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Dan F

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Hiya I need help on stress Im doing AS levels on geography, chemistry , biology and pschyology the thing is im finding chemistry and biology the most hardest I revised quite alot for biology and chemistry and on a mock exam paper got D's for both I am frustrated this girl who sits next to me is so clever i think she is abnormal she got 8 A*, 2A's and 1 B, and She is getting A for every subject she is doing in AS level and the lowest grade she got was a B and the lowest I got was a U or an E.

She is nice a girl, and good in everything but i cant help to feel jealous when she always get A grades she says she found the chemistry exam hard and then everytime she says this and after she sees her results and she gets a staight A whereas this time I had a mock and I thought would get a B and i got D im like WTF I thought the test was easy and I ended up gettin a D arghh it makes me so frustrated and jealous of other clever people hwo can they do it i think they are abnormally clever :blink:

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Stop comparing yourself to others, you are your own person and a D is a pass at AS, you can't judge it as being equivilant to a D at GCSE because it's not, it's better. Just chill out about it a bit, I know you think that's easy for me to say but I'm in the same position as you, struggling with my AS's whereas others seem to be breezing through, different people deal with things in different ways. I know this isn't easy to hear but there are always going to be people better than you, but equally there are always people who aren't as good! If you need a confidence boost compare yourself to those who aren't as good as you at chemistry, I know that sounds nasty but it works lol!

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Exams are different for everyone and there's a world of difference between GCSEs and A Levels/AS Levels. Biology and Chemistry are never going to be easy whether your getting an A or a D ( i would know :( ) the most important thing is to just take it one day at a time and try your best. It will probably get harder but just hang in there and keep going with it and the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to someone else. The exam you just did was only a mock, so look through the paper to see where you made your mistakes and make sure you ask for help (sounds simple, but you'd be amazed at the number of people who don't) and as for this girl you say your jealous of, why not try asking her how she prepares for exams, maybe you two can even work together on some of the topics, i found that working with people i usually wouldn't work with helped me at times, if you work with someone that gets it right all the time and you see that you know the stuff as well you become more confident, (if that makes sense).

Hope some of the advice helps and like i said just hang in there and try your best...oh and STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS.

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Most people find it a bit of a shock when they take their AS levels, as you expect to get the same grades as GCSE, but it just doesn't work like that. There will always be a select few who breeze through without a care in the world, but they don't reflect the majority - they're just lucky. There's no point comparing yourself to people like that because, harsh as it may sound, you'll never come out on top. Concentrate on yourself rather than other people and realise that, although you might not get the grades you're used to, that doesn't mean you aren't doing well. You should also know that it generally gets easier in the second year - you still might not get straight As, but you can pull yourself up by a grade if you put the effort in.

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It seemed like a really good idea to log my mood - and my mood swings. Problem is, it has led me to analyze every twitch I get, every laughter, ever smile, but also ever sigh and lonely feeling. It's like I'm just walking around, waiting for something to happen, good or bad. Mostly bad. I've marked a few small downs since my last up almost two weeks ago, but that was when I was busy with exams and stuff. Now, I don't have much on except waking up in the morning and maybe get dressed around two in the afternoon or so. It's not like my life sucks all that much or anything right now, but I'm starting to feel really lonely. And I've started to feel like my loneliness makes me push myself onto people who doesn't really want to be with me.

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