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Desire & Despair

Guest Drew

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Thanks for the replies!

Their relationship will be revealed later on down the track, and it also involves the deceased Katie, and dare I say it... Jack

Now this i cant wait for :D Is Dennis Jack's real daddy, and Dennis and Kate had an affair and conceived Jacky boy, but Tony doesnt know that??? :P But then why would Dennis try kill Jack :unsure:

Who knows how the Gillian's are connected to the Holdens :lol:Oh wait, I do lol

Well if Dennis was Jack's father, it wouldn't mean he would need a reason to kill him, just means he's a selfish parent like Amanda, Beth and Peter :P

Next update will be tonight.

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Thanks guys!! ^^


All this time I’ve trusted her. All this time I’ve loved her. What a fool I was to fall into her trap. Sleeping with my brother, I could understand. Payback, for when I slept with Amanda all those years ago. But sleeping with my son? She had no right to go anywhere near him… I wake up, and it’s the morning of my wedding day. Everyone expects us to be Mr. & Mrs. Baker by the end of the day… But can I go through with it? Marrying someone who has been lying and cheating behind my back…?

Amanda Vale walked through the doors of the bank, downtown at Yabbie Creek. She felt panicky, she just lost a whole sum of money, due to a stripper stealing it! And she needed that money fast, otherwise Desire would plunge into a hole. Amanda sat down in a cubicle, and began to talk to one of the bank workers there. She crossed her legs and took a deep breathe in, hating herself for what she’s about to do.

“Yes?” The elderly lady asked her.

“I’m here to make a withdrawal.” Amanda said tightly.

“What’s your account and how much?” The lady said, not sounding too interested.

“Fifty thousand dollars.” As the lady began to write the amount down, she got a shock and the pen moved all over the form.

“Fifty thousand?” She asked Amanda.

“Yes… From Belle Taylor’s account.”

“Okay. And could you tell me your pin code?” Amanda breathed heavily. She felt guilty from stealing money from Belle. But she had no other choice. Desire could go down… And Amanda Vale was going broke.

CHAPTER 13: The One Where Peter Says… You Know

As the sun began to settle on a new day, Peter walked along the beach, taking long deep breaths. Millions of things were going through his mind. He still couldn’t believe that Amanda would do this to him, sleep with his own brother, worse, his son. He felt sick inside himself, how could he fall for a person that would sink that low? Peter felt torture inside him. This was the woman he was going to marry and treasure for the rest of his life, this was the woman he loved. But how could he love her after all the things she’s done? Peter sat on the sand, confused. He stared out long into the ocean, wondering and thinking what he’s going to do. If the truth comes out and he calls the wedding off, he’s going to be humiliated. Like many people in Summer Bay, Peter had a dilemma. But what was his choice going to be?

Amanda walked through the entrance of the doors of Desire Fashion House. Walking with a fast pace up the stairs, ready to close the deal and save Desire. As she came to her office, she crossed paths with Josie. Josie looked stunned to see her there, so did Amanda.

“Amanda… What are you doing here?” Josie said with a fake smile.

“That threat the worker made to us, I’m sealing it off” Amanda said coldly.

“What?” Josie said softly. She felt defeated. How could Amanda get fifty thousand in a night? Josie knew all about Amanda’s financial problems, Josie had the connections.

“The deal, I’m closing it. If we don’t Josie, Desire is going under. And once I do, I have to go to Leah’s so I can get ready for the wedding.” Amanda said with a smile.

“Oh… The wedding… Right.” Again, Josie said with a fake smile. Josie couldn’t help but laugh, the wedding was about to be called off and she had no idea.

“I’ll see you at the wedding then.” Amanda said with a grin. As she walked into her office, Josie sarcastically whispered.

“What wedding?” Slowly, Josie took out her mobile and dialed a number. “It’s me… She’s here, ready to give you the money.” Josie hanged up and smiled.

Matilda laid slumped on the living room couch, tired and exhausted from the night before. She felt a headache forming and got herself up to get some panadol. As she crossed the dining room table she noticed a bunch of flowers sitting there. She looked at them quizzically, she was sure they weren’t there before and she was positive no one had walked through the room within the past fifteen minutes. She looked at the tag and noticed the flowers were for Sally, which had a card tied to it. Matilda smiled as Sally walked in, all ready for the wedding.

“Sally… Someone has left you flowers.” Matilda said with a smile. Sally raced over towards them and ripped open the card. Hoping that this mysterious person will come clean soon. As she read the card, she covered her mouth with her hand, shocked by what she was reading. Matilda noticed and read the card. ”Dear Sally… Tonight’s the night. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. It’s only a matter of hours my love until we’ll be together again, as husband and wife, xxx.” Matilda seemed shocked by what she read. She noticed it made no sense, Flynn was dead. Then an idea sparked into her head that maybe this person was playing a cruel joke on Sally. Matilda looked Sally in the eyes as she sat on the chair.

“Sally, what does this mean? Whose this from?” Matilda asked. Sally stared coldly into space. Moments and memories of Flynn began to rush through her mind, she began to get a little bit excited. Maybe Flynn wasn’t dead after all she thought. But that was way beyond impossible, and she knew it. She watched him die, she scattered his ashes along the ocean. Whatever this was, hopefully she’ll know by tonight.

“Sally… We better be going.” Matilda said softly. Sally weakly smiled and agreed with Matilda.

Drew and Dan began to dress each other within a room of the church. Both wondering where Peter had gotten to. They also began to talk about Dennis and Peter, about their argument at the bucks night last night.

“Where the hell do you think he’s gotten to?” Dan asked Drew.

“Probably skipping town, having cold feet.” Drew said with a laugh.

“Hey, don’t say stuff like that, you don’t wanna jynx it.” Dan said with a grin. Drew grabbed his tie and walked out the room and entered the church where he noticed people beginning to sit down.

“Hey mate.” Ric said, giving Drew a handshake. “Ready for the big day?” Ric laughed.

“It’s not my wedding.” Drew said with a grin. “It will be yours soon though.” Drew laughed.

“Yeah… Not too soon though… Feels weird though… Really weird.” Ric said scratching his head.

“Has… Has Lucas came yet?” Drew asked.

“I saw him before, talking to Hunter. They probably can’t get in anyway with all that press outside.”

“Tell me about it, so much for a private ceremony.” Drew said as Ric sat down. Drew noticed Lucas walking in and walked up to him.

“Lucas!” Drew said.

“Hey mate, what’s up?” Lucas said. Drew grabbed him by the arm and took him outside, but was then blinded by the flashes of the media. Drew grunted and dragged Lucas back into the church.

“What’s all this about?” Lucas asked confused.

“Were you the one that drugged me?” Drew said. Lucas stood in shock, he didn’t know what to say. “Well?”

“I couldn’t risk you telling anyone-“ Lucas said protecting himself, Drew gasped in disgust.

“Do you realize you’re the reason for my breakup with Belle? She’s now parading herself with that new guy, but she wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you and your drugs!”

“Hey, keep it down!” Lucas whispered. “You said last night you were cool with them together.”

“Yeah, that’s before I realized that I was drugged and had your drugs in my jacket.” Lucas shook his head and walked off. Drew sat at the back row of the church. He felt sadness inside him. He couldn’t believe how much things had change within a few weeks. He was mad that his best friend was the one who was responsible for tearing his relationship with Belle apart. Drew slowly got up and walked back into the room where Dan was… And still no sign of Peter.

At the Patterson-Baker house, everyone was just about ready to leave. Amanda sat down in her dress, staring at it towards the mirror. Belle walked in with a smile on her face.

“You look so beautiful mum.” Belle said softly. Amanda smiled and looked at her.

“What did you call me?” With a huge grin on her face.

“Mum…” Belle said smiling. Amanda gave her a hug, glad that their relationship was getting back on track. Leah walked in excitingly with the flowers.

“Are we ready girls?” Leah said with a grin.

“Yeah.” Amanda said happily. As Belle walked out, Leah stared at Amanda.

“Amanda, is everything ok?” Leah asked her.

“Everything’s great… Yesterday, I just got this feeling about Peter. How much I really love him and how I want to spend the rest of my life with him.” Amanda turned and looked at Leah. “I really love him Leah, I really, really do.” Amanda said emotionally. Leah smiled and gave Amanda a hug, ready to get the show on the road.

Dan was beginning to panic, he was on his mobile, waiting for Peter to pick up. Drew walked in and shook his head, giving Dan a sign saying he hasn’t seen Peter. Dan hanged up his phone in frustration.

“Maybe I should go and try and find him.” Dan said.

“When the church is surrounded by the press?” Drew said with a laugh. Dan knew it was a stupid thought. Dan walked into the church and noticed everyone was almost here. He began to breathe heavily and moved towards the door where he noticed Martha walk in, with Jack!

“Jack! You’re here!” Dan said with a smile.

“Yeah, we thought it was about time Jack came out of hospital.” Martha said with a smile.

“Well it’s about time, I’ll tell ya.” Dan said with a smile.

“How’s Peter, is he nervous?” Jack said with a smile. Dan didn’t know what to say and he just walked off. Outside the church the limousine pulled up. The driver got out and opened the door for Amanda, Belle and Leah. All three girls were smiling happily, excited for this day. Belle looked around and couldn’t keep the grin off her face when she noticed the press swarming around the church.

“This is what you get when you’re a name in the fashion world.” Leah said with a laugh. They moved themselves up the stairs towards the church. Drew ran out, puffing. Belle noticed and walked straight up to him.

“Drew, what are you doing?” Belle said panicking. Drew pulled Belle away and began to whisper into her ear.

“They weren’t mine Belle. I was drugged.” Drew said. Belle looked confused.

“What are you talking about? You’re meant to be inside.” Belle said embarrassed. “Go inside so we can start this wedding.”

“I don’t think there’s going to be a wedding Belle.” Drew said sounding blunt. Belle looked at him confused.

“What are you talking about?” Belle was still confused, as Drew was about to tell Belle that Peter hadn’t arrived, a car pulled up next to the limousine, and out came Peter. The media turned and began to take photographs of Peter as he rushed up the stairs of the church.

“Sorry I’m late.” Peter said kissing Amanda on the cheek. As Peter rushed inside to get changed, Amanda stood there surprised.

“Did he only just get here?” Amanda asked Leah.

The music began to play and Ryan walked down the aisle with the two rings, laid on top of a pillow. After Ryan, Leah began to walk down, then Belle. In their bridemaids dresses that Belle designed. Ric and Matilda looked at each other and held hands. Ric kissed her on the cheek as Matilda smiled back. Up at the altar, Dan patted Peter on the shoulder for good luck. Peter felt nerves inside himself. Behind Peter, Drew watched Belle take her place and just stared at her, staring at the person he lost because of Lucas’ bad habits. He noticed Belle turning around and smiling towards Hunter who was sitting a few rows back. Jealousy began to build up inside him. Everyone stood up and watched the bride walk down the aisle. As Amanda walked slowly down the white carpet, outside the church, Josie ran out from her car and ran towards the church. She couldn’t believe that Peter was still going ahead with the wedding, after what Amanda has just done to him. As she entered, she noticed Amanda and Peter holding hands, just as she reached the end of the aisle. Josie felt shattered and sat down in one of the back rows.

“Dearly beloved.” The priest began. Peter and Amanda stared into each others eyes, Amanda couldn’t be any more happier. She felt extremely guilty to the way she was cheating behind Peter’s back with his brother and son and vowed to herself that she wont continue the affairs.

“Do you, Amanda Vale, take Peter Baker, to be your husband?” Amanda sweetly smiled and replied.

“I do.” Amanda began to get emotional, she felt extremely happy.

“Do you, Peter Baker, take Amanda Vale, to be your wife?” Peter continued to hold Amanda’s hands, at the back of the church, Josie felt gutted, she was to scared to object to their wedding, until Peter replied.

“No… I do not.” Peter said with an evil smirk. People in the crowed gasped with shock. “I wouldn’t marry this lying, cheating, heartless bitch if she was the last woman on Earth.” Peter said finishing grinding through his teeth. People were full of shock, gasps were made and people began to whisper. Amanda stared into Peter’s eyes, confused. She was crushed, she felt like a thousand daggers pierced through her heart. Peter just stared back at her with a cold, heartless smile.

to be continued

NEXT CHAPTER: Loved ones are crushed when they learn about Amanda’s affairs. Relationships are torn apart after the shock of Peter’s revelation about Amanda. As people begin to turn against her, Amanda finally takes her walk of shame. And the moment Sally has been waiting for, her mystery stalker is finally revealed.

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ZOMG! Drew you're officially my favourite person now :P Go Pete! You rock! Thank goodness you did the right thing. Yay! Peter and Amanda ain't getting married. *rejoices*

When's the next chapter going to be? I can't wait to see what happens. That was so awesome. Loved every part of it.

Update soon. :D

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ZOMG! Drew you're officially my favourite person now :P Go Pete! You rock! Thank goodness you did the right thing. Yay! Peter and Amanda ain't getting married. *rejoices*

When's the next chapter going to be? I can't wait to see what happens. That was so awesome. Loved every part of it.

Update soon. :D

Thanks :lol: haha. Next update may be tomorrow. It's already been written :D Glad you liked it!

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