>>Emma<< Posted November 12, 2006 Report Posted November 12, 2006 Glad everyone's liking it, next chapter should be up soon
baby gurl Posted November 12, 2006 Report Posted November 12, 2006 wow gr8 chapter... its really different compared 2 the other fics...
>>Emma<< Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Last night I sent the chapter to Laura, so it should be up soon, but it was long and she had to split it, hopefully it will be up to night
loobieloo Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Yup I'm splitting the chapter now It was very loooooong! Should be up soon guys
loobieloo Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Chapter 2 This chapter again thanks to JackandMartha4eva (Emsypops) “Hey babe, how’s that mature thing coming along?” Emma asked Mark “Brilliant” Mark tried to sound convincing “Course” Emma laughed “I’m only immature around you and Laura, and as I’m around you nearly all the time, I just come across as immature” Mark said “Excuses, excuses” Emma joked, “But, that’s the Mark that I know and love” she added before kissing him softly “God, all you two ever do is; kiss and mess around” Becky said walking over to them. “Hey, you’re in no position to tell us off for kissing in front of you, we have to put up with it 24/7 when you’re around Paul” Mark defended himself and Emma “Yer, tonsil tennis, as Jodi calls it” Emma remarked. Becky knew that she couldn’t win, so just started muttering to herself, before Paul walked over. They kissed each other on the lips before they were interrupted by someone. “Just what we were talking about, can’t keep your hands off each other can you” Mark yelled before he and Emma walked off “What are they on about?” Paul asked confused “It doesn’t matter now, just Mark and Emma being Mark and Emma” Becky laughed “Right” Paul laughed along +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Most of the girls were back at their house, Jodi, Becky and Paul all had to stay behind as they were doing a night shoot, so the other girls had invited the boys over. They had then decided that they would turn it into a party, small scale, but still there would be alcohol, loud music, what you would expect to have at a party. Rhys was down by the stereo looking for some good music whilst the other where getting drinks. Indi looked and saw that he was on his own, the perfect opportunity. She walked over and crouched down beside him. She turned to face him and looked into his eyes. Before he knew it she was kissing him, kissing him passionately and in front of Laura. “Rhys, I thought you were different, how could you do this?” Laura yelled. Everyone stopped and looked. “Laura, she came onto me, please believe me” Rhys pleaded “I know you two have had a thing going on, at least be honest with me” Laura told him nearly in tears “Please, there is nothing going on, she came onto me, you have to believe me, you have to trust me, there is nothing happening” Rhys said a little louder this time “Rhys, just save it, save it for someone who cares. Now get out” Laura added now crying “I’m not leaving you like this” Rhys stated “Yes you are, we will look after her” Sharni spoke up “And Indi, leave aswell, you broke our trust, don’t come back” Emma spat out. “Don’t worry, I’m going, and I’m sure that Rhys will find a nice hotel with me, alone” Indi replied “No we won’t, I’m going back to my place, and you’re not coming with me” Rhys said to her “Fine, I’ll just stay on my own, either way I’ll be fine” Indi replied “See ya later” she added before walking out “Rhys just leave” Emma said to him, “We’ll make sure she’ll be alright” “Emma you have to believe me that she came onto me, I wouldn’t do that to Laura, I love her” Rhys pleaded “I know you love her, and I know you wouldn’t do this to her, let me talk to her and we’ll see what happens, I’ll see you tomorrow at work” Emma replied before closing the door and heading back into where Laura was sat on the sofa crying her eyes out. “How could he do that to me?” She asked to the rest of the people that remained “Laura, if I’m honest I really don’t think he would do it, I think it was Indi’s fault” Sharni answered “Don’t lie, we all know that there has been something going on for a long time” Laura replied “Laura, I agree with Sharni, he wouldn’t do this to you” Emma added “Laura, you have to trust us, he loves you, you’re all he ever talks about when we’re on breaks in between scenes” Mark said “You’re all just saying that to make me feel better, and if I’m honest it is making me feel better, but we’re over, I can never forgive him” Indi said to all of them “I’m going to bed, I’ll see you all in the morning” she added before heading up the stairs to her room “Do you think she’s going to be alright?” Chris asked “I don’t think so, but we’ll wait until morning and see how she is then” Emma answered “Somehow, I don’t think she’s going to get over him overnight” Sharni added “She’s going to need her friends to get through this” Mark said “Yep, and we’ll be there for her all the way” Sharni replied “Yer we will” Emma added “I’m sure Laura won’t want us talking about it though” Chris said “You’re right, so let’s talk about something else” added Mark “Right, what are we going to have to eat?” Chris replied “We’ll just order some pizza in” Sharni laughed at him. They had been getting along pretty well lately, and at the moment they had had a lot of scenes together and got to know each other well. She was starting to wonder if there was something more. “One extra large, margerrita pizza for me please” Mark said “You’re such a pig” Emma laughed at him “And? You can just share mine with me, you know I won’t eat all of it, so you can have one slice and I’ll have the rest” Mark joked, “Fine, I’m not that hungry now anyway” Emma replied “I’ll go and order it then” Chris said “I’ll come with you” added Sharni before following him into another room. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jodi had decided to go and stay at Chris’ that night. She felt like she hadn’t seen him in ages so as soon as she had finished the night shoot she was heading there. Tomorrow was her last day at work before she had the twins. They hadn’t been planned, but Jodi just couldn’t have an abortion. “Chris are you awake?” Jodi yelled through the house “Course I’m awake babe, I would stay awake for you anytime, if it meant I get to see you” Chris said walking out of the kitchen “I know, but it’s my last day of work tomorrow, so you can spend all the time with me that you want” Jodi replied “Come on, lets go and sit down” Chris said “Can we just go straight to bed, please, I’m really tired, and if we sit down then I’ll want a drink, but I’m not allowed one am I, why does being pregnant mean you can’t have any alcohol” Jodi complained “Once they’re born you can drink as much as you like, well not as much, we don’t want you to become and alcoholic, but you know what I mean” Chris laughed before dragging her up the stairs into their room. Next Morning It was Jodi’s last day of work, she wasn’t really looking forward to it. She didn’t want to leave, she wouldn’t get to see some people very often. She still didn’t know about what happened with Indi, Laura and Rhys last night, and surely that was just going to make things worse. Jodi was downstairs watching Chris make her breakfast. He was making pancakes, she had real cravings for them in the morning. “There you go” Chris said putting them down in front of her “Thanks babe” Jodi said picking up her fork. Chris looked at her plate, usually she would be scoffing the lot but she was just playing with it. “I know you don’t want to leave, but you’ll be back in no time at all, and I’m sure these two will keep you entertained whilst you’re off” Chris said rubbing her stomach “It’s just going to be such a big change, and I’m pretty sure I’ll want to go back to work after they’re born, I just don’t know how its going to feel, well I know its going to be strange” Jodi joked “Yer, it will but all of your friends will still come and visit you, and you still have me, and I’m sure you can go into the set a couple of times after they’re born” Chris told her “You’re right, I should enjoy today, it will be the last time I’ll be doing it for a long time” Jodi said before starting to eat the pancakes. Chris laughed at her, the cravings were still there. “Another one?” He asked. Jodi nodded her head and laughed. Please R&R
>>Emma<< Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Hope you all enjoy that Please comment, next chapter will probably be up tomorrow sometime
baby gurl Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 gr8 chapter....hope theres more soon!!
loobieloo Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Did you end up posting all of it? I can't remember how much I wrote, lol, I would like to congratulate myself on that chapter Only joking, Laura if that isn't all of it, when are you going to post the rest, and write your chapters??? Well SORRY I though you said to post what I thought was the right amount at a time Gawd when did you become in charge? And as you allready know, I have coursework to do so the chapters will be written after that, if I can be botherd with it.
gawguss_tiff Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 great chapter i liked it update soon
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