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Dan F

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20 out of 36 days with headaches/migraines/whatever-it-is so bad I cannot do anything but be in pain on the couch.

6 down days in 36 days (not counted: days that are down but not further down)

6 up days in 36 days (not counted: days that are up but no more up that usual - a continuation)

I'm losing it. I've tried to keep my mood up during the pain, but I don't think I can anymore.

Migraine patients are more prone to get depression than other patients, they say, and wonder what came first. The migraine or the depression.

Stupid gits, I say.

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20 out of 36 days with headaches/migraines/whatever-it-is so bad I cannot do anything but be in pain on the couch.

6 down days in 36 days (not counted: days that are down but not further down)

6 up days in 36 days (not counted: days that are up but no more up that usual - a continuation)

I'm losing it. I've tried to keep my mood up during the pain, but I don't think I can anymore.

Migraine patients are more prone to get depression than other patients, they say, and wonder what came first. The migraine or the depression.

Stupid gits, I say.

Wow that's really bad! :shock:

My cousin was having problems with magrines and her back but the pain went away slovly after she got pregnant, now I'm not saying that you have to try that, but could it be something hormonal (The exactly thing happend to my mum too, but she dosen't have any problems with migraine noe)

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Yes, but I'm not reacting to anything right now. It's been a warm winter, I'll admit to that, but it's also been raining for the past two months (more or less daily) so the pollen couldn't spread even if it wanted to.

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I need help. More like advice. I know it should be in the thread where it's about guys and all but I need expert opinions from both sides.

A really good friend of mine has been asked by her boyfriend to change. And she's willing to do so just for him. They've been in a relationship for nearly 4 years now and all of a sudden, he's asking her to be someone that she's not. And it all has to do with his selfish reasons. Apparently, he wants to maintain some face/reputations and apparently she's ruining it for him. She says that she doesn't care anymore that she's changing for him but I personally think that it's stupid. He's asking her to be someone that she's not and I can tell that she doesn't want to but she will do so because of him.

In my opinion, if someone said they loved someone, obviously it's because they love them for they are and not for who they're not. If he had no problems with her before why ask her to do so now? And, they've been arguing and arguing and arguing til the point that she's given up and that she's just going to change just to keep him.

I've tried to tell her that no guy is worth changing who you are for. I mean, if you change for the better yes and I know that since she's met him, she has changed and matured from who she was when I first knew her. But, he actually doesn't give a damn about how she feels. When she tells him about it, he doesn't care. He just says that it's none of his business. That she's the one who has to change for him.

I've tried to tell her that relationships are all about giving and taking. Yet, she's always doing the giving. She never receives anything. And, basically, she's yielding to him. I've asked her why she is doing this and she says she doesn't know and that she doesn't care anymore. She doesn't give a damn about what he does anymore. When I asked her if she was willing to be in an unhappy relationship, she said it didn't matter. That as long he was happy she was fine.

I have no idea what to do anymore. Any advice would be of great help and I would be extremely grateful for it. Once again, sorry if this is in the wrong thread but I'm really at my wits end at the moment. I know that you might think that I'm being selfish about this but I really don't see the point about her having to change while he just stays the same person.

Thanks very much in advance, guys. :)

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I agree with you Chrissie,relationships are give and take and he obviously doesn't care about her if he's more concerned about his reputatuion.All i can really say is listen to her and be there for her when it all falls apart.Experience has told me she probably won't listen and will need to find out the hard way.

Sorry it's not whart you wanted to hear but that's my 2 cents worth.

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Thanks Lynd. Appreciate it heaps. I told her that if she ever needed to talk or anything, that she'd know where to find me. It doesn't stop me from worrying about her tho. But you're right about one thing. She's definitely going to just stay with him. "Until someone sweeps" her "off her feet." [the quote was hers]. And she's not listening to me which is my fault in some ways because I keep telling her what an idiot he is. Her answer that was that she didn't care.

I don't know if she's saying that because she knows I'm very honest and straight to the point person or that he's driven her to the point that she really just doesn't care anymore. I really don't want to lose her because of what he's making her do tho.

Once again, thanks very much, Lynd. :)

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You're welcome :)

You're right,i bet he's made her believe she doesn't deserve better becourse he's made her feel that she isn't good enough for him.I don't think you'll lose her,be a friend and she'll appreciate it when she needs it most..when she realizes what a loser he really is! :)

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You'll still be able to talk to her, and I'm sure either she will go back home on holiday for a few days/weeks, or you will visit her during your holidays.

Thankyou, but one problem...

I live in Sydney, Australia, so its kinda hard to do what I quoted above

If only I knew how to fly.

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