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Yippee another chapter, thank you!!! :D

And yippee Peter's back!!!! Come on Pete cheer Jacky boy up :P

I hated Callum at his apartment with Martha, what a sleeze. Get your slimy hands off her, do you hear me moron? And why the hell has Martha gone running straight to Callum in the first place? God she is really starting to annoy me, why can't she see that its all Callum's fault that her and Jack broke up?

All i can say is that if Callum touches her again, then i will not be accountable for my actions!!!! He has been warned...

Nicole, I think you had not leave it too long til you post again, i think i might explode! lol

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Posted (edited)

  linzie_mac01 said:
Yippee another chapter, thank you!!! :D

And yippee Peter's back!!!! Come on Pete cheer Jacky boy up :P

I hated Callum at his apartment with Martha, what a sleeze. Get your slimy hands off her, do you hear me moron? And why the hell has Martha gone running straight to Callum in the first place? God she is really starting to annoy me, why can't she see that its all Callum's fault that her and Jack broke up?

All i can say is that if Callum touches her again, then i will not be accountable for my actions!!!! He has been warned...

Nicole, I think you had not leave it too long til you post again, i think i might explode! lol

You know what, just for you, I'll post the next chapter! :D Lol.

I'll go read through it again, then I'll edit this post. :D

EDIT: Enjoy!

Chapter 25

“It’ll only be for a couple of days, just until I get somewhere permanent sorted out.” Peter explained.

“Yea, well it best be, my dad and Lucas will be back in about 3 days, and I’m not too sure how my dad will take me inviting people to live with us.” Jack explained. Peter nodded.

“I’ll be out by then, don’t you worry!” Peter exclaimed. He threw his bags in the spare room, and followed Jack out to the living room.

“So, how’s life?” Peter asked, whilst resting on the sofa. Jack didn’t exactly want to talk about it, nor did he want to lie, so he decided to just change the subject.

“Do you know if I can come back to work yet?” Jack asked. Peter shook his head.

“I don’t I’m afraid. But what I do know is that someone should be coming over today to tell you. Mia, is it?” He asked. Jack nodded.

“Yea. Mia.” He confirmed. Mia; the partner of his who left him to complete their paperwork out of shift hours; therefore forcing him to cancel dates with Martha. However, even though he’d like to blame her for his break up, he couldn’t, as he had accepted to do the paperwork and kicked up no fuss over the matter.

“So, how’s that girlfriend of yours Jack? Managed to come up with a way to propose yet?” Peter asked. Jack’s face dropped, he wasn’t prepared to even think about his plan to propose, let alone talk about it. He collapsed on the sofa, and rubbed his head with his hand.

“Well, we kind of split up.” Jack said. Peter sighed with sympathy.

“I’m so sorry mate!” He said. “God, we’re a pair aren’t we?!” Peter laughed. Jack forced a smile and nodded, but unlike Peter, he wasn’t ready to laugh about his situation just yet. He found an excuse to leave, and headed towards his room.

He rested on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The subject of all his thoughts was either Martha or Callum, and it was definitely affecting him. He slapped his hands on his forehead.

“Stop thinking!” He ordered himself, but it was no use. Martha was still pictured in his brain. He looked around his room; immediately spotting the photo frame on his bedside draws. He picked it up and held it tightly in his hand. They were so happy together, before all the Corey, Dave, Jenny, Trevor and Callum business. Why did it have to happen to them? It felt as if their relationship was doomed with all the bad luck they’d received. He knew no other couple that had suffered so much in such a short period. “Well, at least it’s over now.” He sighed, dropping the photo to his side. His thought was followed by a knock at the door. “Come in!” He shouted, shoving the photo frame underneath his pillow. He was shocked to see Martha and Callum stood in his door way. So shocked, that he didn’t even move from his bed; he just stared at them, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Jack looked down their arms; they were holding hands. He sat up in his bed sharply; he was so confused. Why would Martha and Callum come and visit him? And why were they holding hands?

"What-" He began, but was cut off by Martha's explanation.

“Jack. I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but this afternoon, kissing Callum, being with Callum, waking up with Callum; just felt right, you know? It felt as if it was the best thing for me, the best thing ever…” She said. Jack was sat up in his bed, unable to take his gaze off their laced hands.

“You’ve got together with Callum? We only broke up a few hours ago!” Jack exclaimed.

“I guess I couldn’t wait around any longer, my feelings weren’t going to change, and I had nothing standing in my way. I know this is hard for you Jack, and I do still like you a lot, but it doesn’t compare to the love I feel for Callum.” She said, looking up into Callum’s eyes lovingly. “I love you Callum.” She said, Callum smiled.

“I love you too.” He replied gently, pulling her closer and passionately kissing her. Jack had now sunk down into the bed, so his head was resting on the pillow. He lay there; confused at what emotion to experience. Should he be confused, hurt or angry? The answer was all 3. He felt a wide range of emotions that he couldn’t bear. The impact of the thoughts rushing through his mind was enough to send a single tear trickling down his cheek. He looked the other way, as the loving pair continued kissing next to him. They slowly realised what state Jack was in, and decided to leave him in tears, fixed to his bed.

Jack awoke with a start, breathing in heavily and looking around the room.

“It was a dream.” He sighed, resting his head back down on the pillow. He thought about his dream; it had seemed so realistic. As he lay quietly, thinking his dream through, he realised that the possibility of it actually coming true was very high, as Callum would probably get what he wants in the end; Martha. He’d have to prepare for Martha dating again, Martha moving on with Callum, as it was inevitably going to happen. “Maybe if I tried to move on first?” Jack thought aloud. But the idea of being with someone else made him sad; he didn’t want to be with anyone else but Martha. He then drifted back off to sleep, unaware that he was going to have the same awful nightmare repeated in his head on loop, every time he closed his eyes for the next week.

Edited by xxNicolexx
Posted (edited)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!! I just sent you a pm actually lol about it! yay go Nicole, can't wait to read!!

OMG i was so nearly going to hurt someone when i was reading that. I thought firstly, how dare they come round to Jacks and be so blatant in his face and kissing Callum ewww. Then when i realised it was a dream...Nicole that was excellent writing!

Poor jack having those nightmares, i feel so sad for him. Peter needs to tell him not to move on but to try and persevere getting Martha back, she needs to know what she's missing! And Jack needs to get her back before Callum gets his slimy hands on her!

Edited by linzie_mac01

OMG I hat e callam, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Jack, how come it's always Martha making the dicisions abou there realationship and Jack being the one that has Martha taken away from him, it's almost like she controls the way they both are.

Anyway I'll be quiet now, hope to read more soon.


  dolly-999 said:
OMG I hat e callam, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Jack, how come it's always Martha making the dicisions abou there realationship and Jack being the one that has Martha taken away from him, it's almost like she controls the way they both are.

Anyway I'll be quiet now, hope to read more soon.

I agree

she should be worshipping the ground he works on to thank him for not dumping her, especially when she whinges. ( I would totally worship the ground he walks o,n he is so hot! )


I hate Callum so much. Anyways aother fantastic chapter Nicole. I really thought that Martha and Callum thing was actually real, if it was I would have probably killed Callum. Lol. Hope you write more soon.


Yay two chapters for me to read!!! O.k where do i start? Oh yes with the first one.......GET YOUR FAUL HANDS OFF HER YOU PIG, NOW!!! (sorry needed to do that) Actually no, why am i apologising i am sure every other person reading this fic agrees! Secondly Nicole i was going to come at you through the screen while reading that scene with Martha and Callum and there oh so wrong display of affection *shudders* If that hadn't of been a nightmare then i would have seriously hurt you! lol. In any case i am sad now because Jack is upset and i'm seriously thinking that Martha is a total idiot!?!? Ohnestly running to Callum? HELLO, you have a best friend to do that with and her name is Tasha. Say it with me slowly T-A-S-H-A. Please update soon Nicole because if you don't i will go crazy. Please, please, please!!!! *begs*

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