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CLASSIC Twisted Tales (by JosieTash) - comments

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The "tennis" Josh-death theme is great, and also another nail-file stabbing complete with nail polish in the eyes!!

Seb in the sex shop was hilarious, if somewhat messy! Euuuuuuwwwwww!!!

... And the “YOU LEGEND†stuff after a Josh death is brilliant – makes me laugh every time, especially when Alf said it!! :D


Silly Scott begins a quest to find insurance which he thinks is a place. He goes to the local library, but can't find it in any of the atlases.

Loved that bit, and then his round the world trip to look for it!!! :lol:

She would send VJ to the saintly Scotty Phillips for some spiritual guidence. If anyone could get through to the lost soul of an evil child it would be this saintly individual , an expert on child rearing and with the patience and morals of a modern day saint.

The Scotty P comments always crack me up! :lol::lol:

I love music, i really wish i did have a time machine - that would be sooooooo awesome !!!!

Denial. The first sign of guilt. :wink:

Especially as it now transpires you already knew all about Lleyton Hewitt as well... :lol:


They all hug and then they hear a horrible screaming noise , ...''what was that?'' asked Tasha.

''Oh, that's just Josh West burning to death inside,'' answered Angie. ''You LEGEND !!'' cried Tasha and Fi ,

Hilarious the way Angie was so nonchalant about Josh dying. It’s as if that sort of thing happens every day. Oh, I forgot … it does!!!!!!! :P

I, too, loved Scott H searching for the place Insurance. Only he could be that stupid!


Loved Josh the human dart board!

Ghost Vinnie then says "OMG! I killed Josh" to which a kangaroo, who was drinking at the river replied (in kangaroo-speak) "you LEGEND".
Laughs loudly!

On the way back they come across Josh and push the posh git into the river where a passing crocodile eats him. ''I just ate Josh West'' said the crocodile , ''you LEGEND !!! '' replied a koala.
Laughs even more!!!

After the greek chef has be going on and on and on and on AND on about how Flynn won't go out with her, josh just can't take any longer. He races into the diner's kitchen and turns on the oven to its maximum temperature. He then gets in the oven and dies from the intense heat. The oven then said "Oh My God! I killed Josh" to which the nearby fridge replied "you LEGEND!"
Brilliant -- that’s the best “you LEGEND†yet. Soooooo funny!!!! :D

I love music, Ok, you've got me - there's a time machine under my house as we "speak" (hehehehehehehehehehe

I knew it!!!!!!!! :lol:

I would have said this was the best Josh death...

...on entering the diner Gypsy turns on the posh git , grabs his hand and shoves it in the toaster, a freak bolt of lightning strikes the diner and all its energy surges through Josh and the toaster. He burns to an unrecognisable frazzled stick of black charcoal !!

But then I came across this one...

Meanwhile a poisonous toad jumped into Josh's open mouth and killed him with it's venom. :lol:

They then encounter 2 ex-pat Aussies, Shannon Reed & Mandy Thomas.

I was going to write who??? But then I did a google search and discovered they used to be characters in H&A, right? Just thought I’d mention it here because I am sure there are other fans of Twisted Tales who, like me, didn’t have a clue who they were and don’t want to waste valuable time finding out :angry: when they could be educating themselves reading this mad fic! :P:lol:


Still loving how evil colleen is and the josh deaths. Some one, some where has to take pity on the slimey git though, don't they? Just read all about Danni's psycho antics at the start, geez she has problems. One request, BRING BACK MORAG FULLTIME! If anyones a legend its her!


glad you loved those Josh deaths, belgshep. i rem that when i was wrting the chapter when the roo said "you legend" that maybe jesse or flyynn could be out on a bush run etc (to say it) but then i thought, let's have an animal saying it - and wanda (wonderfully) ran with that idea in her chapter so (i think) from now on it will always be animals, initimate objects, body parts etc (ie not ppl) that say those words.

btw, i'm surprised that you didn't comment on Mark & Angie (hehehehehehehe) !!!

Actually, I was going to say something about “Mark & Angieâ€, but then you went and changed your mind (gasp, shock!), so I thought I’d wait to see what happened in future chapters before I commented!!!! In fact, Mark, Jade & Tasha are getting pretty steamy without having an affair with Angie on the side too!

I see what you mean about the “you LEGEND†stuff with the toaster, blender, tree, kookaburra, bra and other clothing (!!), rock, echidna, toad and snake!! This is getting really silly and I LOVE it! :D


Back at the diner, jade & Mark begin to remember that, whilst they were Angie's slaves, she made them BOTH have sex with her. Will the pair EVER get over the hidious experience?
There, you see, I knew I’d have more to comment on if I just waited a while. Hang on a minute though, I thought you fancied Angie, even though you decided not to cheat on your lovely wives ... ?!!

''We've just killed Josh West , cried the kids , the possum and the puddle of **** !!

''You LEGENDS'' said a kangaroo as he hopped by warily looking out for Dani and her car.

Now that really was a “Classicâ€!!!!! :D

Well, it’s pretty much domestic bliss just now with you and the wives. No scandal at all really! :wink:

I’ve been wondering about the names of Hayley’s triplets. Bec and Beau I get, but who’s Ethan named after?

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