is progress in Matilda and Tony's relationship. Tony was really happy when she came home and Matilda went to the hospital to see if Tony was allright! And just like Karena said; I wanted to have the talk. The talk when they say to each other that they love each other and that she sees him like a father and he sees her like his own daughter etcetera.. I would love that talk. So it's sad that talk didn't came this week, but we'll never know. It might come next week or the week after that next week...

I'm from Belgium. And in Belgium, Tony don't really have his own storyline. Actually, we don't see him so much. And if we see him, then is it to support Beth or his sons or something like that. So I really like the latest episodes in Australia, because we actually see him every week and almost every episode.

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Well I don't come from Oz but I'll try and fill you in on the most recent HotDad happenings :P...

First of all:

*He has a NEW HAIRCUT!!!!

*Tony got bashed by Shane (Sam's ex-husband) but is recovering now.

*He is coaching the footie team and has taken Geoff under his wing with training him.

* Tony and Julie (nurse Julie) went on a 'date' in yesterdays Aussie ep but it lasted about 2 seconds because Tony admitted that he wasn't ready to move on.

Thats about it for the most recent happenings but i'll fill you in on more if you want :P.

Soooo onto ep 4471. I can definately see a Tony and Rachel pairing happening in the future...I don't know whether thats very realistic but i'd like to think that it might happen :P...but if it doesn't then i'm quite happy with them being good friends :D. Its nice to see two people who could be together just being friends as not everyone has to go out with everyone in Summer Bay!!!

At first I didn't think Tony was going to tell Julie that he wasn't ready to start dating again so I was relieved when he did! Julie definately likes Tony thats for sure...a couple of references to him being a nice guy and honest...some of Tony's greatest quality's as a character :D.

I am still in shock at the amount of episodes that Tony has been in lately...I couldn't even dream that he would be in as many episodes as this last year so I am one happy girl!

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OK, I'm swimming in the shallow end of the pool for this post because I don't give a toss about the story-line, I just need to say - HOW GOOD DID HE LOOK!!!??? I swear that haircut's taken 10 years off him. Worth the wait - he just looked gorgeous. I think I need to call him HotterDad for a while :)

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