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Posted (edited)

yay you updated but why did they have to fight

*sad face*

oh well now they can make up - please?


Edited by bell
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Oh no not another argument :( but this one sounded really serious, Jack you've got some making up to do boy.

But, hang on a sec, Martha isn't the innocent one here! she didn't exactly warn Jack that it was Callum! it was like she wanted to have a massive row so that it would give her an excuse to split with Jack, blaming him in the process so that she can run off to Callum! Grrr...

And as for Callum, god he make me so angry, i bet he planned everything, i bet he knew Jack was there all along...

Posted (edited)

What the hell was he doing on top of Martha in the frist place?

Wouldn't be surprised if Callum was the one who stole the engagment ring, or maybe Mia stole it. Something is not right about her. But hey, i could be wrong.

Martha is really pissing me off. It's getting to the point where i wish Jack would dump her and tell her to **** off. She actually thinks Jack should be okay about her frolicking off with Callum. Hell no.

Callum is a freak, i hate him and want him to die.

Edited by bay girl
Posted (edited)

Callum is a freak, i hate him and want him to die.

So you're not a fan, eh?

Lol! I love reading your comments, I can so tell how you're feeling. I'm thinking not too happy right now? lol

Oh btw, did you like Martha's Secret thingy? The Outcome??

Did you know that the reason why I wrote that fic, was because of you. Lol. I needed to try and trick you, so i had to do it Martha and Jack related, so you'd read it, and thats how (when I was ill and obsessed with tricking you lol) i thought of the storyline. That's why i made it sound like she was pregnant, so then you'd think it, and then say it! Lol. Because you always post what you think is going to happen, and you're always damn right! Lol. So I wanted to prove you wrong, and i did! Lol. So I'm happy! Mission Complete. :D I just hope it teaches you! lol I don't know how, but still. :) (Btw, you've gone and predicted something else in this fic, well done.. lol)

Edited by xxNicolexx
Posted (edited)

Mia. I knew i hated that bitch for a reason.

And yes, i read Martha's secret. I cried.

But now i'm a bit angry with you because you're supposed to be a M/J fan. Yet you still have Martha falling for the freak. Why does she like him, is she mental. And yes, i don't know much about Mia, but i disliked her from the start. And why do i get the feeling that the freak and Mia know each other.

Nicole......why do you put me through this hell???????

Edited by bay girl

Okay, that wasn't the thing I was on about. Lol. Mia's actually alright. Not that she doesn't cause problems.. lol Shut up Nicole!


I'm actually considering not reading this anymore. LOL. This fic haunts me to no end. I'm too scared to read it. I'm hating Martha right now, because she is blind and clearly mental. She's going to hurt Jack and i will be overly pissed.

And knowing you Nicole.....you will have Martha cheat on Jack, because you have just admitted to wanting to mess with my head.

Congratulations...coz it's working.

Posted (edited)

  bay girl said:
I'm actually considering not reading this anymore. LOL. This fic haunts me to no end. I'm too scared to read it. I'm hating Martha right now, because she is blind and clearly mental. She's going to hurt Jack and i will be overly pissed.

And knowing you Nicole.....you will have Martha cheat on Jack, because you have just admitted to wanting to mess with my head.

Congratulations...coz it's working.

Lol! The other fic was for you, not this one. :)

I don't think anything too bad happens in this fic, sure Martha continues to act like a freak, and quite annoying, but i'm sure it'll all end okay. :D

And I haven't had Martha cheat on Jack so far. Which is good. :D

It's up to you I guess if you want to continue or not. :) But I'll miss your god damn correct predictions.. lol

Edited by xxNicolexx
Posted (edited)

Arrrrrrrrr, i'm gonna kill Callum and at the moment take out Martha at the same time. Nicole you are playing with my damn nerves. What is this: Callum still had his arm around Martha, and Martha was still snuggled up next to him........TORTURE MATERIAL. If HE wasn't a fictional character i would probably be arrested for what i would do to him!!!!!

Of course Jack loves you, you stupid idiot, have you forgotten all that he has done for you??????? I'm going to stop now before i say something i really regret.

Edited by jacknmarthaluver

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