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Dan F

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Ok I'll try my best here as I'm on the same age as your step daughter (lol)

I have a girl in my class who sounds really much like Danica. She's slept with 11 boys in 2 years and everyone knows where to look if they want something.

I've never had any contact with her at all but some weeks agos he opened up to me and told me the reason why she did it. When a boy tells her that she's pretty she jumps into bed with them because she feels loved then - I myself have had the same boys after me, but I've turned them down (don't know why though :P)

You should try and tell her that it's for her best. And now that I think about it, the only reason why I've stayed away from some of those boys was because my sister told me how she felt and what she did when she was on my age, and I have to admit that I was shooked about some of the people.

I don't know if you have any personal things that's happend in the past but if you do it could help her, or atleast get her to listen for a while.

And I agree with Merc. Ask her if she needs someone to talk to and if she's not on the pill then help her get some..

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Okay i think i need help im extremely shy too shy and my uncle has just come over from over sees I havent seen him for like 5 years and my parents have gone out bascially its just me , him and my sister is in the other room im freaking out because its silent and i dont know what to say i feel so silly , I always do this im terribly shy??? how do I overcome this, I feel like im alienated from everyone and feel retarded sometimes because im so shy :blink::blink:

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Things just get awkward, that's all. Just sit and let conversation come to you, if it doesn't then it doesn't matter. It only becomes stupid, weird and silly if you make it that way. If you just get on with something else (Watch TV) then you won't feel like the situation is so weird. I bet your Uncle's too involved in something else to even notice. (men..)

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I used to be shy. Then I just started talking about random things, like TV shows and... um... well, mostly TV shows. It was up to other people if they understood what I was going on about and wanted to join in :D

Personally, I find it better to expect that no one will listen or care what you have to say. Then you can't be disappointed. At least YOU'VE made the effort. Of course, if they do listen and do care, well that's just a bonus.

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My friend has been really upset about her life at home. She says her parents are horrible to her and when her little brother does something to her and she's about to do something to him, her parents give out to her and won't listen her through. They don't really care about anything in her life part from her grades. They want her to be friends with her type of people not anyone else from a different country because they think her religion is right and they don't like any other religion.(she's not my best friend, just a friend). I think it's a bit racist...

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I'm really struggling at the moment guys... since my Mum went into hospital I've been the family slave, I've been getting up at 6 putting washing on, making my sister and my Dad breakfast, seeing them off to school, putting the washing out, doing the dishes, cleaning the house then going to work. I finish work at 2 go straight the hospital come home, get the washing in, make tea for everyone, do the ironing, then go back the hospital. I'm the only person doing any driving so I'm the family taxi, Dad's drinking too much, my sister Kerry lives away from home and my other sisters 16. I also keep everyone, family and friends up to date on whats going on because my Dad refuses to speak to anybody. Yesterday morning Mum came home, she's really tired and still pretty ill so I've basically been caring for her round the clock. Anything she wants, she gets. Last night she came upstairs though and saw that my room was a mess and really laid into me saying I was a lazy cow. I didn't sleep at all last night because I was so upset. Today I came home from work and found her starting to tidy my room even though she's meant to have total bed rest but when I told her off she went mad saying that if I'd done it myself she wouldn't have to do it and I was so lazy, I did nothing around the house. I haven't been able to stop crying since. I'm exhausted, over emotional, work are getting at me because I'm taking time off, I feel like everybodys slave but that nobody appreciates it. I also feel like nobody actually gives a **** about what I'm going through, my Dad and sister cry on me, mum uses me as an emotional punchbag and today my nan cried on me too. I tried to tell her how I was feeling and she burst into tears and went on about how Mum was just feeling depressed at not being able to do anything. I understand that and I understand that I'm the closest to her so she's taking it out on me but that doesn't help how I feel. I just feel like I so badly need to just get out of here and go get pissed and lose it or do something stupid just so somebody will realise that I'm struggling too. My two best mates, one lives in London now, the other is on holiday in Lapland and all my other close friends are either in Uni, have just had kids or have their own troubles. I'm probably being a complete dramaqueen but I just don't feel like I can take too much more but if I do or say anything I'm being selfish and don't I realise the family needs to pull together at the moment?

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