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The one where Ross leaves his teeth whitener on for too long and they become ridiculously white and he goes on a date and covers his mouth with stuff. Its not my favourite, just one of my favourites. I also love the one where Ross talks in a british accent to his students because he is nervous!

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Favourite episode is where Phoebe and Chandler are picking out an engagement ring for Monica and Phoebe holds the musket and says "Imagine, getting down on one knee and proposing to Monica with this amazing piece of weaponary." Ahahaha and then when the other guy bought the other ring she runs out with all the jewellery on and the bars close around her and she points the muskett out of the bars and says "Let me out of here!"

EDIT: And then when they try and get the ring back she says she's dying and if she doesn't get that ring "Her spirit will roam to netherworld for all eternity."

I also love the one where Ross tries to play rugby. And the one where Joey does a 'Dramatic Reading' for Emma.

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  • 1 month later...

What was your fav episode of friends?

I can't decide they were all so great

Ahhhh its so hard to choose!! I love the epsiode where they all find out about Monica and Chandler and Phoebe is trying to seduce Chandler lol!! The Thanksgiven episode's are always really good 2!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh i love Friends, its my favorite show and im so glad i have all the seasons on Dvd.

I have so many favorite episodes but the ones i remember the most is;

- The One with the Nap Partners Joey and Ross have a nap together, and Rachel and Phoebe need to decide who will be Monica's bridesmaid.. Haha, i love the nap Joey and Ross is taking together. They look so cute!

- The One with the Rumor Lol! For some reason i just love this episode. I think Brad Pitt does a great part!

- The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song Ross finds a way to make Emma laugh - singing "Baby Got Back." This episode is soo funny!!

- The One with Ross's Tan Ross tries to get a tan, but seems to do it poorly. Rachel and Joey try to make out with no awkwardness. And Phoebe and Monica's old roommate, Amanda comes to visit.. Amazing episode, its soooooooo funny!

- The One with Ross' Teeth This episode cracked me up! I think you all know what happens in it :D

- The One with All the Resolutions Ross is on a date with a new girl (Elizabeth Hornswoggle) and the new pair of leather pants is so hot and tight that he can't get them back on after taking them off to cool down in the bathroom. This episode cracked me up as well and i think at one point i cried. This episode is soooooooooo funny! This is my biggest favorite :P

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My mind is definitely made up after seeing this episode a couple of times - The One Where Ross is fine and he invites Joey and Rachel over and gets drunk. I love that bit but its also the one where monica and Chandler go to see people about adoption and Chandler mentions to the kid that he is adopted and then to the triplets that Phoebe gave birth to them

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The one with the superbowl pt 1 (season 2) is extremely funny!

It's the one where Phoebe is hired to sing at the children's library, while Joey gets his very own stalker (I LOVE the scene in the restaurant where she's talking about his hands)

But as I have said so many (too many) times before, I can't pick just one favourite, there are so many good episodes!

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My mind is definitely made up after seeing this episode a couple of times - The One Where Ross is fine and he invites Joey and Rachel over and gets drunk. I love that bit but its also the one where monica and Chandler go to see people about adoption and Chandler mentions to the kid that he is adopted and then to the triplets that Phoebe gave birth to them

:lol: I love that Episode, especially the ending when Chandler goes, "I'm gonna go and tell Emma that she was an accident" :lol:

I love the episode where they all go to play Football in season 3, and all the tricks that the girls get upto to win. lol. If anybody is interesting you can find it here. :)

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Mine has to be the whole turkey on the head thing, when monica does that dance at the end for chandler just has me in stitches everytime. Although the best ever ones have to be the last two. How it all ends just has me in tears and the whole twin thing makes me crack up.

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