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Kate Ritchie ready to leave

Guest brenton_06

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I just read the article in Sydney Confidential!

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She musn't die because she's been seen filming at the jail

I doubt that they'll kill her off, she'll survive and leave later on... She seemed so happy a few weeks ago and she mentioned she would stay there until she wasn't happy... Something must of happened...

It's going to be really weird once she leaves though!

...That article a few weeks ago about a longterm cast member leaving must be about Kate! :o

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I don't think Sally'll die from the stabbing,the news of Kate leaving is coming out now to make us think she does,plus i've heard what Drew said to.

This is a big shock,she's always seemed to enjoy H&A and has never said anything about thinking of leaving till now.The show'll be different without her,I wonder what'll happen to Summer Bay House and Brad who was brought in largely to give Sally a love interest.


It would be very strange watching Home and Away without Kate in it. But i can see why she may want to move on and do other things. It seems funny all these articles are coming out now when we don't know if Sally has survived or not. Im guessing it is to keep everyone guessing. If Sally was to die or leave i don't see the point in keeping Brad in the show either as he is basically only on there as a love interest for Sally.


  Ryan said:

Currently enjoying a five-week break following what she called "a really big year", the TV star yesterday revealed that she wants to be perceived as someone other than "the little girl who grew up on Home and Away".

So we know that Sal doesn't die immediately because if she had there would have been on a break for the previous two months.

That could mean a number of things....

A) That shes on a break FROM FILMING H&A


B) That shes on a break FROM WORK ALTOGETHER....

So we still have no answer :unsure:

From that my guess is Sally has gone to join Flynn, Tom, Michael, Bobby, Ailsa and co....

Its not fair really, Sally is my fav character :(

RIP Sally !! All the best to Kate. You will be missed.


I see a couple of options here:

1. The article is designed to doubt the survival of Sally. By creating this, they are bringing in more viewers and may also bring in old fans of the show because it is one of the much loved characters.

2. The filming at the prison is a hoax. The article says that a few of the actors were there so it is possible that Kate was there to make it look like the character survives. Quite a few UK soaps use this when they kill off characters. It stops the fans from really knowing until the storyline airs.


Well Kate Ritchie had an interview the day the finale aired in Australia and she was in the middle of filming she said... But then again she could be making that up.

But if they killed her off they would make a hype about it for ratings.


When i heard i considered for a second that they might be making the entire thing about her leaving up,for ratings.I'm not sure now though,can they do that?


Well Kate never said she WAS leaving. She was considering it. And with what happened with the cliffhanger, it's sure to bring back viewers.


  Drew said:

Well Kate Ritchie had an interview the day the finale aired in Australia and she was in the middle of filming she said... But then again she could be making that up.

But if they killed her off they would make a hype about it for ratings.

Every now and again though soaps keep their stories very hush hush to make them even more explosive like when Jesse killed Chloe and Barry was revealed as Josh's murderer.


I dont think she is going to leave.

They had alot of interviews with Peter saying he was happy to leave H&A to spent time with his daughter,he was then back in H&A awhile later.

I also dont think if they were going to kill off Sally that they would have Rocco kill her..It would be something bigger.

I do see Kate taking breaks though so she can film for other things,but she has always said she was happy to stay on H&A for along time.


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