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Jon Sivewright

Guest Adia

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I'm back! I can't wait to see the hair in all it's glory!! The episodes are downloading as we speak!!

I have been keeping up to date with this site on my mobile, but I tried to post a message last night but it clearly didn't work. <_< Nevermind eh! I'll figure out the problem at a later date, I have more pressing matters on my mind, like watching Mondays and Tuesdays episodes!!

I'll be back with full HotDad analysis later!! :D And Bodwod...I have a feeling I will also be swimming in the shallow end of the pool too!! :lol:

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OK, I'm swimming in the shallow end of the pool for this post because I don't give a toss about the story-line, I just need to say - HOW GOOD DID HE LOOK!!!??? I swear that haircut's taken 10 years off him. Worth the wait - he just looked gorgeous. I think I need to call him HotterDad for a while :)

I'm definately joining you in the baby pool!!! He looked too good for words! :wub: Simply gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, sexy and seriously hot!! :lol:

I have posted my thoughts about the Jazz and Tony situation in the Aus Discussion thread so I won't bore you with that again! Although it was really interesting seeing Tony go through his grief and emptiness, I am happy that he has "turned a corner". This week has been like seeing a whole new character. He looked so happy in that scene with Jazz, I don't think I have even seen him grin like that! I just hope he doesn't get his his fragile little heart hurt by her. Her feelings for him seem genuine but as far as I'm concerned the jury is still out on that one. <_<

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It looks like I'm a right Billy-no-mates again! :D

Well..... I don't know what episode the TV week people were watching but there were no sign of candles or a boat today! (unless that's tomorrow, but I doubt it) BUT... we did get our picnic so the mystery is now solved! It wasn't as good as it could have been as it would have been cool to see them actually having their picnic or champagne, and a little kiss or two wouldn't have gone astray either! However, It was nice to see Tony say that Beth was the "most amazing woman in the world" and that being in a casual relationship "normally wouldn't be for me". I am liking this new side to Tony we are seeing... in the short term anyway. I still think he and Rachel are meant for each other! :wub:

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I've been neglecting this thread a bit lately but i'm back now :P. Sounds lilke the picnic was okayish, i'm glad that Tony talked about Beth. There have been quite a few scenes recently where he has talked about not coping with things and not actually said anything about Beth so I think that was a nice touch and shows that he is maybe opening up more...which is great to see :D.

Karena, did Jazz and Tony actually have the picnic or was it just the scene that was in the pic on the official site??

Oh and just to let you know...tommorow night on FilmFour, Little Fish is being shown at 10:55 PM! Jon may only have been in one scene but anyhow it will be fun to see him in a film :P. Hopefully i'll remember that its on I have a habit of forgetting stuff that I have heard like the day before whereas I can remember things that happened agggees ago quite well :rolleyes:.

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I noticed that Little Fish was on but I probably won't watch it as I saw it a fair few times when I was trying to spot Jon!! :D

As for the picnic, here is a quick rundown of todays Jazz/Tony action for you:

Jazz turned down Dane because she said she was seeing someone..... Tony asked Jazz out but she said no.... Drew got annoyed with Jazz and told her to be straight with Tony and tell him she didn't want anything serious. She also said she was regretting turning down his invitation.... Later Tony bumped into Jazz at the diner and she told him she changed her mind about the date and they decided to go fishing... Jazz turned up at the wharf to find Tony there with a picnic on the grass. She looked kinda freaked out and told him that she wanted their relationship to be casual and she wanted to see other men too. Tony said that ordinarily he wouldn't be into that but seeing as he has just come out of a relationship with the most wonderful woman in the world he wasn't looking to replace her anytime soon and get into a serious relationship. Then Jazz sat down and that was it really.

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Thanks for the summary :D.

From the sound of things it seems as though they both just want to be friends who perhaps have a connection but aren't ready for anything more than being friends. I'm quite happy for it to stay like that to be honest. Tony is still getting over Beth and I think that until he at least feels ready he should wait before starting to see anyone, that way he can be sure that the relationship will last :D.

I know you would like to see a Tony and Rachel pairing Karena and I would too, so if you were part of the production team :P...what would you like to see happen to them??

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I would like them to get together maybe around Christmas time to give them both time to get over Beth and Kim but other than that I have no other details in my head... I will need to have a think about it :P but I will get back to you.....:D

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I like that idea ^ :D. Maybe they could kiss in this years season finale :P...although Tony and Beth's first kiss was in the 2005 season finale :(.

A wonderful amount of Tonyage in todays UK episodes. All the way through todays Five Life episode (4421) I was shouting at the telly 'Naomi...go away!!!!!!!!!....don't do it!!!'...and then the last scene came and I went a bit mad :P. At least we get to see some great performances from Jon but I can't say i'm looking foward to the aftermarth, even though i've already seen it, its always seems better when you actually see it on the actual TV!

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Well I don't come from Oz but I'll try and fill you in on the most recent HotDad happenings :P...

First of all:

*He has a NEW HAIRCUT!!!!

*Tony got bashed by Shane (Sam's ex-husband) but is recovering now.

*He is coaching the footie team and has taken Geoff under his wing with training him.

* Tony and Julie (nurse Julie) went on a 'date' in yesterdays Aussie ep but it lasted about 2 seconds because Tony admitted that he wasn't ready to move on.

Thats about it for the most recent happenings but i'll fill you in on more if you want :P.

Soooo onto ep 4471. I can definately see a Tony and Rachel pairing happening in the future...I don't know whether thats very realistic but i'd like to think that it might happen :P...but if it doesn't then i'm quite happy with them being good friends :D. Its nice to see two people who could be together just being friends as not everyone has to go out with everyone in Summer Bay!!!

At first I didn't think Tony was going to tell Julie that he wasn't ready to start dating again so I was relieved when he did! Julie definately likes Tony thats for sure...a couple of references to him being a nice guy and honest...some of Tony's greatest quality's as a character :D.

I am still in shock at the amount of episodes that Tony has been in lately...I couldn't even dream that he would be in as many episodes as this last year so I am one happy girl!

Thanks for that! I know someone else requested it, but I've missed so much! I haven't even watched NZ H&A for 4 weeks! Ahhh. Ok rant over.

The Jazz/Tony storyline seems interesting. The actress who plays her is just great and it's good to see him getting out there again. I feel sorry for Julie though. Whenever she goes on a date with someone it doesn't work out (eg: Hugh) Poor girl!

I dunno about a Rachel/Tony pairing. I'm on the fence with that one. I've still got my fingers crossed for Hugh to return and sweep Rachel off her feet. But I do see the appeal there, they would make a really sweet couple.

I can't wait to see this new haircut!

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Welcome back Adia (from wherever you have been!) It's terrible when real life gets in the way of HotDad time!! :D

If you want to see the haircut, and trust me it's worth seeing, have a look over in the screencaps thread as there are some lovely pics there. :wub: I may try and do so more tonight if Coco hasn't beat me too it! :P

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