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Dan F

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Had a party at mine for Hogmanay last night cause dad, stepmum and all the younger kids are away on holiday. They have Ellie with them! I miss her, it's stupid!

Few random people turned up at the party who I would rather weren't there, people from the past and stuff but it didn't cause too much bother.

I'm sorry that some people feel so alone and things .. I don't really have much advice to give, sorry. I used to feel like that, all the time .. never felt more alone in the world than when I found out I was pregnant at the age of 13. But yeah, I've gotten through it, if I can .. so can you guys. :)

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I feel so unbelievably stressed right now. I've got AS modules in a couple of weeks, and they absolutely terrify me. My parents expect me to do amazingly well. And I know they should just expect me to do my best, but I can't help worrying that my best is not as good as they expect it to be. I've tried revising, but everything just goes in one ear and out of the other! Argh.

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I remember my AS modules being very stressful. Pressure to do well from parents just adds to it. Revising isnt easy, especially during the holidays, but don't give up on it. Keep going with it and try different techniques of revising to find something that does work for you. Just do your best, no one can ask for more than that. I'm sure you'll be fine. :D Good luck

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I'm really stressed. I'm back to School on Monday and I just cant bare the thought of going back. I was very relieved to be on Holidays, because I have been having Nervous Breakdowns during Tests. Recently I have got weird pains in my Stomach and Hips and I don't know what it means, its also slowly moving up to my Chest. Sometimes when I wake up I have to lay still and hold my breath because it hurts to much. I found that they go away after breathing out alot and yawning. I've been trying to ask my Parents but I cant just bring it up. Everybody been so stressed in the last few Years, they'll blame it on them and I don't want them to. My Friends arnt very nice to me, except for Sara being my best Friend. I am also so worried about her because she went to this Party and a guy asked her out and I hear he treats girls very badly. He had been caught shouting at one of his recent Girlfriends and pressuring her. So I'm scared that he'll do that to Sara. I don't know what to do about her, my Pains and my stress. I've filled in a College Application but am to scared to send it in.

I'm also worried about my relationships to People. For example I feel I need to help Sara about it especially when she helped me through my Anorexia but I feel I cant and that I should give up. I don't know how to treat my Family and Friends, I don't socialize as much as I used to.

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First of all, I hope you're ok! :)

Like I know your whole post was saying how you're not but I hope you're still hanging in there.

I know it sounds a whole lot easier to say than it does to do .. but try not get too stressed out. If you worry too much about something, even if you do know it well, you'll probably be so stressed that you just won't be able to concentrate.

About the pains you've been getting, you should tell someone and most likely go to the doctors to see what the cause is. It may just be because of the stress but don't you think you'd feel better if you found out? I'm sure your parents would rather know too. They'd want to help you, no?

If your friends aren't very nice to you, they aren't very good friends. I'm not saying ditch them, maybe just say something to them about the way they behave towards you. If they don't start being nicer then they're not worth it. I'm glad you have Sara though.

Does she know about this guy's reputation? Also, things tend to get exaggerated, he might not be as bad as he's made out to be. But if he is, all you can do is be there for your friend should anything go wrong. She'll thank you for it.

As for not being as sociable, does Sara have other friends? Maybe you could go with her one time that she goes to see them? Then you'd still have the comfort of Sara being there but you'd be meeting other people too.

Hope this helps!

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Had a party at mine for Hogmanay last night cause dad, stepmum and all the younger kids are away on holiday. They have Ellie with them! I miss her, it's stupid!

Few random people turned up at the party who I would rather weren't there, people from the past and stuff but it didn't cause too much bother.

I'm sorry that some people feel so alone and things .. I don't really have much advice to give, sorry. I used to feel like that, all the time .. never felt more alone in the world than when I found out I was pregnant at the age of 13. But yeah, I've gotten through it, if I can .. so can you guys. :)

Oh my gosh, you had a baby at thirteen?

Wow. You must be one strong girl!

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First of all, I hope you're ok! :)

Like I know your whole post was saying how you're not but I hope you're still hanging in there.

I know it sounds a whole lot easier to say than it does to do .. but try not get too stressed out. If you worry too much about something, even if you do know it well, you'll probably be so stressed that you just won't be able to concentrate.

About the pains you've been getting, you should tell someone and most likely go to the doctors to see what the cause is. It may just be because of the stress but don't you think you'd feel better if you found out? I'm sure your parents would rather know too. They'd want to help you, no?

If your friends aren't very nice to you, they aren't very good friends. I'm not saying ditch them, maybe just say something to them about the way they behave towards you. If they don't start being nicer then they're not worth it. I'm glad you have Sara though.

Does she know about this guy's reputation? Also, things tend to get exaggerated, he might not be as bad as he's made out to be. But if he is, all you can do is be there for your friend should anything go wrong. She'll thank you for it.

As for not being as sociable, does Sara have other friends? Maybe you could go with her one time that she goes to see them? Then you'd still have the comfort of Sara being there but you'd be meeting other people too.

Hope this helps!

Thanks :) It helps so much. I'm trying to tell my Parents about these Pains, but I cant. Not after everything else they have been through. But, I guess they would want to help. The thing with my Friends has been going on for ages, just about Three Years. After I beat Anorexia when I was 14, they just completely went off me. Sara's been my Friend since Primary, though she's Two Years Younger. She hasthe same Friends as me, except for some in her Class but she just talks to them in Class. She knows what the Guy has done to his Girlfriend. one of my other Friends, who moved to England not that long ago, is Friends with his Sister and when she was doing Homework with her, she saw him getting really angry and almost Slapping his Gf.

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