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Dan F

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How does about *counts* 15 years older sound.. ? I dont want to be with her, I just want to know why all of a sudden I fancy her, I dont exactly call fancying some one older by this amount normal.

Ok and I wouldnt exactly call us friends, I just see her about 4 times a week when I go to the video shop.

I couldnt possibly tell her, she would completley flip out and tell my parents. Plus I wouldnt know how to say it.

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Its completely normal to suddenly develop feelings for someone. Its wierd but if you're having a down day and somebody smiles at you that automatically improves your opinion of them and you can start thinking about them more and the more you think about it the more your crush develops. If that makes sense. I've done it loads of times, its perfectly normal. There might be something about her you really like or admire and in thinking about that thing you start thinking about other things about them that you like, hence the beginnings of a crush.

Crushes usually pass of their own accord, especialluy if you don't want to act on it. The other thing I find is that I only really get crushes on people I can't have. When I can have them I'm suddenly not interested anymore. I think its more of an admiration thing a lot of the time if that makes sense.

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Things at home kind of suck at the moment. One day back in October of 2004 we had a visit from my uncle which is totally weird as her hates my mother with a passion. So when I answered the door and saw him standing there I practically had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Hating that I was going to have to indure an awkward conversation I hugged tightly onto the door handle and tried to see what he wanted. When I noticed his eyes I immediately(sp?) let go. They were all red and looked a wreck. So he came in and we did the whole "Can I get you some tea?" crap and he told me what was going on. My grandmother had passed away some hours agao and he'd been trying to ring me. My Mum was at the shops as I couldn't have been bothered to go and get the milk myself which made me feel even more guilty. So while we waited for her to return he stood staring around the place. To be honest it was a mess! I was suppossed to be tidying while she went to the shops but sat on my arse watching the music channels. And he was looking around the place like he clearly didn't want to be here and when he asked for some water it was like he was inspecting the stupid glass! I had to resist the urge to tell him to get out. Anyway when she got back and walked in to see him standing there she looked terrified; real vunerable, I didn't like it one bit. I had to turn my back as he told her and try and block it all out. When he'd done his bit and told her he left me to pick up the pieces and look after her as she cried her heart out. We had planned to visit her that day and everything but I was being lazy and persuaded my Mum to go on the Sunday instead. Which in turn made me feel even more guilty. He came back down to give us a lift to the hospital to say our goodbyes but I couldn't go in. I just didn't want my last memory to be of her lying lifless with tubes hanging everywhere. The funeral was horrible amd my Mum practically had to be dragged screaming from the chruch and I was trying to keep quiet about all the little comments my Uncle was making about what was suitable for a girl of my age to be seen wearing. He dropped us off home and hasn't spoken a word to my Mum since. The other day he came to bring my Christmas present. He wanted to come on Christmas as Christmas eve wasnt good for him but I told him no; I just didn't want him spoiling such a happy day! So after seeing him again I feel all weird. My cousin and I know talk as she got a phone for Christmas but seeing him for the first time in a year was horrible. He asked about school etc. and I told him how it was but after that it was just an awkward silence. A few more comments and he was gone. Didn't even lok at my Mum once nevermind wish her a (very belated) Christmas. So I was feeling so angry and annoyed that I followed him out and gave him back the gift card and told him to shove it. When he was gone I felt like a right cow and regretted it but I was just so p***ed off! So I was texting my cousin today and she rang me and put him on the phone. I bit my nails the whole way through and he told me he'd prefer it if I didn't text her again. My hatred for him has grown even more and I just needed to let it all out...

Rant over!

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Okay guys, i'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but i'm really upset.

I have this real fear of taking pills. I know it might not sound like much, but it’s really upsetting me. Lately I’ve been quite ill, with a high temperature and stuff, but whenever my doctor prescribes pills, within seconds of taking them I usually throw up or at least dry retch/choke. At first my doctor thought that because I’m allergic to Penicillin, I might be allergic to other medications too. But I don’t think this is the case, and nor does my doctor because lately I’ve even been struggling to swallow my birth control pills, which until very recently I’ve been fine with.

My doctor says that because of this, she thinks it isn’t a physical reaction, but a psychological one. When I was little I choked on a sweet and almost died. Even though I don’t remember this happening, because I was so young, my doctor say this might be the reason I got to automatically throw up whenever I try to take something. It’s really affecting me because I realise that there are times when I need to take medication.

I only started to take pills a couple of years ago. I was incredibly ill, and my doctors (where I used to live) told me if I didn’t take the pills, I’d end up in hospital on a drip. So I forced them down, and after that it seemd to ease, because I felt this sort of sense of accomplishment when I managed to do it.

But that just doesn’t work anymore. Every time I know I have to take a pill, I start crying (like I am now, because it’s hard for me to talk about it) and I just get this really horrible feeling. I really don’t know what to do anymore.


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Okay guys, i'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but i'm really upset.

I have this real fear of taking pills. I know it might not sound like much, but it’s really upsetting me. Lately I’ve been quite ill, with a high temperature and stuff, but whenever my doctor prescribes pills, within seconds of taking them I usually throw up or at least dry retch/choke. At first my doctor thought that because I’m allergic to Penicillin, I might be allergic to other medications too. But I don’t think this is the case, and nor does my doctor because lately I’ve even been struggling to swallow my birth control pills, which until very recently I’ve been fine with.

My doctor says that because of this, she thinks it isn’t a physical reaction, but a psychological one. When I was little I choked on a sweet and almost died. Even though I don’t remember this happening, because I was so young, my doctor say this might be the reason I got to automatically throw up whenever I try to take something. It’s really affecting me because I realise that there are times when I need to take medication.

I only started to take pills a couple of years ago. I was incredibly ill, and my doctors (where I used to live) told me if I didn’t take the pills, I’d end up in hospital on a drip. So I forced them down, and after that it seemd to ease, because I felt this sort of sense of accomplishment when I managed to do it.

But that just doesn’t work anymore. Every time I know I have to take a pill, I start crying (like I am now, because it’s hard for me to talk about it) and I just get this really horrible feeling. I really don’t know what to do anymore.


Im exactly like you when ever im ill and need paracetomol or any tablets which is in a solid form i kind of freak out and cant get it down my throat, however it isnt as bad as you like throwing up or choking. I think many people might have this fear as well, my friend choked on a sweet because she was laughing and accidently choked i was there with her it was pretty scary, but anyway I think you should just take lots of and lots of water have a napkin ready lol because some water might spill, i know this isnt the most practical solution but thats how i actually over come my fear of swallowing a pill, sometimes i try to swallow doesnt gte down and ends up dissolving in my mouth. But anyway thats my advice drink lots of water with the pill sorry i couldnt help more :)

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I have a friend who's just like that. She hates pills, and would rather have a screaming headache for a week than eat painkillers.

I'm not like that, but I used to be. I think how I got used to it was because I have a lot of allergies, and I had to start taking some really small pills. They were so small there wasn't a problem at all, and now I don't have any problems swallowing pills.

Now, I'm not suggesting you should start eating small pills to get used to it :P , but the way I managed to start swallowing them (the small ones, I freaked out about them in the beginning) was just as Tam said, to drink a lot of water.

What I usually do is I tap the water, and have it ready, and then instead of throwing the pill into my mouth like a lot of people do I just place it on my tongue and drink water. Trust me, if you just manage to pretend you're drinking a glass of water you won't even notice the pill.

Also, drink a lot more water than you have to right after you have swallowed the pill, that way you get the feeling of the pill in your throat away.

I'm not sure if that was helpful at all, but I thought I'd share as it helped for me :)

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Things at home kind of suck at the moment. One day back in October of 2004 we had a visit from my uncle which is totally weird as her hates my mother with a passion. So when I answered the door and saw him standing there I practically had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Hating that I was going to have to indure an awkward conversation I hugged tightly onto the door handle and tried to see what he wanted. When I noticed his eyes I immediately(sp?) let go. They were all red and looked a wreck. So he came in and we did the whole "Can I get you some tea?" crap and he told me what was going on. My grandmother had passed away some hours agao and he'd been trying to ring me. My Mum was at the shops as I couldn't have been bothered to go and get the milk myself which made me feel even more guilty. So while we waited for her to return he stood staring around the place. To be honest it was a mess! I was suppossed to be tidying while she went to the shops but sat on my arse watching the music channels. And he was looking around the place like he clearly didn't want to be here and when he asked for some water it was like he was inspecting the stupid glass! I had to resist the urge to tell him to get out. Anyway when she got back and walked in to see him standing there she looked terrified; real vunerable, I didn't like it one bit. I had to turn my back as he told her and try and block it all out. When he'd done his bit and told her he left me to pick up the pieces and look after her as she cried her heart out. We had planned to visit her that day and everything but I was being lazy and persuaded my Mum to go on the Sunday instead. Which in turn made me feel even more guilty. He came back down to give us a lift to the hospital to say our goodbyes but I couldn't go in. I just didn't want my last memory to be of her lying lifless with tubes hanging everywhere. The funeral was horrible amd my Mum practically had to be dragged screaming from the chruch and I was trying to keep quiet about all the little comments my Uncle was making about what was suitable for a girl of my age to be seen wearing. He dropped us off home and hasn't spoken a word to my Mum since. The other day he came to bring my Christmas present. He wanted to come on Christmas as Christmas eve wasnt good for him but I told him no; I just didn't want him spoiling such a happy day! So after seeing him again I feel all weird. My cousin and I know talk as she got a phone for Christmas but seeing him for the first time in a year was horrible. He asked about school etc. and I told him how it was but after that it was just an awkward silence. A few more comments and he was gone. Didn't even lok at my Mum once nevermind wish her a (very belated) Christmas. So I was feeling so angry and annoyed that I followed him out and gave him back the gift card and told him to shove it. When he was gone I felt like a right cow and regretted it but I was just so p***ed off! So I was texting my cousin today and she rang me and put him on the phone. I bit my nails the whole way through and he told me he'd prefer it if I didn't text her again. My hatred for him has grown even more and I just needed to let it all out...

Rant over!

^^ Reading this was like having a flashback to what happened to me not that long ago. Being caught up in the middle of something like that is akward to say the least and a different experience for each person. I'm sorry about your grandmother, and hope that you and your mum are ok.

I can relate to the whole loosing your cool and telling him to shove the christmas present, and regretting what you did/said afterwards. Know all about that all too well. But im my opinion there's no point in holding on to that and getting angry about it for too long. (And apologies are only worth something if you think you need to apologise and mean it.) The best thing is to let go and just get on with things, which is easier said than done.

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Okay guys, i'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but i'm really upset.

I have this real fear of taking pills. I know it might not sound like much, but it’s really upsetting me. Lately I’ve been quite ill, with a high temperature and stuff, but whenever my doctor prescribes pills, within seconds of taking them I usually throw up or at least dry retch/choke. At first my doctor thought that because I’m allergic to Penicillin, I might be allergic to other medications too. But I don’t think this is the case, and nor does my doctor because lately I’ve even been struggling to swallow my birth control pills, which until very recently I’ve been fine with.

My doctor says that because of this, she thinks it isn’t a physical reaction, but a psychological one. When I was little I choked on a sweet and almost died. Even though I don’t remember this happening, because I was so young, my doctor say this might be the reason I got to automatically throw up whenever I try to take something. It’s really affecting me because I realise that there are times when I need to take medication.

I only started to take pills a couple of years ago. I was incredibly ill, and my doctors (where I used to live) told me if I didn’t take the pills, I’d end up in hospital on a drip. So I forced them down, and after that it seemd to ease, because I felt this sort of sense of accomplishment when I managed to do it.

But that just doesn’t work anymore. Every time I know I have to take a pill, I start crying (like I am now, because it’s hard for me to talk about it) and I just get this really horrible feeling. I really don’t know what to do anymore.


I had the same thing when I was a little kid and my parents used to cover them in my food (now when I think about it, I feel like a cat or something :P) but then I had to start taking pills cause my cousin was pulling all my hair out and my parents were afraid I'd loose my (angel)hair, so I had to take this unbelivable ugly pills. I could use that wather trick because the taste was so ugly etc etc..

I dunno what I did in the end (it's about 10 years ago) but now I don't have any problems with pills. I don't need the wather anymore, infact I don't use at all :blink:

But the wather trick works if the pill dosen't taste bad :P

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