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One More Chance

Guest -ParaisGal-

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Fabby chapter Paris, aww Jack is such a romantic! I'm so glad that everything is going back to normal. But what do you mean another family might suffer. Can't we just have one chapter of happiness, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

And please update soon, I loved it!


Chapter Thirteen:

“Good morning.” Jack said, grinning at Martha as she emerged from their bedroom the next morning, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

“I wish we were back at the hotel.” She groaned “I got used to the service.” She said as she lay on the couch.

“Someone didn’t sleep well.” Jack smirked.

“Someone’s a morning person!” She spat out.

“Someone’s not.” He returned, grinning.


“Jack have you seen Tony?” Beth asked as she walked in later on that day.

“No, haven’t seen him since noon yesterday.” Jack replied “Is everything alright?” He asked.

“You were the last one to see him, actually. Nobody’s seen him since breakfast yesterday. He went for a run and never came back. We’ve tried ringing him, and slowly the bay’s out there, looking for him.” She said with a sigh.

“We’ll help.” Martha said, grabbing Isabel’s three-wheeled pram, and placing her in it “Come on Jack let’s go!” She urged, heading towards the door.


“Any news?” Jack asked, hurrying into the surf club.

“No, we’ve alerted the cops but that’s about all we can do. They’re going to do something, Peter’s promised. We’re still searching for him.” Luc promised him.

“We’ll find him Jack, don’t worry.” Scott said, who’d come back to the bay a few days ago, with Hayley and Noah.

“Thanks mate.” Jack said gratefully.

“He’s practically our father how can we not worry!” Mattie said irritated.

“He’ll be okay.” Scott assured them.

“I’d like to see the Hunter’s and Holden’s, please.” Peter said gravely, at the door.

They filed out, wondering what he wanted.

“I’ve got some bad news. We found Tony Holden dead about ten minutes ago. He was the victim of a hit and run accident, and he was killed. I’m sorry, but we did everything we could.” Pete broke the news as gently as possible.

Everyone reacted differently. Mattie burst into fits of tears; Jack just stood there, staring around but not seeing anything; Lucas knelt on the ground, covering his face with his hands; Robbie stood with his mouth open; Beth sobbed hard and long for the third husband she’d lost.


“How are you coping?” Martha asked Jack unsurely later that day. He’d been at home all day, and at their request the couple had been left alone. When Jack didn’t answer she looked at him sympathetically “Do you want to be left alone?” She asked him.

He shook his head. He needed Martha and Isabel there. He didn’t want to risk anything happening to them. He couldn’t risk anything happening to them. He couldn’t lose them like he lost his father.

“Alright.” She said softly, kneeling on the bed beside him and gently wrapping her arms around him.

He felt her arms around him and he turned to face her, obviously he’d been crying.

“You can talk if you want.” She said gently.

“What am I going to do without him Mac? I don’t know, I need him. Luc needs him, so does Isabel. This just really hurts and I can’t stand it.”

“This is going to seem harsh but you and Luc need to get together and discuss the funeral. The longer you leave it the harder it is.” She said softly.

“There’s a meeting at the house this afternoon to discuss the funeral.” He said numbly.

“What time?” She asked.

“At four.”

“Jack it’s four thirty.” She said, getting off the bed and hurrying to Isabel’s room, to take her next door.


“Sorry we’re late.” Martha apologised “We just lost track of time.”

“It’s okay sweet. Luc isn’t here either.” Beth said quietly.

“I’ll look for him.” Martha said, but then nearly ran into Luc and Belle.

“Alright we need to discuss this funeral.” Beth said, trying to control her emotions.

After two hours everything had been sorted out relatively well. They’d decided on everything, now it all just needed to get sorted.


Martha held tightly on Jack hand with both of hers as he guided the pram down the church aisle. It was four days since Tony’s death, and the Bay was uniting over it.

“It’ll be okay.” Martha said quietly.

He nodded, before heading back up the aisle, where his duty of carrying the coffin awaited him.


“Tony was a great man. A great father.” Beth began talking about Tony at the funeral “He loved nothing more than to be with his kids, Jack and Lucas. Tony was an amazing man. He’s been my husband for two years, and become an amazing father to my children. You never had to ask him for a hand, he’d always be offering it. He always helped others before himself, and I know that he’ll be greatly missed by this community. I know that he’d love nothing more than to see his children grow up, and his granddaughter and future grandchildren.” She said, the emotion overcoming her as she struggled to speak but she could no more. She had a long speech but she couldn’t complete it. She didn’t want to have to complete it, because she didn’t want him to be dead. She couldn’t lose him. She just couldn’t.



Next chapt I’m gunna do my favourite trick: Speed up time! It’s gunna be around two years into the future, like in another fic I sped up time. I need it to be in two years time. Got something planned.


Oh my gosh! I can't believe Tonys dead! How could this happen! Poor everyone! Great writing though and cant wait to see whats planned that we have to go two years in to the future! lol Update soon! :)


You...you...you...killed Tony :o I dont believe you Paris. Your evil, even more meaner then me *cries* Poor Jacky and Luc :(

More please


“I’ve got some bad news. We found Tony Holden dead about ten minutes ago. He was the victim of a hit and run accident, and he was killed. I’m sorry, but we did everything we could.” Pete broke the news as gently as possible.

My jaw just dropped from the shock... poor Tony... why not Beth...

Great chapter though. Please update soon!


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