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What If?

Guest >>Emma<<

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Thanks, the Librarians.

Okay, I decided to write a new fic, as I was getting bored at home :P It's completely different to all of the other fics and it just follows how Jack and Martha are going to cope. If people don't read it then I won't carry it on. So here goes ...

It basically starts off with Jack and Martha together, they have been together for 5 years and have 2 children, Connie and Ben, Connie is 3 and Ben is 1, at the beginning they are all at Beth and Tony's house, as they are about to make a big announcement.....

Chapter 1

All of the Hunter and Holden family was gathered in Beth's living room, they had been asked to come round, because Jack and Martha had some big announcement to make. No-one was really sure what they were going to say.

Robbie and Tasha had just arrived to people started to quieten down hoping that Martha and Jack would tell them soon what was going on.

"Ok, well as you know, Martha and I asked you all here today to tell you something big." He started

"Right, we don't really know how to say this" Martha smiled at Jack. She was holding Harry, and she was sure that he could feel her hands shaking. Martha didn't know how they would all take the news.

"Come on love, just say it" Alf said

"We're moving" Jack finished for them

"Well that wasn't too hard to say was it" Tony joked

"We're moving to England" Martha told them all

"As you all know Martha and I went over there a few months ago to visit my aunt and uncle, and well we just fell in love with it" Jack said whilst looking at their shocked faces.

Lucas was the first to speak, "So when are you moving?" he asked

"Quite soon, hopefully in the next couple of months, we've already found a house over there, so things should go pretty quickly" Martha answered

"Are you sure this is what you want, have you looked at schools and stuff for the kids?" Tony asked. Martha and Jack smiled at each other again, they knew that everyone would have questions, and that they would want answers.

"Yes, we've looked at alot of things. In the third week we were there, we saw alot of houses, schools, everything" Jack answered. "This is what we want" he added.

"If you're sure, I suppose a congratulations is in order" Beth said

"We're gonna miss you Mac, and your family" Tash went up to hug Martha

"Trust me we're gonna miss all of you too, like crazy" Martha replied

"Then why are you going?" Robbie asked

"It's just wonderful over there, and we're not saying that Summer Bay isn't wonderful either, it's just that it's an adventure, and we have everything sorted" Martha tried to convince him

"Well, if it's what you want" Robbie gave up defeated, he didn't feel like having a fight with her about this. Martha looked over to Jack who had Connie on his lap. She was tired and needed to get home. Martha knew that Connie loved it here, but over in England, she had made some new friends, and it just felt right. They could be making the biggest mistake of their lives, but then the move could also make them incredibly happy and for that, Jack and Martha were willing to take the risk.


Three hours later and Ben and Connie were both asleep. It was eight o'clock and Jack and Martha were on the couch together.

"Do you think we're making the right decision?" Jack asked, for some reason after telling everyone doubts had started to come into his head.

"Don't you want to go anymore?" Martha asked him a bit taken aback by the question

"No, I do, just telling everyone has made me realise how much we're going to miss this place" Jack answered

"I know, we're going to miss them like crazy, but we'll come back for visits, and we loved it over there, you can't deney that." Martha told him

"Yer, it was great" Jack added, "I'm sure things will turn out just fine" he said before kissing Martha

"I love you Jack" Martha said

"I love you too, and our kids, things are gonna be great" Jack replied

Well there we have it, that was quite random, but oh wells. If you don't like it then I won't continue, but I was bored so you know. Please tell me what you think and whether I should continue :D


Their leaving me for England *cries* Nah, just kidding. BTW, near the beginning i think you called Ben, Harry, so you might want to change that incase it confused people like it confused me :P But great chapter

Please update soon :D


Yer I was thinking when I wanted to write another fic, it would be much easier if I wrote about them in England because I'd know what to put and what to write about. In Aus I really don't have a clue what's going on. Lol. Next chapter should be up soon :)


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