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Jon Sivewright

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Hear, hear, sister!!

You've got my hopes up now, Karena. I've been seriously disappointed with HotDad not showing up at bucks nights, boys days out on the boat etc lately. I got all excited when Geoff told that chick to meet him at his place before bible study and then the little bugger burst my bubble when he said he was home alone.

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:o Well stone the flamin crows!!! HotDad found his tongue!! :P I told you I had a feeling an appearance would be imminent!! :D To be honest I din't think the Tony and Jazz thing would be that full on!

I am still not sure if Jazz is using HotDad because she has no one else but I would like to think she is genuine. I guess she only rang Kevin because Tony rejected her. Tony was trying so hard to stay away but he is obviously finding it difficult!

I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode! I wonder if they will be 'off' again tomorrow. That seems to happen within minutes of it looking like they are 'on'!

I'm off to do some caps to celebrate this momentous occasion!! :D

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I have posted them in the Jon/Tony screencaps thread!

It certainly made me forget all about my HotDad withdrawal! :lol: Let's hope there is enough HotDad in tomorrows episode to see us through the weekend! :P

It is a shame about the wine spilling on the pictures... I think HotDad will be in a spot of bother tomorrow!

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Wasn't quite expecting that :lol:. I can't believe that they didn't think about Belle's pictures, what happened was bound to happen! Anyway that was a wonderful HotDad episode. But I did think the last scene was a little...:blink:...to say the least!!

I thought there were some great lines though. Tony's reaction to the tree thingo Lucas was designing was quite funny :lol:.

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Cracking HotDad stuff today! :lol: Loved the bit where they got sprung on the kitchen table :lol: All their faces were an absolute picture!

And I know I am once again swimming in the baby pool but HotDad looked particularly fine with his shirt unbuttoned! :wub: In fact 'particularly fine' doesn't even begin to describe it!! :P

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:o:D Have you read what Bevan Lee has said about the future of HotDad!!? It's all good!! If you haven't then Click Here.... but I should warn you it does contain spoilers about other characters too.

And Bevan referred to him as HotDad which was kinda bizarre....Bodwod it looks like your name for him is famous!! :lol:

I guess I should put this in the Tony spoilers so we can discuss it.

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Have you read what Bevan Lee has said about the future of HotDad!!? It's all good!! If you haven't then Click Here.... but I should warn you it does contain spoilers about other characters too.

And Bevan referred to him as HotDad which was kinda bizarre....Bodwod it looks like your name for him is famous!! :lol:

I know, how exciting!! That's extremly cool that he knows what we call him :lol:. That's made my day! You never know, maybe he'll bring it into the show some how! :lol:.

For example...

Jazz: ''Thanks again Tony for giving me that money to cover Belle's artwork, I don't know what I would do without you''.

Tony: ''Honestly, it was nothing. I'm still a bit confused as to what you see in me though''.

Jazz: ''For one thing, your a HotDad and the other a very caring person''

Tony: ''HotDad?''

Jazz: ''The members on Back to the Bay call you it so I thought I might follow suit''.

Jazz leaves the room

Tony whispers: ''HotDad...HotDad Holden''

He smiles

...somehow I don't think so! :lol:

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I could try and put in a good word to Bevan :P. Just a few minutes ago in the staff room SkyKat, thought that my real name is Coco (which it definately isn't!!!), so as long as Jon doesn't think that we really think he is 'HotDad'...we should be alright :P.

It is a bit scary isn't it?! I think it's also extremely cool though :P. I don't know of many of the cast who come on here, but some of the crew do :D. Bevan must have had a quick peek in here to know about the 'HotDad' name :o.

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