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Posted (edited)

omg ok i'll start with the first chapter why the hell would you run to total moroons like callum martha?? your acting like an idiot!!!! go to your best friend!! for heavens sake! and secondly Nicole why did you write that freakin dream lol it scared the hell out of me. How dare you callum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhh

lol Fantastic writing Nicole!:D

and Baygirl i'll come with you,my life will not be settled until i hit callum!!!:P

Edited by hotchoc
Posted (edited)

Callum is a creep, arrrrrrrrrrrrr. I didn't think it was possible to hate him anymore, but here i am reading this chapter getting mader!!!! Stuff Mia too, she might not have done anything wrong but she should have known what Martha was thinking while looking at her very undressed state. I'm raving now, but who the hell goes to answer the door wearing a bed sheet! What if it was Colleen? Then what would you do? I can't believe that when Martha finally decides to stop being a Moron this happens! You know what, i don't care, i can't believe she kissed Callum, she deserves to cry! Well done Nicole i am officially annoyed. I need to calm down before i can tell you anything nice.


O.K great chapter, please update soon!

Edited by jacknmarthaluver

I can't breath. That was way traumatising. Let me guess, now Martha will run off back to Callum. Or the creep will find her down the beach. And she'll be all like 'aww callum, you're so nice'. Somebody gag me.

Ewww. Callum. Ewww. The guy is disgusting. I just threw up in my mouth.

I'm still hating Martha, i don't think there is anything you can do to make me like her right now. I don't even feel bad about her seeing Mia and thinking that Jack slept with her.

And i'm thinking chainsaw, not axe.


I'm backing up team Bay girl on this one!!!

Everything she said! When i get my hands on Callum he will never be able to touch Martha again, you hear me??? I'm thinking chainsaw...very small body parts...thrown out to sea! Ha!! then try and get to Martha you creep!!!

When Mia answered the door though it was hilarious, and then when Peter came in the room I couldn't stop thinking about a threesome, never mind Jack being with Mia. Jack Mia and Peter!!! LOL God, if only Martha had seen Peter aswell, what a joke LOL

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