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CLASSIC Twisted Tales (by JosieTash) - comments

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Oops, falling behind reading Classic Tales again – not work this time though! One of our dogs had to go to the vet to have X-rays done, for which dogs have to be anaesthetised. Then, when we got him back, he spent the rest of the day staggering around drunkenly and tripping over, so he needed constant supervision! He has recovered now though.

So, back to the Tales and the ever-inspiring posh Josh deaths. Loved the idea of Josh shrunken to chocolate-bar size. Hideous to think about eating him for afternoon tea though – I’m not surprised that Angie didn’t like the taste. Can you imagine? Yuk!!!

I’m worried about that Alrac reaching Earth. There’ll be no-one left in Summer Bay (except maybe saintly Scotty P), or indeed the rest of the World!!

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So, I'm still waiting to see who falls foul of the Alrac -- there are just so many people in Summer Bay thinking those bad thoughts about someone (except, of course, saintly Scotty P!). :( Josh must be top of the Alrac's hit list, but I guess he'd been killed already (just a few times!!).


Just catching up and my fave Josh death was back in Chapter 42 when he lay down in the road and was squidged to death by hundreds of cars. I know it shouldn't be by now, but it was just so unexpected! :lol:

Oh, and I would love to read the "happy memories" childcare book "Raising Children the Phillips' Way". :lol: Really missed this fic while I was away!


Hope you had a good holiday I love music -- I missed the Tales while I was away too! It's good to have lots to catch up on though.

Thank goodness Sebrina's country music career failed -- I don't think the world could have survived that!! I'm very confused now by all this heart swapping. I can't remember who's got who's heart any more ...

It's great that you're enjoying re-reading your brilliant Tales JosieTash. :D :D


God sent Scotty P amessage telling him how he has been chosen to bring about world peace. Scotty is naturally humbled by such a message from the almighty.He vows to devote his life to promoting world peace. :lol:

Dani is livid and takes her anger out on some poor kangaroos which she deliberately runs over on the way home!! :lol:

If this isn't brilliance, I don't know what is!!! :lol:

ps Thanks, Belgshep, I had a pretty good holiday, hope you did yourself. But I think it might be a better idea if everyone cancelled their hols and read this instead!


I keep wondering how you're going to top the previous Josh deaths JosieTash, but you keep (or should I say kept) coming up with brilliant ones. I loved Leah talking him to death in Ch. 68 and not even noticing!! And, hey, you and Wanda were awfully close with your story about Alf/Josh running for PM as opposed to Alf/Josh running for mayor. It’s quite uncanny really! :o

Dani’s really got it in for those Kanegaroos :P!! [Ha, ha!] How mean is she?!

Glad you had a good holiday I love music; mine was good too, but far too much work to do when I got back!!


  JosieTash said:
glad that you both continue to love this

Both?!    :o  Nah, I'd say you've got lots more fans than that!

Josh gets stoned and goes for a swim. He is half drowned and gasping for breath when a jelly fish stings him, in agony he tries to swim on, but gets a terrible cramp. By now he is signalling for help and desperate when a shark sees him and tears him limb from limb. Date: 29/10/03 Author: Wanda


I thought Josh was just going to drown. I should have known it's never that simple!!! :rolleyes::lol:


What a great idea that Alf and Colleen are Angie’s parents (it's those bad Stewart genes again)!!! And ahh, sweet little Minisaurus!! It sounds really cute :). Can't wait to see what adventures Tasha and Fido have ...

Have to agree with I love music that you must have loads of fans. At the time I'm writing this there were currently 1142 views of this thread so unless I love music and I continually log on and off this thread in our sleep I'd say there's quite a few more!!

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