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One Thing Leads To Another...

Guest SfanS

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Chapter 33: Imagine

Imagine having no blood relative to turn to...

Imagine having such injuries, that you aren't sure if you're you anymore...

Imagine being so alone....

Imagine wanting to die...


Lucas sat in the hospital bed, and sighed. He couldn't call it "his" hospital bed, because he wasn't sure who "he" was. Belle came bouncing in, a grin wide on her face at that moment. When she saw Lucas, sitting there, bored, her smile faded. "What's wrong?" she asked, touching his hand, trying to show her sympathy. Lucas flicked her hand off, he didn't want sympathy, he didn't want people. They'd make it harder, he knew, to go. He wanted to leave it all behind, and enter the new world, with his real family. His mother, his father, and his brother. "No. No....no!!" he shouted at her, as the thought's all went through his mind, every sad memory replayed.

Martha nursed little Jack Anthony quietly, as he cried, trying to get him to settle in. Now that things had settled down a bit for her, it was a tiny bit easier. She didn't miss Jack so much, she loved him, of course, and he'd always be apart of her, but she knew it would be okay. But being a mother of a three year old, Riley had just had his birthday, and a little baby, was tough. She loved her little boys to pieces, but it was difficult for her. She sighed as Riley suddenly got bored of the movie she'd put on, and started to make a racket with his knew dinosaur, making it fly around the room. Martha smiled, before realising Jack junior didn't find it entertaining. About to hush Riley, suddenly Colleen ran in.

"Martha! Oh, I was hoping you'd be here!" Colleen exclaimed joyfully, waddling uncoordinatedly towards her. "Oh, aren't they angels!" she cried. Riley and Jack had only settled down for the fact that Colleen had ran in, and they were so surprised that they had stopped noise all together. Colleen looked a bit like a fairy in her outfit, but across the front it said: Marla lala's baby pageant! Martha almost fell 0over in a fit of laughter, but contained herself. "Oh, Riley would be sure to win the toddler pagaent! And little Jack Anthony Holden Junior, what a munchkin! He'd win for certain!" Colleen cried, thrusting a flier into Martha hand, as she took little Jack from Martha, and told Riley to come and follow her, telling Martha to bring baby stuff behind them. Jack burst into tears after being taken away, and Riley wouldn't budge. Colleen almost threw a tantrum there and then, but managed to coax them into it, but had to trade jobs with Martha.


A group of the Bay's parents, Robbie, Tash, Kim, Rachel, Kit, Hayden, Scott, and more, were al sitting around the diner, laughing as they were joined by Martha. "Oh my gosh guys, have you heard about the 'baby pagaent?'" Martha asked them, rolling her eyes unhappily. She'd been dragged in as Colleens entry, as colleen was going for er two boys she'd entered. Scott pulled back a chair for Martha to sit on, and Martha secretly rolled her eyes. After what had happened in the bush that year ago, Scott had NOT given up. She wasn't interested, but he didn't exactly "get that"

"Thank the LORD that Noah's too old!" Scott exclaimed

"Yeah, I know. Ella was roped in as Beth's 'entry'" Tasha told them, and Kit secretly felt jealous that her own mother had gone for someone else's child.

"Tell me about it. Rosie's been pulled in too. Irene's" Rachel laughed.

Kit did feel jealous though. Although everyone had told her she was lucky that Annabelle wasn't in it, she still felt as if she and Annabelle weren't good enough. But she was often second choice, anyway. Kit sighed, as Annabelle sudden ly began slurping. "There's probably a very good reason you'll never be a little miss something ro whatever" Kit told her young daughter, as she wiped her daughters face. Annabelle had a lack of manners, and much preferred mud than dresses. But it was better, Kit liked it that way.

Belle left the room., tears burning, but NO one saw Belle Taylor cry. But as a tear slipped down her cheek, ore and more fell, she couldn't help it. She'd been dumped. The hot tears came pouring out, and she stopped in the gutter, sitting on the ground burying her head in her hands, as she cried. Lucas had dumped her. For no reason. Suddenly stopping though, Belle remembered. "No one messes with belle taylor" she said to herself, getting up again as though nothing was wrong.

Lucas had no choice in his actions, so he thought. Sneaking slowly out of the hospital, once he reached the doors, he ran. Belle was right there, and saw him, but becuase she hated him, she didn't care. He remembered something from years ago.


"Come on mate, we'll hide it in here!" a figure yelled to another man, as Lucas hid behind the rocks. Lucas had just been playing hide and seek, a childish game, but it was fun on the beach at nighttime. It was spooky. But two men had come out of nowhere, and they looked nasty. One of them quickly put the gun under the large rock, and Lucas never forgot it

[end of flashback]

He ran all the way back down to his old favourite hiding spot. Because of that incident, he hadn't been there in years. Grabbing the gun from it's hiding spot, he was relieved to see there was a bullot. He took a deep breath, and pressed it to the side of his head, slowly counting to three. One...two....

"LUCAS!!!" Someone screamed, and before pulling the trigger, Lucas turned to see the beautiful figure standing there....


Who's the person?

Hint: This person is the girl Lucas shares a new romance with...

What will the baby pagaent hold?



What will Belle do to Lucas?

The farmer "Dave"....who will he share a love with?

The answer...will shock you...

Who is in danger???

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I just caught up! What totally awesome chapters. you are such a great writer!! I am absolutely loving this. Please update soon!!!! :D


Here' the nest chapt,

Chapter 34: Dangerous suicider

Martha stood from a distance away, gaping at Lucas. Worried, she stood in shock, afraid of hearing the gun-shot. Lucas couldn't kill himself, it just wasn't right.

Lucas whirled around, his arm lowering, his hand loosening so the gun dropped out of his hand into the ocean. He gasped as he suddenly thought a thought thast shouldn't have been thought. He had said that his own brother's wife was a beautiful figure. How could he betray Jack like that? Yet when he looked at her, he felt an attraction... No. No. No....

The day of the pageant. How exciting. Colleen was in a frenzy, making sure her entries were ready. Lucas shyly smiled at Martha as she walked past, taking a seat in front to have a good view of his nephews. Martha came and sat next to him, and Lucas looked away. he couldn't keep doing this. From behind, belle watched the back of Lucas's head. What would she do to him?

After Riley won the baby pageant, and Rosie won the juniors, a party was held. Everyone congratulated the parents and children on winning, particularly Riley, who had sung a little song for the audience that had been a treat. Dave suddenly arrived, to see how Rachel was doing. He was introduced to the town by Rachel, but he couldn't keep his eyes off Rachel. And Drew couldn't keep his eyes off Dave.

"Mac!" Lucas exclaimed, trying to catch her attention

"Hey!" she greeted him, a little uncomfortably. he had ran away after the incident before, and they hadn't seen eachother since. "Listen, about before..." he tried to begin, but Martha cut him off.

" Don;t worry about it!" she said, waving him off, going to get a drink. But deep down, she truly was worried for Lucas.

Only part one, don't have heaps of time, see ya! Please review! :D



I've abandoned this fic. Shhh dont tell Sarah. :|

Loved the 45677899969 (or maybe lets just say 4) chapters I havnt read



Too late. IO heard! :P Pffft. I'm getting annoyed with myself. I need to update this one, I'm obsessed with oneshots though I"m reaLLY bad at them, and I wanna get just like heaven up and posted soon! Grr. Oh well.

Here is part two. (A really terible chapter)

"Hey" Dave greeted Rachel, as she swallowed the last mouthful of her champagne.

She smiled at him, before replying with "hi"

"Another drink?" he asked her, gesturing towards the empty glass.

"THanks!" she said smiling, as he went to order.

DRew and KIm both watched on with jealousy.

Lucas watached Martha dancing, but his dreamy expresion changed to anger and jealousy when a man came up to Martha.

"Hey" he said to her. "Wanna dance? Another drink, maybe?" he asked, smiling.

"Um..." Martha replied, thinking of Jack, not to mention Jack jr. and Riley, under the care of her grandfather."PUshing them to the back of her mind, Martha nodded happily, as the guy went to the bar to order the drinks. She had ordered something with a lot of alcohol, but all MArtha wanted to do was let her hair down that night. He made his way back through the crowd, and they both skulled their drinks down, and a slow song began playing. Leading him seductively onto the dancefloor, MArtha came close to him, pushing her body to his, wrapping her arms around his neck, not caring she didn't even know his name...

LUcas saw Martha and the stranger close together, swaying to the music, and was jealous. When he realised that HE wanted Martha, he blocked that out, thinking it was only because of Jack, and he thought she was betraying him. At least, he tried to believe it. Meanwhile, Belle saw him gazing onto a girl, although she couldn't see who it was, she sat there, sipping her coke, plotting the ultimate revenge....

Kim walked up to a drunk Rachel, who was standing with Dave, who was sane. "Rach, I"m gonna leave now, kay?" he asked her.

"okay" she said smiling, drunkingly.

"OKay....aren't you coming?" he asked.

"No, I wanna stay here and party!" she gave a strange, loud laugh, and swayed slightly.

"It's okay, mate, I'll look after her" Dave told him. 'like hell you will' Kim thought to himself. He tried to smile, but he honestly didn't trust leaving Rachel alone with Mr. farmer. But he was tired, and had work the next morning, so he headed home...

"Come on, let's dance!" Rachel cried to Dave, pulling his hand and leading him to near where Martha and her new friend were dancing.

"OKay, I'm not very good though...." he said, but Rachel wrapped her arms around him anyway. KIt, who was just about to leave, looked back and saw Rachel dancing, with a guy she presumed was KIm. She suddenly saw them share a steamy kiss, and she shook her head laughing. Good thing they have a bedroom free.

Martha stepped off the dance floor, tired out. "Sorry, I don't think I got your name?" Martha said to him, as he folowed her off.

"It's Leo. and yours?" he replied, sitting down close to her.

"It's Martha" she said, smiling, movbing even closer to him, swinging her arm around onto his shoulder.

"Gorgeous name" Leo told her, before leaning over and kissing her neck, before moving to her lips, as they sat together in their embrace in public, making-out.

Riley had spotted his mother, just as he was going to walk out, but saw her kissing another man. Tugging at Uncle Lucas, he pointed out Martha, and Lucas angrily went over there, and shoved the guy off.

"What the hell?" Martha said, as Lucas broke the couple up.

"Yeah, mate, I believe Martha and I were having a moment?" Leo said angrily.

"Don't you DARE make a move on my brother's wife!" Lucas shouted, punching Leo in the face, storming out with little Jack and Riley, taking them home. Martha was a fool to fall for him, even though she WAS drunk...

Next time:

What happened with Dave and Rachel?

Will Martha and Leo continue a relationship?

Will KIm find out about Dave and Rachel the night before?

Will KIm and Rach break up?



Please review!


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