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Bec's Back!

Guest ter06

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Not that I believe she's returning but...

She left the show of her own accord during a big long running storyline and before her contract expired, forcing not only producers to re-cast the role but also audiences to adjust to a new actress. In my opinion by doing that she forefitted any rights whatsoever to return to the role. Who does she think she is? Bec was Hayley, but then Ella became Hayley and any new Hayley storylines should be played by her. It's not like she was a temp actress just filling in for a few weeks. Bec left the show and Ella took over. End of. :P

I get where you’re coming from, like it wouldn’t be right for Vanessa Downing to return to play Pippa now at all. However I think it’s different; Bec was Hayley for 6 years, Ella for 3 months? I actually prefer Bec as Hayley; I think she improved dramatically in her acting over the last couple of years during her time in the show and made Hayley a memorable character. The character itself bores the heck out of me, and I couldn’t care whether Hayley returns or not – I’m sure it will be a good storyline though so I’m looking forward to it, if it is true - but I don’t think Ella should return to play Bec. I personally think they made a mistake casting Ella as Hayley – they should have written a character specifically for Ella because she was a fantastic actress and could have been a great character.

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I get where you’re coming from, like it wouldn’t be right for Vanessa Downing to return to play Pippa now at all. However I think it’s different; Bec was Hayley for 6 years, Ella for 3 months? I actually prefer Bec as Hayley; I think she improved dramatically in her acting over the last couple of years during her time in the show and made Hayley a memorable character. The character itself bores the heck out of me, and I couldn’t care whether Hayley returns or not – I’m sure it will be a good storyline though so I’m looking forward to it, if it is true - but I don’t think Ella should return to play Bec. I personally think they made a mistake casting Ella as Hayley – they should have written a character specifically for Ella because she was a fantastic actress and could have been a great character.

Actually no. I wouldn't mind at all if Vanessa Downing returned as Pippa. Even H&A itself has acknowledged that both actresses are part of what made Pippa special and have acknolwedged in episodes that she was played by them, by showing Vanessa in a flash back and moments later showing a close up of a photo of Pippa #2 and Michael.

I don't really see Bec's longitivity on the show as anything special. For almost all of that time she did nothing interesting. I go to no exaggeration to say that for her first 4 years she had NO storylines apart from boyfriend issues. She didn't have any sort of character or depth at all. Yes Bec's acting improved over time, but, and maybe this is a British thing (?), but on our soaps we have a habit of hiring people who can already act, not hiring crap actors in the hope that 5 years later they might be a bit better.

It's about quality not quantity, and in her short 3 months Ella made Hayley a character I was interested in watching. Something that Bec had failed to achieve in her 6 long, boring years.

That... and all the stuff I mentioned before about Bec leaving of her own accord and having no right to come back when she already caused the role to be recast.

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I found Ella Scott Lynch's version of Hayley boring and cold, she had a monotone voice that expressed no emotion whatsoever and the kind bubbly Hayley i'd grown to love was now an annoying, self centred cow obsessed with a loser like Scott Hunter. Her version of Hayley had no warmth to her, she should have been cast as someone else entirely. Bec, like Debra, is the actress most people associate with the role so they are more likely to be brought back than an actress who either isn't remebered as well or wasn't quite as popular in the role.

I can't wait to have Bec back where she belongs. :D

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I still don't know if itr's true or not.

I also think it's wierd that it hasn't been confirmed in any aussie mags. Tv Week would usually chuck her on the front cover if they knew she was coming back. Yet, UK mags are printing it before an aussie magazine does.

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I still don't know if itr's true or not.

I also think it's wierd that it hasn't been confirmed in any aussie mags. Tv Week would usually chuck her on the front cover if they knew she was coming back. Yet, UK mags are printing it before an aussie magazine does.

You might be right but in response to that I'd like to say that Inside Soap told us that Noah had died long before Sarah even pulled the trigger let alone the two weeks you had to wait to find out in Australia.

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I still don't know if itr's true or not.

I also think it's wierd that it hasn't been confirmed in any aussie mags. Tv Week would usually chuck her on the front cover if they knew she was coming back. Yet, UK mags are printing it before an aussie magazine does.

You might be right but in response to that I'd like to say that Inside Soap told us that Noah had died long before Sarah even pulled the trigger let alone the two weeks you had to wait to find out in Australia.

Noah being killed was common knowledge a year before it happened in Australia...it was planned a long time in advance...so I don't think that is necessarily a good example.

Inside Soap have got a lot wrong as well as a lot right.

A number of sources have said that this "myspace" is actually a fake..and I tend to think it is...I think if Bec was coming back Seven themselves would push it ...the publicity they would get would be too good an opportunity for them pass...so unless Seven say its true...I am not holding my breath...and I think it would be a retrograde step anyway...so personally I hope it's not true.

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I found Ella Scott Lynch's version of Hayley boring and cold, she had a monotone voice that expressed no emotion whatsoever and the kind bubbly Hayley i'd grown to love was now an annoying, self centred cow obsessed with a loser like Scott Hunter. Her version of Hayley had no warmth to her, she should have been cast as someone else entirely. Bec, like Debra, is the actress most people associate with the role so they are more likely to be brought back than an actress who either isn't remebered as well or wasn't quite as popular in the role.

I can't wait to have Bec back where she belongs. :D

A lot of people say that Ella's Hayley was miserable and self-centred. I'm sorry, but Hayley was like that before Bec left. She was widowed, pregnant by and engaged to a man she didn't love, while the man she did love was busy getting someone else knocked up (or so he thought). Of course she's not going to be her bubbly old self! Bec's Hayley was just annoying and self-centred, and just as obsessed with Scott - that's nothing to do with the actress, it's just the characterisation.

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I still don't know if itr's true or not.

I also think it's wierd that it hasn't been confirmed in any aussie mags. Tv Week would usually chuck her on the front cover if they knew she was coming back. Yet, UK mags are printing it before an aussie magazine does.

You might be right but in response to that I'd like to say that Inside Soap told us that Noah had died long before Sarah even pulled the trigger let alone the two weeks you had to wait to find out in Australia.

Noah being killed was common knowledge a year before it happened in Australia...it was planned a long time in advance...so I don't think that is necessarily a good example.

Inside Soap have got a lot wrong as well as a lot right.

A number of sources have said that this "myspace" is actually a fake..and I tend to think it is...I think if Bec was coming back Seven themselves would push it ...the publicity they would get would be too good an opportunity for them pass...so unless Seven say its true...I am not holding my breath...and I think it would be a retrograde step anyway...so personally I hope it's not true.

Yes I agree that Seven would push it, of course they would for a star like her but they cant really if it's another 6 months away.

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