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That was very good Nicole, well done you have completely got me panicking now! lol I'm dreading the next chapter coz i bet Jack just wants to propose, and Martha is still reeling from the stupid lies that Callum told her. Why the hell would she believe Callum and not Jack, if she wanted to know if Jack still loved her then she should ask Jack, not Callum. He doesn't know what Jack is thinking, how dare he, he has got a real nerve saying those awful things to Martha!!! Grrrr

Why can't Martha remember that Jack does still love her, he always had and always will. For gods sake he has saved her life twice and he doesn't need to say those little words to tell her he loves her, cause it is all the gestures that Jack does for her that tell her he still cares for her!

Anyway, Martha should be careful about listening to Callum's advice on her and Jacks relationship from last time when he told her a pack opf lies!

Ok ok i think i need to stop expressing my feelings about Callum and Martha, and Jack for that matter. i'm, getting too worked up and its drivind me crazy lol

Nicole you are too good at this :P


Right now i don't know who i hate more...Martha or Callum. At the moment Martha doesn't deserve Jack. I could go on to say more but i'm pretty sure what i have to say can't be posted on this board.

Great work Nicole.


omg Nicole why are you doing this?? lol ARHGGGGG Callum should die I hate him!!!!! I knew that martha would go to him to talk and he'll just comfort her and tell lies about Jack. And right now martha doesn't deserve Jack god she's acting annoying and stubborn. Please get me out of my misery,lol.

Very good Update soon :D


  bay girl said:
What the hell was he doing on top of Martha in the frist place?

Wouldn't be surprised if Callum was the one who stole the engagment ring, or maybe Mia stole it. Something is not right about her. But hey, i could be wrong.

Martha is really pissing me off. It's getting to the point where i wish Jack would dump her and tell her to **** off. She actually thinks Jack should be okay about her frolicking off with Callum. Hell no.

Callum is a freak, i hate him and want him to die.

I agree

Martha has some serious making up to do.

What was Jack supposed to do when he saw someone on top of her?

how can Martha think Jack doesn't love her?

Oh all he's done is take a bullet for her and save her from being trapped from some angel loving guy so I'm sure he doesn't love her.

I hate callum

Posted (edited)

Awww that was just really really sweet! As always the writing is fantastic! I'm so glad that they are happy...for the moment! Soooo...was it hard writing a happy scene for once?? lol can't wait for the next chapter!!

Edited by jackandmartha!!!

Lol! *nods* Happy is hard... Evil and argumentative is great fun! Lol.

I hope you are all happy at Martha and Jack being nice to each other. Well, they were eventually. Lol. Notice the sentence..

Sure, it was annoying to most people, and on rare occasions her stubbornness annoyed him, but most of the time, he just found it cute.

Well, at least he can put up with her annoying-ness! Unlike some moaning people.. *cough* bay_girl and linzie_mac01 *cough* lol :P


awww that was soooo sweet. glad that there happy for the moment

loved the part where jack decided against cutlery and chose pillows - always the better chose :-)

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