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Dan F

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Mar have you spoken to a Doctor about the problems in your shoulders? If its a physical thing physio might help. If its psycological then it would seem to link in with what you said about your past and you already know that the only way for you to deal with that is to confront it. Did you ever email that counsellor? There are always people to listen its just that sometimes they're not the people you want to listen to you if that makes sense and a real friend never has problems too big that they can't help you with yours aswell, provided that works both ways.

Angelrose phone them, that's what they're there for and can it really do any harm?

BTW I'm feeling a bit happier now, I just watched High School Musical with my little sister and its the most ridiculous thing I ever saw. Its so cheesy and horrible but I laughed all the way through and it was just what I needed. Now I'm going to get the other thing I need, a nights sleep. Thanks to everyone who listened to my venting before, feels so much better getting stuff off your chest.

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Aww Kat, bless you. I don't think your been a dramaqueen at all, I think your doing an excellent job . I think you family are putting on you way more than you need right now. You need to let off steam, deal with your emotions too, aslo have your own life too. You only get one chance at it. Let them know It's been a difficult week or so for you too.

I know its hard for your dad, nan, sister to cope, but thats no excuse for thier behavour. You've been everyone's rock for a long, long time!! It's time to look after number one! YOU!!, It might seem a mean thing to do. But thats waht everyone else seems to be doing, looking after them selfs. But who's going to be there to pick you up!!! No one!! it seems.

Even though you other sister lives away and has a demanding job, is she supportive to you!! if so? could you confind in her, a problem shared is a problem halved!

Hope things improve, very soon for you Kat!

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jeh-jeh thanks for your kind words; I wish I deserved them but I'm greatful anyhow.

I go through stages about my disabilty; it's like I hate it but I hide behind it to. It's my emeny & a friend at the same time; it's the enemy that's trying to stop ever being a girlfriend or whatever but the friend keeping me safe from those pains to.

I know I'd a useless girlfriend because I wouldn't even know where to start but it would still be nice to have someone to be around at Christmas or whenever.

I gave up alcohol a while ago (my choice), but right now if I thought anything would be different when I sobered up I'd get hammered.

I can't see the future just now.

Wow. It's like you read my thoughts and posted them. Only, I don't have a disability. Just some imperfections that I could change if I really wanted to, but like you, in a strange way they're a comfort. As long as I'm not physically perfect, I can pretend that that's why people don't want to be around me (which is something I've decided myself - no one's ever actually said it to me). And then I drink to make myself more appealing, and it works. Not because I'm a "better" person when I'm drunk (which is what I tell myself), but because it's the only time when I'm able to switch my brain off and therefore not think about what I'm doing and what people think of me. So then It's easier to talk and be myself. I actually think I'm a bit of an alcoholic (shock! I know!) but I don't really want to stop drinking, just drink less and not always use it as a way of "being me." I want to find some way to do that without having to get hammered first.

Skykat, I don't know what to tell you. You obviously care a lot about your family and keeping them together. I can't imagine caring that much about anyone. I'm just not that kind of person. I know that sounds horrible, especially when you're talking about your family, but I honestly don't know that I could be around people who treat me like that when I've done so much for them. I think you need a holiday. I think you should leave for a weekend. Go visit your sister. Take your little sister with you so that she has a chance to study without the stress of your parents. Maybe then, after a couple of days of nothing getting done, your parents will realise just exactly how much you do do for them.

Sigh. I guess you can't do that because of the risks involved. It's just a really hideous stressful situation. I wish I could help :(

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okay, I have a problem. I tried out for school captain, and I put my application in, then decided that I shouldn't do it, because I need to stop failing maths first. Yesterday, the teacher that I asked to take my application out, gave me the interview time, and told me that another teacher had put me back in again, and that i had to do the interview.

So, do i do the interview and risk getting it, or fail delibreratly? What do you guys think?

And Merc, here's a hug, because I don't know what else to say, except, you may have to eventually see a doc if it gets worse. *Hugs*

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