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Dan F

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Just after I posted last night, a friend came to help me go to bed (my parents were out) & I was able to vent to here so I'll feel better for a while & I'm going away next weekend so that'll be a good break.

Thank you guys for listening.

Kat, I'm so glad you feel even a little better.

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Di and Em, thanks for your replies, I'm feeling so much better after getting a good nights sleep. Think I was just being over dramatic because I'm so tired and I kind of snapped some of what I was feeling at my mum earlier and we had a bit of a talk. She appologised for taking her moods out on me, the thing is we've always taken stuff out on each other and I'm as guilty of doing it to her in the past. We've decided to try a bit harder not to use each other as weapons for now. She's organised for my nan to come in and cook for everyone tomorrow so I can go out for a few hours and shes going to ask her mum to help a bit more when she gets home from Cuba on wednesday. I am going on holiday soon after christmas so I'm just clinging onto that for now, I'm going to try talking to my Dad, see if I can't get him back to his counsellor about his drinking. Don't know if it'll work or not but like you say I needed to do something. Its only little things but OI feel a bit better and I've decided I have to tackle my eating straight away, I've not eaten a decent meal in weeks, I never feel like my own cooking so I've kind of been living on chocolate, fruit or crisps, things that don't require cooking or most of the time I've just missed meals altogether. Now I'm feeling a bit more together that has to change because I still find it far too easy to slip into old habits, especially when theres no-one to keep track of what I'm doing. I've just eaten cereal and toast, I felt sick because its probably the biggest meal I've had in a while but I managed to keep from throwing up so I'll make sure I eat lunch aswell. I think not eating properly is part of the reason I've been feeling so worn out aswell.

Thanks for everyones support though, I really appreciate being able to dump my troubles in here while Donna's on holiday and Stu's in London but they'll both be back in a week or two so that'll make things easier.

AngelRose I'm so glad you got somebody to talk to and I'm glad you feel better, still sending hugs though alright?

Mar, do you want me to help you with the email? I don't mind if you want me to. I think its something you really need to do.

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I'm in a bit of a dilemma.

Boyfriend is going to this Christmas-get-together with his job today. At the café I used to work at, and where I had a major breakdown (which led to days in the dark, serious thoughts about suicide and a self-harming incident). Should I go? I'm not sure I'm the right headspace to be alone at night right now, but at the same time I'm not sure I should go back there. I haven't been back since it happened.

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This is a really difficult one. On one hand you're scared of being alone and on the other you're scared of going somewhere you don't want to go. My head tells me that you should go to the cafe and confront your fears about it. At the end of the day it wasn't the cafe that caused your breakdown it was your problems, the cafe was just the trigger that set things off. At another time in your life the cafe might have been a great place to work, it just happened that it wasn't the right time for you to be there, if that makes sense. My gut instinct is to tell you to go, put your fears aside and enjoy yourself with your boyfriend. You already know I believe you have to confront things in order to move past them.

On the other hand though I get that this is a deeply personal thing and the best advice I can give you is to go with your gut instinct, whatever your body is telling you you should do, do it, no matter how scary that is. You say you're not in the right headspace to be alone tonight but you don't necessarily have to be. Theres pretty much always people on here or on messenger you can talk to, I know its not the same but I'll be around tonight if you do stay in. I don't get a life at the moment so aside from watching the X-factor and taking my sister to and from work I'll be on messenger all night if you want to talk.

Only you know whats right for you at this moment in time and thats why you're the only person who can decide whether to go or not.

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