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Dan F

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I totally see what you mean! I have no idea either why I am like this - although, I do have some reasons, but I don't feel like blaming anyone or push the blame, so to speak.

I think it's great how you want to start doing things to build up your self-esteem next year - that's really fantastic!

I hope I'll be able to continue uni after Christmas. I've had so many, and so frequent, downs this past few months where I've had trouble keeping up appearances (you see, I've only just started to reveal my true self and the depression/bipolar disorder to myself, and I've yet to reveal anything to the people I'm closest to at school. One of them works with and are friends with two of my friends who know, so she might have picked up on something, but if she has, she's never let it slip that she knows). Some days I just want everyone to know so that I won't have to lie to them.

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I realized something the other day.

The last down I marked in the calendar was about three weeks ago.

I had a down last Thursday (as in crying, intense feeling of loneliness, and all other things which are symptoms of my down periods)

That makes two weeks in between (the downs can last a couple of days/a week - it's not always that I notice the ups so much. They just happen.)

I also had a down while in Germany,(crying, loneliness etc), two weeks before the last one - a little over a month ago, with other words. Coincidence?

Before the last two marked downs in my calendar I've suffered from migraine-like symptoms (not strong or bad enough for me to be bedridden but they have me dizzy and nauseous for days on end), and I found this just now:

"[...]Researchers have found that depression is three times more likely with people suffering from migraine than others. Migraine is also connected with a higher risk of anxiety disorders, especially panic attacks. The highest frequency of migraine is found in the sub-group of pasients with bipolar disorder."


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I don't know. I've never, ever, used the word "depression" when talking "in real life" with anyone other than my boyfriend. The friends I have that know, most of them don't even live in the same country as I do, and the only one that does - we talk over the internet. I have huge problems communicating, my feelings, and everything else "in person". So, letting the uni-friends know - I don't know how to do it.

I guess it would be better, and I guess it'd made my life easier, I just don't know how to.

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