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Dan F

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Chrissie, I'll talk to you on msn.

Reo, I read your post, im sorry though I have no idea what to say.

Ok, this is probably a really dumb question.

I have been with someone for the past 5 or 6 months, we were really tight and spoke everyday, I love her, but latley I hardly even think about her anymore, but I should because Im with her. Does this mean I dont love her anymore? :unsure:

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Shannon - It's natural for feelings to change, i'm guessing you've haven't been in contact that much lately with her and if that's true when you're not in contact with someone that much you don't tend to think about them as much and if you are in contact with them sometimes other things are on your mind and nothing seems to remind you of them so in that case you don't think of them.

Maybe other people are on your mind not exactly in that way, but i find when i have deep conversations with people either on here or on msn these people seem to stick in my mind afterwards, what i'm saying is if neither of you are in contact at all or not much then you're not going to think about them as much as say your other friends or people you speak to on here because you may have spoken to these people more.

Anyway hope that helps! Even if it's a little bit that's good. :)

I think i have managed to say the same thing over and over again :P but oh well. :wink:

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You're welcome :)

You're right,i bet he's made her believe she doesn't deserve better becourse he's made her feel that she isn't good enough for him.I don't think you'll lose her,be a friend and she'll appreciate it when she needs it most..when she realizes what a loser he really is! :)

Yeah I think he has made her feel that way. I spoke to her today but she's not in a talking mood but she said that she thinks that things are alright between them now. And I told her that I'd be there for her no matter what so I'm going to leave it at that. Thanks again, Lynd. :)

Shannon, what Aaron said is right. Sometimes, when you don't speak to a person for long, it tends to happen. And I know why you haven't spoken to her in a while and stuff. Either that, or I guess, maybe things have changed. Who knows. But I'll speak to you about it later when you're on. :D

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I think what you said, is okay to think about. But maybe, you should try talking to someone about this.I know that that takes a lot of courage, and I couldn't do it when I was depressed, but I think you can. But if you don't want to, then maybe talking to someone one on one online, and just talking about all these things may help. Just a friend or someone. it may make it easier, or help just to hear someone else's views on the subject.
If you ever want to talk, just add me to msn from my profile.

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Shannon - It's natural for feelings to change, i'm guessing you've haven't been in contact that much lately with her and if that's true when you're not in contact with someone that much you don't tend to think about them as much and if you are in contact with them sometimes other things are on your mind and nothing seems to remind you of them so in that case you don't think of them.

I think more about someone that did 5 years ago that I never met more then my own girlfriend, Im not exgagrating (sp) either. :blink: Well I hadnt spoken to her for about 2 weeks before today, but I didnt even feel like talking to her, sh was online, I just didnt talk to her..she kept asking if anything was wrong or if I had something on my mind, I said no, so I lied to her. She said when we began to go out about 5 or 6 months ago that if I ever broke up with her she would kill herself and I dont think she was joking, cos not that long ago she was in hospital because she tried to kill herself. I dont know what to do, I dont think I even love her anymore, maybe I should break up with her :unsure:

Oh and thanks Aaron and Chrissie.

Edit: Ignore my post, I just broke up with her.

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I'm feeling horrible. It hasn't been more than 14 days since I had my last down, but every time seems like the first when it comes to pain and the need to self-destruct.

I hope you're feeling better today Mar. All I can say is try not to focus on how bad you're feeling when you have a down day, but concentrate on the positive aspect (i.e the fact that it's been so long since you last had one). You seem to be doing well at the moment, so don't give up. It's quite likely that the time between your down days will get longer and longer, as long as you don't worry too much when it does happen. Does that make any sense at all? :unsure:

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I agree.

Maybe if you don't think so much about when your next down day is, you won't have them as much? I don't know though.

I just had a huge argument with my best friend's boyfriend. He gave my number to his brother even though he knows that I'm seeing someone so I just (politely!) asked him if he could not do that and he just got really angry .. started swearing and insulting me and stuff. I don't know what I'm supposed to do because his girlfriend and me are really close. :blink:

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