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Desire & Despair

Guest Drew

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So much has happened in my life over the past few years, especially these last few months. Moving out of home and moving in with Ric, becoming a model at one of the hottest Fashion House’s in Australia; Desire, and the troubles I share with my mother. But never did I expect in a thousand years that my life would take a dramatic twist, I never would of expected that I would be having a baby with one of my best friends… Question is, are we both positive?

A young couple raced up the stairs of the Gillian mansion as they began to kiss each other, step by step. As they forced themselves into a bedroom with their eyes shut and laid on the bed, piece by piece their clothing came off. As the long brown hair layered over Hunter’s boyish looking face, Martha gave him a sweet smile and shared another kiss with him. Hunter placed his hands on Martha’s back and began to run them up and down, making a stop at her thighs. As the two giggled as things got a lot more steamy, they were disturbed by a noise which came from downstairs. The two immediately stopped once wearing the moaning noise, Martha could tell on Hunter’s face that something serious was going on. As Hunter raced outside his room and ran down the stairs, Martha grabbed her clothes and ran into his bathroom to change, not noticing, a pregnancy test fell out of her bag which laid right besides Hunter’s bed, invisible to those who weren’t looking for it.

CHAPTER 22: The One With All The Pregnancy Tests

Amanda slowly walked out of the bathroom and entered the living room, looking as pale as ever. As she slumped herself down on the lounge after a loud moan, Leah came rushing in, looking somewhat concerned.

“Is everything alright? Were you okay in there?” Asked Leah as she sat besides Amanda.

“Besides me getting sick every hour or so, sure, everything’s just fine.” Amanda said with a visible sarcastic smile. Leah rested her hand on Amanda’s lap as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“You should see a doctor… You’ve had this sickness for over two weeks now.” Leah said.

“I don’t think it’s sickness…” Leah gave Amanda this weird look. “Okay. Maybe it is… At first I just thought it was all the alcohol, hence why I haven’t touched a drop since Tuesday…”

“And I’m very proud of you Amanda.” Leah said with a smile. “But?” Leah asked.

“But what?” Amanda chuckled.

“Your sentence sounded like there was a ‘but’ at the end of if.”

“No… Well yeah… There is… Leah, I think I might be pregnant.” Amanda slowly said in that sexy husky tone of hers. Leah’s eyes opened wide as her jaw dropped, feeling like she got hit by a bus after Amanda’s bombshell.

“You think you might be pregnant? Do you know who the father is?” Leah asked, Amanda gave Leah this look, telling her ‘how dare you ask me that, do you think I’m a slut or something!?’ Amanda then quickly smiled, hoping Leah didn’t hear her thoughts.

“No… I don’t know who the father is.” Amanda said getting up.

“Alright then… Well lets lay out all the possibilities.” Leah said.

“Leah! I am not a hoar, or a slut!” Amanda shouted.

“Honey I know… It’s just from what I know, you’ve slept with three men in the past few weeks.” Leah said, setting the facts right.

“Two! Not three!” Amanda said correcting her.

“Ugh, no… Three, including Drew.” Leah said wit a cheeky smile. Amanda’s mouth dropped.

“Oh… But I wouldn’t count him as a man, just half a man… He was pretty small.” Amanda let out with a weak smile. Leah stood there shaking her head. As Leah walked back into the kitchen, Amanda walked into her bedroom to get her keys to go pick up a pregnancy test. In her mind she was hoping she wasn’t pregnant. But then again, she wishes she was pregnant. Only by Peter she thought, that would be a great way to win him back.

As Matilda sat on the lounge of the Summer Bay house, painting her toenails, she heard a knock at the door. She began to smile when she noticed the visitor was Martha.

“Hey, I hope I’m not bothering you.” Martha said as she entered the house.

“No, not at all, come, sit, tell me all!” Matilda said with a smile when Martha’s smile turned to nothing.

“Excuse me?” Martha asked in a serious tone. Matilda gave her a weird look.

“You and Jack! You and Jack, Martha! What’s going on? Any news? Any babies inside?” Matilda said with a laugh as she rubbed Martha’s stomach. Martha began to stare at her, hoping she hadn’t figure out her secret.

“Ugh… Don’t think so.” Martha said, with Matilda looking disappointed. “Why?” Martha asked as Matilda began to avoid her eyes. “Matilda?”

“What?” Matilda said as she began humming.

“Are you ok? You’re humming.”

“Oh… Am I?” Matilda grinned as she continued to paint her toenails. Martha could tell that something was going on, and she had to find out what that was.

“Matilda?” Martha said again, Matilda let out a huge groan.

“Oh ok… Something is going on, or bothering me… Whatever…” Martha stared at her for a few moments as Matilda didn’t continue talking.

“Would you like to tell me what’s going on? I could really do with a talk right now.” Martha said looking at Matilda as she stopped. Matilda gave her a sad look and sighed.

“I’m late.” Matilda blurted out.

“You’re late?” Martha asked.

“Yeah. I’m late… You know, with my period…”

“Oh… Oh! Oh! Oh! What!? Matilda!?” Martha screamed.

“Martha, that reaction is not helping me deal with my confusion!”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Matilda… Have you done a test?” Martha asked, Matilda shook her head. “Well, I’ve got one here if you want to use it.” Martha said trying to find it in her bag. Matilda looked at her weird.

“What do you mean you have one here?” Matilda asked.

“Oh I can’t find it… What did you say?” Martha asked. “I can’t find it…” Martha said again, then she realized that she must of dropped it at Hunter’s. “Oh it’s at Hunter’s!”

“Hunter’s?” Matilda asked, very confused. “Martha? What’s going on? Are you pregnant?” Asked Matilda as they stared at each other.

As Matilda and Martha ran up the mall of Yabbie Creek Plaza, they entered the pharmacy, hand in hand trying to find the pregnancy tests. They began searching through all the shelves, all panicky, and sounding breathless.

“I can’t believe you might be pregnant!” Martha whispered with a strong tone.

“I would say the same back at you but you’re married to Jack so for you, your circumstances is ok!” Matilda snapped back also whispering. Martha gathered a serious look on her face, hoping the baby is Jack’s and not Hunter’s if she is pregnant. As they entered a new aisle they found the tests and smiles lit up on their faces. As they raced towards them, Matilda bumped into a young blonde female who was also picking up a pregnancy test.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” Matilda smiled as she noticed it was Amanda. “Amanda!?”

“Matilda? Martha?” Amanda asked as she noticed Martha hiding two tests behind her. “Yeah, taking the test twice normally gives you a one hundred percent result.” Amanda said as she picked up another test. “So, you think you’re pregnant Martha?” Martha didn’t answer as she picked up another two pregnancy tests, taking in Amanda’s advice that two tests would make it more accurate.

“Wow, you must really want to be one hundred percent sure.” Amanda chuckled.

“Yeah… I do.” Martha smiled.

“Well I’ll see you girls later.” Amanda smiled as she walked off. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone about this… I don’t want people to know that I’m pregnant… That’s if I am of course.” Amanda chuckled as she walked off. Martha and Matilda looked at each other, feeling as if they were both caught cheating on a school exam. As Martha’s phone began to ring, Martha handed Matilda the four tests so Matilda could pay for them as she speaks.

“Hello?” Martha spoke. “Hunter!? What’s wrong?” Martha whispered, trying not to catch the attention of Matilda.

“I found a pregnancy test under the bed Martha! It wasn’t there this morning, I’m guessing you left it there this afternoon.” Hunter spoke on the other side of the phone line. Martha’s face dropped, she didn’t want Hunter to know, now it all seemed a bit too late. As Matilda handed the four tests to the pharmacist, the old lady looked at her with a disgust look on her face and she scanned each test.

“What are you doing with all these test’s? Aren’t you a bit too young to be using one of these?” She spoke, Matilda stood there in shock, not knowing what to say.


“Here.” The old lady said, giving Matilda a pack of condoms. “Kids these days, you never learn do you. Use protection… Or better yet, don’t have sex at all.” She finished off with a smirk. Matilda stared at her for a few seconds and walked away with all four tests, and a box of free condoms.

The sun began to set that day and as no one was around to be seen, Matilda ran up the stairs and into the bedroom where she began to take two of the tests. She paced around the room nervously waiting for the results to appear. As the timer went off, Matilda raced over to the first test and picked it up.

“Negative.” Matilda said with a huge grin on her smooth face. As she moved to the next test and picked it up, she began to squint, as she couldn’t read the results. Once again she smiled, as the test read out negative. Matilda wasn’t pregnant, and she felt excited. As she threw the tests in the bin, she jumped on the bed and began to relax as one problem was now out the window.

The sun had now disappeared as Martha sat alone on the dark sands of the beach, just staring out into space. A familiar figure walked up to her, Hunter. The two kissed when they noticed no one was around. Hunter stared at her, wanting to know what the test was for, wanting to know if she was pregnant or not.

“So… What was it doing there?” Hunter said with a comforting chuckle.

“I planned to take the test earlier, but when I bumped into you, I didn’t because I ended up in your bed.” Martha said with a laugh.

“So… You think you’re pregnant?” Hunter asked with curiosity. There was a long deep silence as Martha gathered up her words not knowing what to say.

“I don’t think I am pregnant… Because I already took the test, I’m pregnant.” Martha said slowly, trying to fight back the tears. Hunter didn’t know what to say as his eyes opened wide.

“Having a baby is a good thing you know… You get to bring new life into this world.” Hunter said, trying to cheer her up. Martha began to cry as she wiped a tear away.

“Not when you don’t know who the father is.” Martha blurted out. Hunter’s smile all of a sudden flew away.

“You don’t know who the father is?” Hunter asked as Martha shook her head. “Could it be mine?” He asked as Martha nodded. “Oh my god… So what are you going to do? What are we going to do? We have to tell the others.”

“No! We can’t tell Jack and Belle. Jack is my husband and Belle is one of my best friends! Do you have any idea how much we can hurt them when this gets out?” Martha cried.

“Martha… We have to tell them… We have to tell Jack and Belle about our affair.” Hunter said finishing off their conversation as he walked off into the dark distance, leaving a shattered Martha behind as she cried on the sand.

A clock in the background began to go off. Amanda stopped the ringing as she picked up the first of her pregnancy test which read negative. Amanda’s face began to light up with happiness after reading the first result. As she picked up the second one, her smile brushed away when she noticed the results were positive.

“No, no, no, no! This can’t be right!” Amanda screamed. “Why isn’t this negative!?” Amanda screamed throwing the test on the floor. As she charged towards her room, realization began to sink into her. What if she was pregnant? Who would be the father? Would it be Peter? Dan? Or Drew? As the consequences began to sink into Amanda’s sorry heart, she began to cry as the torture was spinning around inside her head. She had to find out the truth, and she had to find out now!

Two eyes slowly woke up in a dark room, two blue eyes which belonged to Peter Baker. He was still in his position and he still couldn’t see right or even move or talk. Though he gained something back, his hearing became a lot clearer. He began to hear a familiar noise in the background. A clock ticking on the wall. Though as he listened carefully, he heard another clock ticking, and then another. When Peter’s hearing became pretty much clear, he went into total shock when he realized that his past may of caught up with his present. The clocks ticking and tocking only meant one thing to him… Danger.

to be continued

NEXT CHAPTER: As Amanda learns the fate of if she’s pregnant or not, Martha and Hunter tell Jack and Belle the truth about their affair. And while all the drama cooks up, a murderer returns to the Bay and tries to woo Rachel!

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Drew!!! That baby better be Peters!

Lol, really enjoying this mate. Its awesome :D

Btw I think you should edit this line :P

"Two gourgous bright blue eyes began to open as Peter Baker slowly woke up to find he was in the exact position that he was in when he was last awake"

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Thanks Paris, Becky and Lil!

Lil, if I wrote that, I think I would freak people out, coming from a male author :lol:

Erm.... do I really have to tell people about some of out converstations on msn :P

So, I think putting that wouldn't be a shock to me and Chrissie at all :P

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Thanks Paris, Becky and Lil!

Lil, if I wrote that, I think I would freak people out, coming from a male author :lol:

Erm.... do I really have to tell people about some of out converstations on msn :P

So, I think putting that wouldn't be a shock to me and Chrissie at all :P

:o What conversations are we talking about here?

:o I just remembered hahahaha. Was that when I was trying to fit in with you and Andy?

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Lol, I've been waiting for this chapter for ages... And, I'd like to say that it didn't disappoint at all.

This is the other chapter that I love from this story so far. I loved the reaction of the lady at the counter at the pharmacy. It's so predictable as to what they would say anyway

Yikes, I hope Peter's alright. Update soon. :D

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That was quite a chapter, three possibly pregnancies and such a different and interesting answer, One in the clear, one positive and one still completely unsure. What are the odds of that? Haha. I really enjoyed that chapter I love all the tension you are creating with this story and all the women sleeping with so many men!!! Goodness me, so many men such little time!!!!

Keep up the great work and please oh pretty please update soon!!!

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