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Jon Sivewright

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:o Oh my god! Could he get any hotter? The hair cut...

Thanks karena. We're doing construction on our house and they cut all the wires at one stage, so I have been without internet and phone for the last few months. But everything is re-wired and all good now yay!

But the haircut! It's almost enough to make me change my av! And that's saying something! :P

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^ Get that av changed... you know you want to! :P

Just a quick visit to say how great HotDad was today. I loved him trying to sort everything without wanting to upset anyone, which was a bit difficult when Lucas was being a bit of a brat. Anyway, it's great that Mattie has moved back into Tony's house and I loved the 'hearing Beth's voice' bonding scene! I also liked him getting Bruce told at the farm in the fog!

Also, did I mention HotDad looked particularly gorgeous in todays episode! click me :wub: There I go swimming in the baby pool again.. I must remember not do dive in or I'll do myself an injury!! :lol:

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There I go swimming in the baby pool again.. I must remember not do dive in or I'll do myself an injury!!

Well I hear it's nice and warm in there, might join you. I loved last night's ep. It was one of those moments where you're not expecting much and then there he is in all his short-haired, take no Lucas crap, tender father-daughter moment, HotDad glory! Beautiful.

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I just read that (thanks anyway Lil :wink:) and i'm quite suprised actually. It was bound to be on the cards at some point but I thought she would stick around a bit longer :P. Awww I'm going to feel so sorry for Tony when she leaves because they seem to have built up a strong friendship so I guess he will be a bit gutted.

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Now onto this weeks Tonyage :P...

This week has been fantastic with Geoff staying at Tony's...that way we can enjoy Tony being the great dad that he always is :D. Someone mentioned in the latest Aus disussion thread about the Tony/Bruce scene in the fog and how they loved it...can I join the club?! I also love foggy and hazy scenes, they are really relaxing!

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Awesome HotDadage tonight! :D I have posted lots of caps in the usual thread, they deserve to be seen, trust me!

You can always rely on Tony to save the day! I loved the bit where he got up off the floor next to the car and ran into the house.. great bit of action!!! And of course his negotiation skills were top notch when he stopped Geoff from shooting Bruce. (Actually I don't think there was any danger of that happening but.. details details!) :P

Moving onto Jazz... I'm starting to like their relationship now. I feared she would be quite domineering and try and control him but I'm not seeing that happening as they seem equal. I love how no one else can see any good in her apart from Tony, even though he tried to bridge the gap by inviting everyone over for drinks. How lovely was it when he was playing with her hair! :wub: And when he said "I think we should maybe have an early night!" Awwww.. I want a Tony.... where can I get one??

I've just had a thought.. I wonder if this will be one of those relationships when they don't kiss? Is there something wrong with HotDad's lips!?! :P

This week has made me realise that I love a happy HotDad and not a mopey one! It was good for a few months but I'm so over that now!

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Yesterdays episode was definately a great HotDad episode!!! ActionMan :P was amazing in that scene in the barn when he was taking the gun off of Geoff. Some really great scenes with Annie as well especially when he cuddled her when she came out...how sweet?!

I'm also starting to warm to Jazz alot more now. I thought it was funny when Tony took the glass of wine off of her and talked about moving on to coffee :lol:. Oh and then when he noticed that she had fallen asleep!...a great scene :D. Jazz's reaction suprised me when Tony said he had to go...she looked quite dissapointed so something is telling me that maybe they will end up together...as in not just friends who kinda like each other :P. Although with the latest spoilers about Jazz...thats probably not going to be the case.

Not only is the Tonyage great in Aus its also great here at the moment! I almost cried when he moved out in yesterdays Five Life ep...at least we all know what happens :P.

And I soooo agree with you Karena about prefering a happy HotDad at the moment rather than a mopey one!!!

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I liked Tony this last week. He was so happy when Matilda moved back home. It was so clear he missed her. I was so smiling when she moved back home :D. And then about Beth whispering in their ears. I loved that conversation. If there is one thing they have in common, it is Beth. They both loved Beth so much. And I think they have to share their love for Beth. You know, talking about her, share all the good things they know about her...

And I also have to say that Tony and Jazz are so cute. I never imagined Tony with somebody else but Beth. I always thought Tony and Beth that is forever, but then she died. So sometime there has to come someone else in his life. First I was shocked that it was Jazz, because she is a whole different person than Beth. But in the end Jazz is also trying to be nice to everyone and trying to do the best thing. Just like Beth. So maybe she is a right person for Tony. Who knows? But I can see there is something on between them, that they actually like each other. Esp. since thurdays's episode and that moment when he was playing with her hair. I think Tony deserves someone new, someone who really loves him. And maybe it is Jazz. But I also think that Tony will always love Beth. Even if he'll end up with Jazz and they become this new couple who love each other so much, he'll always love Beth because she was such a big part of his life.

Now the Geoff/Annie/Bruce thing. It's not my favorite storyline, but I liked the action with Tony in thursday's episode. I also liked that moment when Annie cuddled up to him when she came outside. Maybe Tony will become a foster dad? He took Geoff and Annie in his house, just like Sally and Flynn took Ric and Cassie in their house. You'll never know what will happen, but I can see Annie and Geoff living in Tony's house. Esp. since Lucas and Geoff don't hate each other that much anymore.

And Karena, I love your av :wub::P. He looks so cute

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