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Guest Amir

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Ooops :rolleyes: Sorry about not spotting the spoiler thing (I'm a bad host! *slaps hand*) I should have spotted it after we discussed spoilers in the last round. I think it's because my brain works at Aus pace rather than UK pace these days! :P

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Battle 1: TLE 07 vs. Charlotte

TLE 07 - Creative piece of work i'll give you that although if i'm being honest the colouring is way too orange i only like the colouring on the lucas icon. Also overcrowded, too much text.

Charlotte - Original/Different piece of work. Clever that you went down the route of just using icons and still making a sig. The colours are okay, not too focused on one colour and i like the text used.

Vote goes to Charlotte.


Battle 2: dsingles vs. .Amy.

dsingles - I don't know whether it's just me but there doesn't seem to be much colouring going on looks pretty plain. Also i get the reason for the entry jack lost martha but the sig makes it look like he lost her as a partner because she died which i don't like :P this could just be me that thinks this though.

.Amy. - This is a stunning sig. The blending is awesome, considering that martha was not originally there to begin with. I like the main picture, but not too keen on the side bit i think it would have looked better with just the main picture and no side bit nevertheless nice entry.

Vote goes to Amy.

Battle 3: flutterby

Your entry is really nice, i'm still getting over the fact that it isn't Scott or Ryan. :P

The different text works well together, i love the idea of the polaroids (sp? :P) and the fact they are in black and white. Well done. :)


  karena said:
Ooops :rolleyes: Sorry about not spotting the spoiler thing (I'm a bad host! *slaps hand*) I should have spotted it after we discussed spoilers in the last round. I think it's because my brain works at Aus pace rather than UK pace these days! :P

S'Ok I think I'm in a minority now of people who aren't at aus speed or at least know what's coming :(


Battle 1

TLE-07 - I'm not sure about this sig. The colouring seems really off, bright blue and harsh saturation doesn't work, and i'm not a fan of the clumped together text on her forehead at all.

Charlotte - I like the layout, but the colouring on all three icons really leave a lot to be desired. I have a feeling it may have impacted more in b&w, but thats just me.

Overall: Vote goes to Charlotte.

Battle 2

dsingles - I'm a fan of the layout of this, and the creative use of pictures. The colouring could be a little brighter, but aside from that, its a really nice sig.

.Amy. - I'm just not sure. Is Mim Martha&Kim? I think that really distracted me, and doesn't work at all. The side placement of the text is off putting, but I don't mind the actually sig.

Overall: Vote goes to dsingles.

Battle 3

flutterby - nice use of colour, contrasting that with b&w pictures, and your text, as always, is wonderful.

Overall: It was painfully hard, but I'll say flutterby gets my vote...


Battle 1:

TLE-07: I like the idea of the smaller images and the connecting main pic in the middle. However the text placement is a bit off and the colouring of some of the pics is a little too orangey.

Charlotte: I like the simiplicity of it. The use of the three pics and text really works well. Maybe they need a bit more contrast, though.

Vote: Charlotte.

Battle 2:

dsingles: I like the blending of the two pics and the text. It's easy to tell what is happening.

Amy: I like the greyscale and blending but the text is a bit hard to read. I think it would look better without it.

Vote: dsingles.

Battle 3:

flutterby: The text is really good combined with the use of the black and white and large coloured pics.

Battle 4:

sevenpuddings: Very striking. The simple text and image is really effective. I like the yellowish colouring giving it an "oldish" feel.

aejdude: I really like the use of greyscale to focus the main two pics and then the series of smaller pics along the bottom to tell the story. The text is bold and makes it stands out.

Vote: sevenpuddings


Battle 2 : dsingles vs. .Amy.

dsingles - I really like the pics used and I like the fact that you've put little pics of Jack and Martha there too. But I think that there isn't much colouring going on there and it doesn't really catch my eye.

.Amy. - Amazing! I think this is a beautiful sig and I like it more as it is black and white. I think the side part is really nice and makes the sig even better.

Vote goes to .Amy.

Battle 3 : flutterby

I think this sig is fantastic! The picture is awsome, itself and I think the other little pictures complete this sig nicely. I think that the font is great too, a great combination!

Battle 4 : sevenpuddings vs. aejdude

sevenpuddings - I really like the text that has been used for the text at the bottom and it really works well with the sig. But I do think that the colouring is a bit too green/yellow and you can't really see the image that well, because it does look a bit fuzzy.

aejdude - Awsome sig! I really like the text that has been used and the words "rocco vs. ric" I love the colouring that has been used, especially the top two pictures as they are black and white and are different from the smaller pictures below. I really love the little pictures at the bottom, especially the last one.

Vote goes to aejdude




Battle 1

TLE-07: I really like the images chosen and the positioning of the small images, and the colouring is nice. However, I think the text is a little too scattered, but other than that I like it.

Charlotte: I like the contrast of the black and white with the coloured images, and the simple style looks effective. Not sure about the green stripes for the text, but overall really good.

Vote goes to Charlotte

Battle 2

dsingles: I love the images you picked, and the text fits really well with those pictures. However I find it a bit hard to see what the storyline you wanted to happen was …. :unsure:

.Amy. : I like the black and white, and the texture/brush you used looks fabulous! The text is maybe a tad hard to read as it’s sideways, though

Vote goes to .Amy.

Battle 3

flutterby: The blending and the colouring are gorgeous! I think the different texts look really great, and the black and white snapshots provide a great contrast. The only tiny comment I would make is that the snapshots are a tad dark, but other than that it’s gorgeous!

~Amy~ : Yes, invisible entries are always fun to comment on :P

Vote goes to flutterby (shockingly)

Battle 4

sevenpuddings: The image chosen is really moving and the texture over it looks great, and the colouring is quite striking. I also happen to love this quote :P

aejdude: I really like the contrast between the top b/w and bottom coloured sets of images, and all the pics chosen really fit in well together. I also like the font used on the text

Tough decision ……

Vote goes to aejdude - but I hated choosing!! :(

Well done to everyone, though - all entries are amazing! :D


Voting should have closed tonight but I am going to keep it open for another day or 2 to try and get a few more votes :) And to give me time to think of the semi final challenges! :P


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