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Dan F

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Mez! Thanks for been honest about not knowing what to say! Think if I was helping someone out in the same situation, I’m in. I’d feel the same. Thanks for the hug too.

Kat! Thanks for the support, yeah I hope and think it’s the right thing we are doing too.

AngelRose! Thank you for support and giving me an insight about what it is like, in special school. Yes I do cherish every second, of every day I have with Tom.

Jess! Thanks again for the support; I think anything is going to be better than the situation he’s in right now.

Thanks you for taking the time to reply, also thanks you for the hugs, and support. I’m going to need all the support I can get, to help Tom and myself through our ups and downs.

I’m glad I have great friends like you to help me .

:) xx

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Di, I honestly don't know how to respond or what to say so this is from the heart.

Right now, reading your posts, I am in tears. Your strength and your love for you beautiful and amazing son moves me in a way I have never been moved before. We moan and complain about our problems but ours are nothing compared to yours.

Life is a bitch and both you and Tom deserve so much better. If I could trade my life in for you two to be safe and well, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Di, you are the most wonderful and the most caring mother. The way you are taking care of everything should be an inspiration to everyone here. You deserve so much.

Tom, sweet Tom, you rock. You just... rock so much and there are no words to describe just how awesome you are. In the few times you have graced us with your presence on here, you have brought sunshine to this board. Keep on rockin' man. But a warning... if you get cheeky with Momma Di, I will a come a knocking <_<:P.

I love you guys so much *hug*

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Omg muse Jess,!!! blimey your post making me cry now, I'm so touched,because those are the some of the kindest word someone's ever said to me.

Thank you! thank you soooooooooooo much.

He's my inspiration Jess, thats how I get through every day.

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Di, I've just read the last few posts and i dont know what to say in response either.

My problems in life seem like nothing compared to what yours and Tom's must be. Nevertheless reading it has been an eye opener.

I think it's good that you have shared some of it with us, cause you and Tom really are an inspiration.

Now I don't know if this is going to help you in any way, but it's what i've said to others and have had others say to me and at times it has been helpful.

Just take each day as it comes, make the most of life, have a few laughs, treasure the memories and have absolutely no regrets.

I'll be thinking of you two.


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I have a question about hair. I had gum stuck in the front of mine not long ago, and my friend (she said that she knew what she was doing...yeah right...), she cut it, and now at the front, it's short. The rest of my hair covers it, because it's at theback of all the front hair. My hair is long, past my shoulders. how long do you nthink it would take for it to get at lease to my eyes?

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I am quite tearful at the moment....so please excuse me if this post does not really make much sense...In the early hours of this morning a friend of mine died after a short illness. He died peacefully, it was not unexpected but it still seems odd, unfair and unreal and that he is no longer here. However, I also just watched the programme on BBC2 about Helen House which was incredibly moving and did help me to try and make sense of it all and accept what I am feeling. What a wonderful place Helen House is, and the woman who runs it was amazing. I am dealing with things and am looking at the situation positively whcih is what my friend would have wanted ...he saw something positive in everything...but I just wanted to share that I am finding from experience here and now...and from the loss of a close relative a couple of years back...that it isn't something to fear... which in the past I thought it might be. My friend decreed that we would not war black at the funeral...we all have to go in a bright outfits...the wake will be the party to end all parties ...he even chose the DJ and the music..and there will be a Bruce Springsteen song played at the Funeral service. It also made me question my own mortality...we all think we are going to live forever..and wonder about what i would like my family and friends to do.

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