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Dan F

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Have any problems that you feel you need to ask someone about? Here you can explain any issues or dilemmas you may be suffering from and receive some guidance or advice from other members who may have gone through the same thing.

If anyone feels that they want advice, but wish to remain anonymous then feel free to contact a moderator and they can post on your behalf.

We have listed a number of hotlines below to help with any troubles you may be having. So far we have a wide specter for the UK and Norway. If you have any to add, or have hotlines for other countries, do not hesitate to contact one of us to have them added.


Centre for grief education

www.grief.org.au for support and info

Centres against sexual assualts crisis line

on 1800 806 292

Eating Disorders

Inc (02) 9412 4499

or go on www.edsn.asn.au

Family drug support


or call the 24 hour info helpline on 1300 368 186

Kidshelp.com.au or call 1800 55 1800

Lifeline on 13 11 14

The UK

Adult & Child Abuse Helpline: 0800 919 300

Alcoholics Anonymous: National Helpline: 0845 7697 555

Careline: 0208 514 1177 - open 10am - 4pm / 7pm - 10pm

(Confidential telephone counselling for children, young people and adults)

Childline: 0800 11 11

(24 hour freephone helpline. Also at www.childline.org.uk)

Compassionate Friends: 0117 953 9639

9.30am - 10.00pm 7 days a week www.compassionatefriends.org

Support and friendship for bereaved parents and their families by those similarly bereaved

Eating Disorders Association: 01603 621 414

Eating Disorders Youth Helpline: 01603 765 050

Family Matters: 01474 537 392

Weekdays:10am - 12pm / 2pm - 4pm / 7pm - 8.30pm (Helpline for anyone who has experiences sexual abuse in childhood. Offer counselling to adults and children aged 8 and over.)

London Survivors: 0207 833 3737

(Mon & Tues 7pm - 10pm, for male victims of rape and sexual abuse)

Independent Care After Incest & Rape (ICAIR): 0121 449 9097 -

Weekdays 11am to 5pm Providing telephone/ 1-1 support/ postal support, to anyone who has eperienced rape or sexual abuse.

Lone Parent Helpline: 0800 018 5026

Practical information and advice for people bringing up children on their own.

Men's Advice Line: 0208 644 9914.

Monday & Wednesday 9am - 10pm. Offer advice, information and listening support for men with experience of domestic abuse. Includes help for men in same sex and heterosexual relationships.

National Drugs Helpline: 0800 77 66 00

Overeaters Anonymous: 07000 784 985 www.overeatersanonymous.org

Parentline: 0808 800 2222 (0800 783 6783 Minicom)

www.parentline.co.uk Support for parents under stress. A confidential helpline for carers and parents of children, to discuss any issue.

Relate - Line: Tel: 01 788 573 241

Mon - Fri 9:30am - 5pm. Telephone Counselling Service - supporting marriage, relationships and family life www.relate.org.uk

Samaritans: 0345 90 90 90

for anyone who is feeling suicidal or desperate. www.samaritans.org.uk

Saneline: 0345 678 000

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide: (SOBS) 01482 26 559.

Youth Access: 0208 772 9900.

Puts young people in touch with relevant local services and counsellors.

Women's Aid: 0345 023 468

Monday - Thursday 10am - 5pm, Friday 10am - 3pm Provides advice, information and temporary refuge for women and children who are threatened by emotional and physical violence. www.womensaid.org.uk


Anonyme Alkoholikere/Alcoholics Anonymous : 911 77 770

Dixi for voldtatte/Dixi for rape victims: DIXI Stavanger har telefonvakt onsdager mellom 1800-2100. Dixi Stavanger can be reached by telephone Wednesdays between 6 - 9pm. 51 52 03 60

Foreningen 2 Foreldre/The Organization 2 Parents: 22 55 58 01

Homofiles ungdomstelefon/Gay teen's Hotline 810 00 277

Human-Etisk Forbund støttetelefon/Norwegian Humanist Associaton hotline 22 20 11 33

Incestsenteret for menn/ Støttesenteret for seksuelt misbrukte menn/incest center for men/support center for sexually abused men: 22 42 42 02 ( man – fre 09-18/Mon-Fri 9am-6pm).

Interessegruppa for Kvinner med Spiseforstyrrelser/Supports group for women with eating disorders Hotline: 22 42 22 22

Kirkens Nødhjelp (The church's Aid) Open all hours: 815 33 300

Landsforeningen for lesbisk og homofil frigjøring (LLH)/Organisation for gay and lesbian liberation: 22 36 19 48

Mental Helse Norge Hjelpetelefon (mental helath Norway Hotline): 81030030

http://www.unghelse.no/ A place to get help and guidance for everything


http://www.eetstoornis.be/ (Dutch) A page with help for those suffering from eating disorders

I have been contacted by a member who would to ask for advice from you all, but wishes to remain anonymous as it's quite a sensitive subject for them....

I would be so grateful if I could have some help and advice on eating disorders/problems in adults.

This is how I have been with my food for a while:

• Do not eat for a couple of days then binge until sick.

• Eat the same food, eg mash, or toast sometimes for weeks on end.

• Do not feel like eating so have to force myself to eat.

• Cannot eat in front of anyone.

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I'm sure I could come up with something really long to answer this with, but: get help! Yes, I know this is hard, and it's something I should have done a long time ago myself (not for eating disorder), and it's much easier to advice others to do it, than do it yourself, but this is a very serious problem! I guess you already know this, so I won't nag about it, but seriously... this is something you need professional help to cope with. Please.

And, if you need someone to talk to, I'm very PMable. I'm not saying that I can help you in any way other than listening. :)


I really would love to help but I can't as I've never encountered this problem. It's always been the oposite for me.

As Mah said get some help.

No one is going to judge you by this. Admitting you have a problem is the first step and I congratulate you for have already doing this.

Good Luck, I hope everything turns out OK for you


Hmmm..... being a guy and all i dont like to admit to this but i have had bulimia in the past (2004) so if i can be of any assistance you can pm me too.

Stay strong :)


I know people in the same situation and they all eventually got help. They said it was very challenging, but it was worth it in the end so I say go for it and get some support.

Hope you stay well,

Dean. :)


Im actually going through the same problem - I have been having problems with eating. Its like im eating something and then all of a sudden I have to spit it out because I feel im going be sick... Its a vicious cycle with me... Its partly to do with suffering from Anxiety & Panic Attacks. I have lost nearly 2 stone in weight from this but I cant seem to get out of it.

Its not Bulima or anything like that, I've seen that happen to others, its something else but I cant call it by name!!

If you need help PM me... Im here when you need me, it might even help me understand it!!


  Dazacoulls said:
Its not Bulima or anything like that, I've seen that happen to others, its something else but I cant call it by name!!

Maybe EDNOS? - Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified :)


You achived the first step you realised you have a problem well done!!!!! :):)

If you don't want to go to a doctor about it Tell someone you are really close to so that they can be your rock,once you have your rock every time you think you think your going back down the same road you can ring your rock,by doing this you adistracting yourself from the senario,but really try and go to a GP.



  DaSilva said:
  Dazacoulls said:

Its not Bulima or anything like that, I've seen that happen to others, its something else but I cant call it by name!!

Maybe EDNOS? - Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified :)

Yes could be. Im getting better with it, but I have the off days!!!

I never had a big appeitte anyway, but now its next to nothing.


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