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Lol. I know. Stupid ass callum.... *mumbles*

I tried to add a little bit of Martha's POV in there, if anyone noticed. Lol. Sorry for it by the way, I did it in like 5 minutes before I posted the chapter, because I figured that everyone was ganging up on Martha, and that she needed a say. Lol. Also, that I had barely covered her whole POV about the situation, which did lead to everyone just thinking she was being damn difficult and annoying. :D But she still is a bit annoying.. lol Falling for Callum's tricks like that. ARE YOU BLIND?! Tsk.

(Hang on, why the hell am I getting worked up about this? I have the power to do what I like.. lol Which is quite stupid really, because I get carried away... hence the fact that I'm on chapter 27. Lol. How quickly could this fic have been done if a normal person wrote it? lol)

Also, I think I might have to slow down the chapters now, as my proof reader has like gone on holiday.. lol Tsk! And also, I need her for inspiration. My little jackandmartha!!!. *crys* lol What the hell am I going to do without my annoying londoner... lol

"Maybe it's because I'm a londoner, and I love london town..." - Don't ask why I just did that, because I don't have the foggiest. lol

I guess I'm going to have to look for a jackandmartha!!! substitute.. lol :P Jk people... I'd kill myself if there were two jackandmartha!!!'s in the world.. lol

Well, I'm half way through chapter 27 (been busy lately) and the last few chapters haven't been checked.. :S. So.. the chapters might slow down. Which is a shame. :( After my Math's final *bites nails*, and Science modules *bites nails harder*, then I'll go on a chapter frenzy! Lol.

Well, I best be off.


The jackandmartha!!!-less nicole. x x


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I want to cry. How could she dump him. Callum is a creep and i wish he would drop dead.

Martha expects Jack to trust her, but now she won't trust him. Grrrrrrrr.

I guess she'll go running off to Callum now. Well i hope they have fun.


omg I almost cried through that break up, well done, Come on Martha, he's telling the truth, really, I promise. ok now I'm getting to involved.

Can't wait for more, really hope she realizes the truth soon, really soon.


Arghhhhhhh what the hell are you doing Martha??? and callum you little creep i hate you!!!!!!! That was so sad. Nicole you do realize you made a big mistake don't you? lol

Fantastic chapter!

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