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Dan F

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Excellent posts Penny and Tainted Muse.

Tam at the risk of sounding like I'm getting to you I really think you need to speak to somebody. Either you do have a serious problem with your weight and body image via your obsession with being thin in which case you need to speak to somebody before it gets out of hand. Or you have a problem in that you want to shock people around you into reacting with your posts, ie you want their attention and that too can have serious implications if you don't speak to somebody.

I have to admit your original post really offended me and I was even more offended that you thanked me for the advice but then basically ignored everything I'd said.

It seems to me that you don't actually want our advice you want us all to feel sorry for you. Sorry if that's harsh but you've really made me feel like crap just now and I feel like responding. Petty but what the hell, go ahead, ban me...

Merc I think you should do both. You'll get an awful lot from both options.

I dont have an ED, I want to be thin enough so I can look good in dresses and also be healthier, I dont want my bones sticking out but i want to be thin as in size 8-10, is perfect to me, but the problem with me is I have no self control sometimes I go out and buy food, dream about food but in the end never atcually get to do it?? I want to eat in moderation .

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I dont understand what your trying to say ^^^ I just want a few tips in how to lose weight in under 2 weeks,Ive heard that people lose 4 pounds in a week, Im just too impatient to see me visually get thinner in 3 months I cant wait that long, I do want to lose the weight in a healthy way

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I'm sorry Tam but I can't give you any advice at all on losing weight in a hurry because as I've said repeatedly I 100% disagree with it. I believe that if you genuinely want to lose weight then you have to have the patience to see it through over time with a healthy, balanced diet and good exercise regime. There is no easy way to lose weight or we'd all be doing it. These people who lose weight so quickly do so by crash dieting and crash dieting can only go one of two ways. Either you lose weight and instantly regain it, usually far more weight than you had before and lots of things like your skin, your general health will suffer or you continue to crash diet. That is what is known as an eating disorder. Neither of these options are healthy, neither are good for you and neither will keep you slim in the long run, both will only ever make you sick. Sorry if its not the answer you're looking for but its the only honest answer to give.

As for wanting to have an 'anorexic mind' as you mentioned in many of your previous posts - there is no such thing. Someone with an anorexic mind has an eating disorder, they're sick, they have problems and thats not something to envy. Maybe I've misunderstood the gist of what you were trying to say Tam but I feel you've repeatedly insulted and offended me with your thoughts in this thread so thats the last response you will ever get from me. I have nothing more to say on this subject.

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I just have one thing to add, and this is not just for you Tamxxx, it's just a general thing about the subject:

The first step is to admit you have a problem, and the hardest part is often to admit it for yourself.

You've probably heard this about drinking problems, but it goes for eating disorders too.

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I'd say it go for everything. I've had suicidal thoughts since I was at least 8 years old. I even remember telling my mother I wanted to die. I've been suffering from depression/bipolar disorder for as long as I can remember (still working out accurate diagnosis, hence the /), and it's only in the last year or so I've started to admit this for myself. It's scary as hell, I'll tell you!

I've already suggested to Tam that she'd get some professional help - both for her obsession with food (she says she can't stop herself from eating - that can be an eating disorder) and help for her family. Other members have tried to respond in a civil way to what appears to be either a) the thoughts of a sick girl or b) the thoughts of a attention seeker (which, is also a disorder), but she won't have any of it, and although several members have said they are hurt and offended by her, she won't take any heed and doesn't listen at all. As Skyakt, this is my last response to her. If she can't listen to people telling her she's hurting them, she won't listen to anything, so I won't waste my time on telling her repeatedly that she might have a problem and how she could start dealing with it.

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I'm sorry Tam but I can't give you any advice at all on losing weight in a hurry because as I've said repeatedly I 100% disagree with it. I believe that if you genuinely want to lose weight then you have to have the patience to see it through over time with a healthy, balanced diet and good exercise regime. There is no easy way to lose weight or we'd all be doing it. These people who lose weight so quickly do so by crash dieting and crash dieting can only go one of two ways. Either you lose weight and instantly regain it, usually far more weight than you had before and lots of things like your skin, your general health will suffer or you continue to crash diet. That is what is known as an eating disorder. Neither of these options are healthy, neither are good for you and neither will keep you slim in the long run, both will only ever make you sick. Sorry if its not the answer you're looking for but its the only honest answer to give.

As for wanting to have an 'anorexic mind' as you mentioned in many of your previous posts - there is no such thing. Someone with an anorexic mind has an eating disorder, they're sick, they have problems and thats not something to envy. Maybe I've misunderstood the gist of what you were trying to say Tam but I feel you've repeatedly insulted and offended me with your thoughts in this thread so thats the last response you will ever get from me. I have nothing more to say on this subject.

Sometimes anorexia is choosed as part of a life style like a pro- ana forums I have been to

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