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One Thing Leads To Another...

Guest SfanS

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LOL, Shen, I wouldn't do that to you!

Chapter 17: Feeling alone

The people of the bay cried silent tears

The people of the Bay spoke silent words

The people of the Bay grieved silent griefs...

The people of the Bay had lost a resident.

Kit, Kim, Rachel and Annabelle sat by Hayden, all deep in thought.

The Hunter's and Holdens gathered in Matildas room, grieving over their lost loved one.

Irene, Alf, sally, Colleen, Martha, Belle, Tasha, and Ric gathered in the waiting area, replaying it all in their heads.

Everyone else went back to their own homes to cry, think, and talk over everything that day.

"it's depressing, isn't it?" Rachel asked the others. No one said anything. "I feel so bad. I mean, it's my fault when you think about it." she said, her head down. Tears slipped down her face silently. "Hey" Kim said to her. He moved closer to her, putting a comforting arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder. She was really crying now. The guilt throughout her was unbearable. She felt like a murderer.

Rachel went to see Beth and the others. "Beth, I'm really sorry for your loss" she told her.

"Yeah, you should be" Beth replied.

"I'm sorry?"

" it's YOUR fault. It's YOUR fault He's dead! If you hadn't gone and been an idiot, none of this would've happened...but i guess you are an idiot then!" Beth shouted at her. Rachel just stodd there for awhile, until Matilda spoke up. " She's right, Rachel. It is your fault, so why are you just standing there? No apology, no nothing!? Get out!" Rachel ran out of the room in tears, past Kim who had heard every word, and went after her.

Rachel sat on the path outside the hospital, sobbing into her hands. Kim pulled her up to stand up, and she collapsed into his arms. He wrapped his arms tight around her, as she cried. " I'm such an idiot" she said, while crying. " hey, hey...shhhh You're not an idiot, Rach, you know that" he told her, but there wasn't much convincing her at a time like this. She just went back to crying.

They organised the funeral to get over and done with the next day. Hayden had convinced the other doctors to let him go to it, so he was let out, but on crutches, as he'd been shot in the leg. The funeral started, and Lucas got up to speak. he had palm cards, but couldn't get the right words out, and just broke down in tears. Being a motherly figure, Beth went up to take him down, with an arm around him, and Jack managed to do the talk for him.


Rachel's guilt hadn't gone away, every time she tried to be happy, it all came rushing back. Rachel and Kim hadn't decided if they were officially together or not, and Kim felt bad, but needed to find out....he had a plan.

Beth and the others were all having trouble with dealing with Tony's death.

Beth was trying to find someone to blame

Matilda had turned into a B****, and going to parties that had drugs and alcohol, etc.

Lucas wasn't talking, and didn't want to eat or anything.

Jack was turning into a workaholic, and fighting with Martha a lot.

Scott; Was trying to help everyone, but had given up after a bad result. What will he do next?

Robbie wasn't dealing with all the depression going around, and was drinking a lot more.

Next time on One thing leads to another

Love is in the air

The Hunters/Holdens lives take a turn for the worst.

Not a great chapoter, oh well, PLEASE REVIEW! :D

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great great chapter!! Poor Rachel though! I hope that Beth apoligizes to her. yay, i hope that kim and rach get back together. Looks like the hunter/holden family are drifting apart :(


I've read the first six chapters and read the rest later. Rachel and Kim breaking up... yay! Kit with Kim? yay! Rachel with a new guy, but a stalker? :lol: That's a great twist! I love it all so far, can't wait to catch up.


Not a fan of R&K then, hey? Well, there's a change. Most of the readers of this are R&K fans...like me :D LOL, its ook to be different. Anyways, next update tomorrow (maybe two :P )

Oh and isn't fantasmagorical? I've done quite a bit of my Homework, and yet have still managed to stay on this! LOL, I'll update tomorrow, or MAYBE tonight if you're VERY lucky (or just if I'm VERY bored). LOL, Drew,m wasn't the first time I broke them up!

Oh, and incase you wondered, fantazmagorical is one of my best friends fave words....how weird is that!?


I prefer Kim with Kit, then Rachel. Now my thoughts.

These people are worse then the teenagers :lol: They're breaking up, swapping, getting back together and so on. I love it though!

This whole stuff about Jake is really good. He's a great character! Tony dying... Ah well, it's not like he did alot haha. I like how everyone is being effected... Does this mean the story is focusing on more characters now? Or the whole Rachel/Kim/Hayden/Kit/Jake storyline is just continueing?


I've been away the whole weekend and i was stoked to find all the great updates!

Poor Tony!!!!!! I feel bad for Rachel though... it's all Jake's fault.

It should be interesting to see Robbie as a drunk. Will he be a happy one or a sad one?

I'm looking forward to it!


Hey guys. here it is! (Also, please not, now, Ella, Noah and Annabelle have magically evolved into little toddlers, so they can talk a little bit, and walk.)

Down and out

" Jake!" Rachel exclaimed as she saw him standing in the doorway, an evil expression on his face.

Most of the people in the church had no idea who he was, so of course, they didn't know what he was capable of. " Look, mate, this is an invitation only wedding, so i think you better leave" Tony told him, a tone of annoyancein his voice. Rachel had spotted the gun in his pocket and was terrified...Oh God. She thought to herself....this could only end badly.

Kit had gone to the bathroom, it was a more private place to cry, so she had no idea that jake had just come in.

" You know, you should just leave, you're ruining someone's wedding day you know!" Matilda told Jake.

Jake saw Hayden standing against the church seats. Hayden tried to take a step forward, to try and get help. " Don't move" he commanded Hayden....although Hayden still tried to move an inch. " I said, DON'T MOVE!" he yelled. " Mate, you shpuld just leave" Tony warned him

" yeah, get out of here!" Matilda exclaimed....

Kit wandered where the wedding was up to....until she heard 3 gunshots one after the other.

" Oh My God!" Beth shouted.

Kit went out of the bathroom to try and see what was happening, but jumped back in to hide when she saw jake walking calmly out of the church...he'd gotten away...again.

" Oh My God, Tony! Tony wake up!" Beth cried, crouching down next to her soon-to-be husband

" Fools" Jake muttered, jumping into the stolen car he had, speeding off down the road.

Kit raced out once he was definetely gone, back into the church. Who else had been shot?

Ric called an ambulance, trying to comfort Matilda.

It was hard for rachel being the only doctor availible to help....

3 people were down and out.

Rachel checked for a pulse on Hayden, as Kit came rushing up. "Is he okay?!"

Ric tried to comfort Matilda, who'd been shot in the arm.

Beth knew how to check pulses, and checked Tony's. The result made her burst into tears. " No, no no!" she sobbed, as Robbie came over to comfort his mother, and Lucas and Jack stodd together. Their father, her future husband, their future stepfather....gone.

RIP Tony.

One down, will the other two make it in the end?

Sorry Willz. :(

Lol please bring him from the dead :)


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