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Dan F

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I think everyone does. In order to make myself feel better I throw myself out of an aeroplane or do 100mph down country roads on my bike. Crazy stuff but it gives me such a huge adreneline rush and adreneline is about the only thing that makes me feel good. Now that is insane.

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I have a monkey called Mungo who I've had since I was 3. I always cuddle him at night or when I'm upset. I'm not going to even try to say that I know what you guys are going through, because I don't. But Mungo is definatly my comfort. It's very cute when him and Joe cuddle up together!

Jess: Anyone who thinks that Shane and Casey are a joke need a good slapping. They make you happy, they help you through stuff. Who cares if they're voices. I read your journal entry, and I was so happy for you that things are getting better. You're so brave. I don't think I could cope as well as you have if I was in the same situation.

Penny: I'm so pleased that your Mum has found James. I'm sure you guys are going to spend many years together :wink:

About the weight thing: I weigh 70kg, I have chunky thighs and a big bum. And I have a bit of a gut. Possibly a few dimples too. I know all this. I'm happy though. Joe doesn't care, and anyone worth being with won't give a damn if you have a few flaws. I go to the gym every now and then. At the moment I'm sitting eating ome chocolate fish though and it's great!

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Personality is better than what they look like..

I TOTALLY know what you mean!

I have a friend...a, um, bigger, person, and she's a really good, caring friend. People say she's a bit big, but so what? Doesn't bother me. And yet my friend, thin, very thin, age 11, is saying she eats too much, and she has so much fat on her thighs!

THanks for sharing your story, it was really...touching.

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I think I need more support/help. After the big change over the weekend, I have been thinking hard about my opportunities in life. I've finished an NVQ in Business & Admin, am working on a computer course and have level 2 literacy.

I'm thinking of doing something that has been a dream of mine for a long time and something that I think may hurt my Ma & Pa. I'm thinking of packing up and working abroad. It may hurt Ma more because it is exactly what her brother did a long time ago. He left for Australia when he was 18 and has only been back to the UK twice.

The fact is my funding at Connexions finishes at the end of March next year and, because I turn 21, I really don't know if I will get more. Plus I am beginning to get restless with life here. And, after this year of pure hell, I think I'm ready to leave for a while. Perhaps breaking away from my family will give me the confidence I need.

I'm not saying anything to my family yet. I need to get my passport and look into it some more before I tell them.

I just want to know opinions from others.

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Tainted Muse I had this exact same dilemma. It's always been my dream to go travelling but my parents have always been 100% against it. Especially my Dad because his brother died whilst backpacking abroard, it was a car accident, would have happened anywhere but you get my point. Also my Dad's had depresssion for several years now and you know my Mum's been very sick recently, we'll I've kind have been the only adult in my family for the past three years. When I didn't live at home things were so bad I had to move home to stop my parents from completely breaking down. So you can imagine how well it went down when I announced that I was going to go travelling the minute Mum was well. I first mentioned it about a year ago and it really didn't go down too well but then I kept mentioning it, dropping it into conversation, talking about planning my trip. I don't think they ever really thought I'd do it and there was a bit of a row when I finally booked my ticket. in the end I had to sit down with them and explain how I was feeling, in that I didn't really know myself, I didn't really feel like I'd had much of a life the past three years, my confidence was at an all time low and I needed to gain back some of my independence. They still struggled with it but in the end I pointed out to my Dad that he's always resented his Dad for stopping him going travelling and does he really want to do that to me? It worked and I think they've now accepted I'm going. I reckon there'll be another row when I actually do come to go and I know I'm hurting them but its something I really need to do. I feel so trapped and low at the moment and the thought of getting away is the only thing getting me through, maybe its selfish but I know I need to do this and I'm going to do it regardless of how much it hurts them.

I hope some of my little rant was useful to you!

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I think it sounds great! Although, how are you now with going outside and doing stuff on your own?

Explain it all to your mom - I'm sure she will want you to do everything that is good for you!

I agree.

I'm posting my problem in a spoiler tag, not because it's a spoiler :P but because it deals with adult themes.

I'm sorry to be bothering you with my problems again, but today (again) me and my best friend how much the third girl in our click (more like a group of friends) has changed. I told you earlier about how she changed, but today I had to ask myself if she really is worth trying to stay in touch with.

Before she used to be a really sweet girl, she was fun to be with, and maybe a bit wild, but we could all be. We have been best friends forever (almost since we were born) and no matter how many mean girls or dramas we have had in our lives we have always come back to each other, and managed to make up after fights. Actually we have been such good friends that before the third girl came in to our lives people used to look at us as one person (it was kind of annoying) but there was always one problem, and that was "the queen of mean" (stole that line from laguna beach :P ) a girl who started in our school when we were in 6th grade. She's had a really tough life and everything, and deep down she can be a really nice person, but she can also be a real b****. She has always liked my friend, but we didn't get along that well (because we both tend to be smartmouths, and the regular stuff you know, a guy, jealousy, talk...) and we're not friends. It's not like we get into fights, but I've never liked her, and she has never liked me. But she LOVED my best friend, and my best friend really looked up to her. Now she has really changed. Since she started hanging out with new people she have started smoking, drinking every weekend, having threesomes with her new best friend (the girl I don't like) and her boyfriend, sleeping around and skipping school. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind drinking every now and then, if she wants to smoke and have threesomes that's her choice, I skip school sometimes and I believe in sex before marriage, so I would never let that affect our friendship. The reason why I don't like this, is that altogether this is an awful lot of bad stuff (in my opinion) and I think that would give you a clue about what kind of person she has become (not judging, just how she is).

She's still fun hanging out with, but with her new friend (who doesn't like us and likes to talk, NOT a good combination) we never know how much we can tell her anymore. Sometimes she tries to include us (the last attempt was inviting us to hang out with her, her friend and the guy she and I fought over...) but sometimes she also seems to forget about us. Today she even forgot my birthday, she didn't even mention it before someone else said happy birthday to me. I don't think she forgot it because she cares, it's just that with all the partying and skipping school she's a bit "distant" if you know what I mean. She didn't tell us when she broke up with her boyfriend (he broke up with her because of the threesome thing, and I that says a lot as he is like all the kids in American BratCamp in one) and she never has time for us.

We kind of have a tradition with the three of us (we have been best friends for a few years) get ready for the Christmas dance together, and this year when we asked she said she'd love to, BUT we'd have to get ready earlier because she was invited to a vorspiel (of course we weren't invited, we're not cool enough) so she kind of gave us an ultimatum: either we get ready with her and wait a few hours before we go to the dance and meet her (she'd be drunk, and not hanging out with us) or we wouldn'¨t get ready together.

I know we shouldn't take that for granted, but I mean we had a tradition, aren't best friends supposed to sacrifice a little bit for each other?

We also usually go out on our birthdays, but today it was just me and my other best friend at a coffee house. Kind of sad actually, even though she will join us for the real celebration on Friday.

That's why I ask myself if I still should put in an effort on keeping our friendship. We will probably always be "friends" (or some kind of friends) but I feel like this is in my and my other best friends hands now. On one hand we don't wanna lose her, but on the other hand she's no longer the person we used to know, and what if she never will be again?

Sorry to bother you with my problems again, but as I said I don't like to talk about this stuff (I like writing much better, I know it's petty but I like writing letters after fights instead of talking because if I talk I just get nervous and we end up fighting. I couldn't write to her though, that would be too hard, and as I said I don't know if I can trust her anymore) so I was really hoping for some advice.

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