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Guest lilaccat

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Does anyone else remember them saying that when Friends finished, they would make occasional 'update' episodes for Christmas or whatever, to let us see how the Friends' lives are progressing? It would be nice if they did do that.

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I would love to see a reunion. I don't know where though: Joey's in LA, Monica and Chandler have left the Village, and I don't know if they'd still have access to either of the apartments.

I'd just like to ask the question: why didn't they cut the scene where Ross was accidentally saying things that made him sound like a paedophile?! That's way worse than anything they have cut.

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What, they didn't cut that, but they did cut the line off every time someone said sex? That's just weird. That is a funny scene though, Ross seems to have a habit of saying things that come out all wrong, like in TOW Unagi where he asks Phoebe and Rachel's self defence teacher how to attack two women :lol:

On one hand I'd love to see a reunion, but it would have to be good, and not just like an extra regular season or an episode or two. I liked the idea they had about making four hour-long episodes including a Thanksgiving episode. But on the other hand I think it's okay that it's over. I mean, the last episode kind of ended everything, but while it closed a lot of doors, it also left a lot open without any direct indication of how things turned out. I don't like it when they don't leave anything open for us to kind of think "ah well, I wonder what will happen next for them?". Like we know Rachel and Ross got back together, Monica and Chandler got their babies and moved to Westchester while Phoebe and Mike decided they wanted to have kids. We got a lot of answers, but on the other hand we don't know how all this turned out. That's why I didn't like "Joey" as a Friends-spinoff. Not only did they ruin the character, I think they ruined a bit of Friends too.

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I think they did too in a way. I always in my head imagined that Joey would live near Monica and Chandler and that they guys would all still hang out. I think when they ended the show and didn't do any update episodes or anything maybe they wanted us as viewers to think about what they did after we left them and make up our own minds

When we seen Joey living away from everyone else - and doing his own thing to me he just didn't seem like Joey if that makes sense

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I thought so too. Its not like Monica and Chandler were moving so far away he couldn't visit them again. Ross and Rachel were still in the apartment across the road - it didn't really make sense for Joey to leave.

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Damn it, they did it again. When Joey asked Ross whether he'd rather have sex with Monica or Rachel, Ross stares at him and says "Dude you're sick" and Joey says "Oh, man, I forgot you and Rachel already had that thing." Actually, I wouldn't have minded that one, if they'd made the cut more appropriately, when Phoebe was walking away from them.

That said, I loved Phoebe's grudge against Ross, and why.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I hadn't seen tonight's before, it would not have made any sense, especially the conversation between Ross and Rachel at the end. For the Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake, if they were going to cut it to pieces like that, I'd have rather they'd skipped it. Which would have made no difference to the ongoing storyline whatsoever.

But I loved Ross comparing a threesome with Carol and another woman to being at a party and wondering "would anyone really miss me if I wasn't here?" I know what that's like, which is probably why I always leave pretty abruptly. The party I mean.

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